Happy Lantern Festival, watch the stars with Su Yishui <3

From Weibo, Fan Art.

Cr.to owner :)

found this on one of the page...

He's on the train on 10 May 2021..


According to the context..its coincident...he came to stand beside a fanclub.. but he looked so tired..  



he looked so happy ..

tears of happiness 

Happy Birthday to DENG WEI!!!

ALL OUR Best Wishes! <3


Happy Birthday to DENG WEI!!!

ALL OUR Best Wishes! <3


Happy Birthday !♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪


Happy Birthday to DENG WEI!!!

ALL OUR Best Wishes! <3



Happy Birthday !♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪

29th year of existence for this man!!! *⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠**⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠**⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*

ive been sooo looking forward to his bday this year?

 Winny Aye:

tears of happiness 

ah yes and i remember this moment again...

..."hope you support my choices and decisions and trust in me coz i trust in you... i love you ?s!" a treasured moment?

 Winny Aye:

found this on one of the page...

He's on the train on 10 May 2021..


According to the context..its coincident...he came to stand beside a fanclub.. but he looked so tired..  

ohhhh another precious treasure digged ? appreciate you sharing here for newbies like me... ? :⁠-⁠D he looked so young like a teenager here ^⁠_⁠^



 Winny Aye:

he looked so happy ..

heard abt this, love those led preps for his bday?

just some more bday updates for Deng Wei ??????

greetings for DW from his latest proj, "Love of the Divine tree", his first main male role as Su Yishui?? 

greetings of  course for DW's {and our} beloved 17/Jing... ??? 

oh look, it's 17? ??

ahhh this ??

been waiting for this day, my first participation for his bday celeb? that i could just read and watch all bday posts and interactions for him, they're all so interesting, i could do this all day and don't get bored or tired even collecting pics, vids, and gifs lol