
A kínai drámák gyakran (nem mindig) túl hosszúak a rendelkezésre álló cselekményhez képest, ráadásul utálom a magas csikorgó hangokat (szinkron). Ráadásul a színészi játék összességében jobb a k-drámákban.

I agree.
Plus, there’s a lot of multiplayer drama, even if you don’t have enough action. Confusing and slowing down.

KDramas were my gateway to Asian dramas, but I have recently started watching more CDramas. One reason I tend to watch more KDramas, and it has nothing to do with show quality, is simply because there are generally fewer episodes.  I can commit to 16-20 episodes of the average KDrama but a lot of the historical CDramas extend past 50 episodes. I honestly don't have the attention span to commit to something of that scale. It is one of the reasons I started watching KDramas in the first place.  I appreciated the story being told to completion in what is equivalent to one season of a US series. The other difference I've noticed that I prefer is usually the setting in KDramas. They don't seem quite as urbanized. I like the smaller, warmer feeling I get when watching them. The first few CDramas I watched were all about living in a big, flashy city where everything is bright and shiny. It's not the same aesthetic. 

I think on average kdramas are more watchable than cdramas . But  the best cdrama is 100 times better than the best kdrama . That's my situation. 

For me personally, Korean drama stories (and also Doramas) usually make more sense even though they are fictional.

but if I want to watch a light drama, I usually watch Chinese dramas. I love to see Chinese actors cos ummm.... their faces are smooth like porcelain, and the female actors have beautiful clothes like goddesses. Haha. 

Just my thoughts.... :)

This is late I know, but I kinda wanna know what dramas number 2 was watching when she said k actors are better. Bc chances are, she might be watching a drama or actor that have been brutally dissed on by cnetz

Korean dramas are more popular than Chinese dramas because they usually have interesting stories, likable characters, and top-notch production quality that appeal to many people. Plus, when Kpop singers star in Korean dramas, it attracts fans who want to see their favorite idols on TV. Korean dramas are also easier to find and watch worldwide, thanks to better marketing and distribution. So, it's the mix of great storytelling, talented actors, and the involvement of K-pop singers that makes Korean dramas a hit. 

I enjoy both a lot but for now, I still prefer Korean dramas. I've dropped more Chinese dramas than I've actually completed in fact. Some of the things I've so far felt are usually much better in Korean shows:

  • Acting: Micro-expressions, body language, speech.
  • Production value: CGI, music, setting, costumes, props.
  • Romance: In Chinese dramas, the chemistry as well as reasoning is too "flowery" for me. Korean ones tend to feel more natural in comparison.