Could someone help me with guide/way (ofc other than purchasing xD) of earning coins??

Wanna try out this coins/flowers thing sooo bad :((((

Thanks in advance :)

You earn them from contributions. 

Ohh, thanks. And is there a guide on - how to contribute?

No problem! Have a great day. :)

uh dumb q,, but what are coins used for?? 


uh dumb q,, but what are coins used for?? 

Right now they can be used to buy flowers to put your favorite actor or actress on a popularity leaderboard but there may be more uses coming for them in the future.

That is what I have found/seen so far. You can go to the profile page of your favorite star and buy flowers, 80 a week maximum


You earn them from contributions. 

Do you know how much you have to contribute to earn coins? 


Do you know how much you have to contribute to earn coins? 

I believe one edit equals one coin, and 6 coins equal 1 flower. 

Weird, this.. So confusing. First, 1 coin should mean 1 flower. 

Also, exactly what "contributions" earn you coins? Any time I try to edit something, I feel morelike I am bothering someone, than helping (often I got my edits rejected, too.. so I am kinda shy posting those now).. Isn't "contributing" also daily posting my current watch, my ratings, my reviews? Who's to say every member has to do the same kind of contributing. Earch person (due their weak & strong suits) is active in their own way. Also it wouldn't be desirable everyone would be active in every way lol:) 

Now these "flowers" are just virtual. You are told your "stars" won't even get word of it. On the other hand, you should use REAL money to buy those?? Like $1.99  for 500 coins? $199.99 for 80,900 coins? Something STINKS. Also, if those "flowers" can be bought with MONEY then they do not really represent LOVE of the fans. Sorry! Might sound harsh but I am honest.


Weird, this.. So confusing. First, 1 coin should mean 1 flower. 

Also, exactly what "contributions" earn you coins? Any time I try to edit something, I feel morelike I am bothering someone, than helping (often I got my edits rejected, too.. so I am kinda shy posting those now).. Isn't "contributing" also daily posting my current watch, my ratings, my reviews? Who's to say every member has to do the same kind of contributing. Earch person (due their weak & strong suits) is active in their own way. Also it wouldn't be desirable everyone would be active in every way lol:) 

Now these "flowers" are just virtual. You are told your "stars" won't even get word of it. On the other hand, you should use REAL money to buy those?? Like $1.99  for 500 coins? $199.99 for 80,900 coins? Something STINKS. Also, if those "flowers" can be bought with MONEY then they do not really represent LOVE of the fans. Sorry! Might sound harsh but I am honest.

It's like a game. :) People spend real money on virtual currency in games all the time. It's a cute little way for MDL to get financial support - and anyone who can't or doesn't want to spend money, can instead contribute to the database. (Make sure to read the entire guidelines for editing very closely, then your edits are very unlikely to be rejected. ;))


I believe one edit equals one coin, and 6 coins equal 1 flower. 

Hmm that's weird. I recently started editing a bit  and it says on my page that I have 53 edits but I don't have any coins at all