River Cloud:

Hi everyone (^_^) How do I join the Drama lovers Book club?

You just did!
Welcome to our book family!

Looking forward to sharing your book reading progress and recommendations with us :)

 River Cloud:

Hi everyone (^_^) How do I join the Drama lovers Book club?

Welcome, just share the books you read every month and your feedback if you want. That's what I did ?


Welcome, just share the books you read every month and your feedback if you want. That's what I did ?

Alright thankyou (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)


You just did!
Welcome to our book family!

Looking forward to sharing your book reading progress and recommendations with us :)

Awesome ( ꈍ‿ꈍ)

So I finally finished a book this month. 

I liked parts of it, but I don't think it needed to be as long as it was. The writing of their physical chemistry was really good.

This month I went to my first kpop concert (I'm still not over it. Will never be over it tbh) and then was on a kdrama binge. 

It seems like I either watch kdramas or read, I don't do both at the same time? Although a publisher sent me a book before publishing that I've picked up and am really enjoying while also watching a kdrama so maybe things are changing?

I read one book this month (round of applause please).

 A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. This book has been on my to read list for a while but I  found it in a used bookstore for super cheap a few weeks ago so I finally picked it up.

It's relatively short, the artwork is so beautiful and atmospheric, and the story is just ... wonderfully executed. It's so interesting how the author chose to portray this specific idea. It explores dealing with grief in such a fantastic way and even though I've finished it about a week ago, I still find myself thinking about it. I highly recommend!

4/5 Stars.

Hi, guys. I finished the first three books in the Dune series: Dune, Dune Messiah, and Children of Dune

Not gonna lie, the first book in particular was a slog to read. Not because it's bad, but because it's rather challenging to follow--you're dropped into this alien world and everything is unfamiliar. I'm glad I picked up the paperback version and not the ebook because that way I could easily consult the terminology section. I think I've only really started to enjoy it in the last third. After the first book, the next two were practically a breeze.

Now, I'm not a great reader of sci-fi, but I think I understand why Dune is such a classic. The world-building is fantastic, and the author Frank Herbert threw some interesting topics to mull over. I'm currently reading the fourth book in the series, God Emperor of Dune. Fingers crossed I'll manage to finish it over the weekend instead of spending the entire time watching dramas or something ;p



This month I re-read a collection of poems called "Dinitra"  ["transpiration" in English] by Georges Andriamanantena known under his pen name Rado, a Malagasy author. I wanted to go back to my childhood, to find a part of my roots and especially in this troubled period to remember how these writings had inspired me, taught me tolerance, love, the ravages of discrimination, war, how they pointed out the inequalities in society.

Edit: His writing  is about unrequited love, distance relationship, apartheid, the war in Vietnam, etc...

One of his mythical expressions is "Andrianiko ny teniko, ny an'ny hafa koa feheziko" which he borrowed from Henri RAHAINGOSON (free translation: I value my language and I master those of others).

hey guys!! 

sadly, I have only read one book this March T^T and that is this book....

The one thing about this book that I detest is the names; there are so many names and nicknames for individuals that I have to turn back to check who it is, but otherwise, I truly enjoy the plot and it's fantastic!! I truly recommend this novel. MXTX novel, as always, never disappoints. :)


The Inheritance Games
Hey, Kiddo
If you go into this book anticipating a foreboding romance, twisted family dynamics, complex riddles or even some good mystery, get ready for disappointment.
It's a great memoir-graphic novel, sadly not my style.

I know that for bookworms, nothing beats a hardcover book. BUT if you are ever interested in listening to an audiobook instead, I just recently came across these DRAMATIZED audiobooks. Basically, the narrator is using actual emotions like an actor and they also insert background noises that are happening in the story. I heard the entire 1984 this way and it was one of the best experiences I've had. I felt like I was reading a book because I had to imagine each scene and expression but simultaneously it was like watching a movie.

Here's the link : 1984 complete dramatised Audiobook - YouTube 

3.5 / 5.0

My three books from Feb/March =>

Han Kang - Menschenwerk (English title: Human Acts) 
It covers the incidents of the democracy movement in Korea the 1980's and the aftermath of the protagonists in the form of a novel. I found that one really intensive, it shows especially how hard it was and still is to carry on with your whole live if you and family were involved. The virtual thoughts of a corpse after being killed by the soldiers and stacked up on a pile was utterly intense. After reading that book some might understand even more why that topic is still so sensitive today. 5.0/5.0

Sayaka Murata - Das Seidenraupenzimmer (English title: Earthlings)  
Kind of a story to show the outcome of modern japanese society like how everybody has to function and follow what is the norm and expectation of society reflecting in the life of two kids who just don't want to...additionally covering child abuse by a teacher. While I dig the topic and necessity to cover those things, especially the ending ruined it for me as it was your cliche japanese bloodbath, so 2.5/5.0

Durian Sukegawa - Die Katzen von Shinjuku (English title: The cats of Shinjuku)
A nice slice of life/romance story taking place in a bar in Shinjuku in the famous Golden Gai area (go there if you got the chance !). I liked the story involving the stray cats and how the FL and the ML get closer while struggling with life. Though also here the ending was too bittersweet for me. Your usual  "if they would have just talked earlier thingy" 3.5/5.0.

Hope everyone had a good March and has an even better April ♡ 


March Update:

I managed to finish four books.  All of them were YA SciFi and Fantasy. My favorite was probably Lost and Found.


Everless and Evermore by Sarah Holland - This was an interesting duology about a kingdom where you could buy and sell time.  It was a cool concept, but I couldn't get super sucked into the story.

The Jewel by Amy Ewing - This was this weird dystopian scifi about selected commoner women becoming surrogates for nobles because they can't have children for some reason. The girls who are selected basically have no other purpose except to do this and aren't treated like humans.  Honestly, dystopians are not my thing and I really did not like this depressing novel.

Lost and Found by Orson Scott Card - This was a fun novel about teenagers with micropowers.  It's got a snarky teenager in it and I found it amusing and exciting.