Hi, guys. I started a book last month, but stuck at 13th page so not much to say here... just passing by :p

Hello dear, I'm new to this thread and hope to join the book club, please take care of me.

As for which books I want to be reading this month, I'll go with finishing "Dandy Tale (Kabukimonogatari)" by NisioisiN. It's a light novel, but it's also written in a proper novel format, unlike many other light novels, with minimum illustrations (only 2 as usual). The story is a continuation of the previous "Monogatari" light novel volumes, which is about oddities (mysterious beings), characterization and Japanese folklore. The narration is fun, and follows a specific scenario of lots and lots of dialogues, mostly building on the character explorations at the beginning, introducing a problem almost half-way through the novels and very short resolve chapters that comes at the end of each novel.

I'm not a big fan of books in general, I used to get bored easily, still I have read my share, mainly biographies, religious books and novel stories. BUT I'VE gotten deeply interested in Japanese Light Novels recently, especially long running titles that goes on for 10s or 20s volumes (some of which are adapted into anime too). Now it's my interest to finish a few of my favourite series (Spice and Wolf, Monogatari Series, No Game No Life, Zaregoto and Haruhi Suzumiya Series)

 Sassy queen:

Rawa about the religious books please post about them I would love to read them 

Oh. sure I'll try posting about them next time with my updates, tho I'm a Kurdish, and most books I read are translated to Kurdish, meaning it's not the original ones, and some I read in Arabic but never got to finish them, more like browsing through since my Arabic is really bad, I just have a very tough time understanding the words.

Hello dear, I'm new to this thread and hope to join the book club, please take care of me.

Welcome to our book club, dear @Rawa!


Welcome to our book club, dear @Rawa!

Thank you so much :)

Hello dear, I'm new to this thread and hope to join the book club, please take care of me.




thank you dear.

hello. i'm late (again!) and don't have much to say about my reading experience from last month, as I only finished one book and it was On Earth we're briefly gorgeous by Ocean Vuong, which was another quick, semi-biographical and intense read. I think it's my thing now, ha. Vuong wrote really personal and unapologetic introspection into one's identity. And it explores that theme on many different levels - national, cultural, generational or sexual. Very raw, bold and almost uncomfortable at times. Poetic from the start to finish. A little bit pretenious when it doesn't need to. Definitely worth a read.

aaaand I'm currently reading Charade by Knut Hamsun. 

For July, finished volume 1 for Skate Into Love.  Still working on volume 2.  I plan to finish volume 2 before school starts in the middle of August.

Hope you're already feeling better :)
Reading can wait till you feel like returning to it anytime!
Take good care of yourself xD

Oh no! I hope you recover well. Have a happy birthday :D

Thanks! :-)


Hi, guys. I started a book last month, but stuck at 13th page so not much to say here... just passing by :p

Your comment made me smile because it reminded me of a word I recently came across:  "triskaidekaphobia", which is a fear of the number 13  xD

 Sassy queen:

Rawa about the religious books please post about them I would love to read them 

If you are interested in religious books, have you read any books by Karen Armstrong? I remember we used some of her books in Uni (I did few religious subjects as electives). 


Reading-wise, I have nothing to show for July; I made very little headway and didn't complete anything. My health was acting up and I spent most of my free time watching dramas, my version of comfort food. I have no firm reading plans for August; it's my birthday month and I want to be carefree with it.

Hope you have a good birthday month  and are feeling better. Take care

July-August Book Update

I just finished reading Silent Reading by priest, which i started at July 1st, and it contains 5 books with a total of 1530 pages, so for me to finished it in one month is honestly quite a feat! No wonder, it was a very compelling read, followed with a complex protagonist with such depth that you can't help but root for.

August Reading:
For August, today I'll start reading Faraway Wanderers by Priest. Hope I'll enjoy the ride.


Your comment made me smile because it reminded me of a word I recently came across:  "triskaidekaphobia", which is a fear of the number 13  xD

Haha! I hope to get back soon coz it was actually interesting, I'm just choosing my movies xD 

Anyway, happy birth month to you!