That's not karma the b!£€h, its Newton's 3rd law every action has equal and opposite reaction.

That's not simple that, he did not take into consideration the  f*€k!ng  n- number of variables in real life, its apple faults. Why did it gravitate towards his head, and messed up his mind.

That's not real life , it is corporeal.

That's not corporeal, it's a mobile suit Gundam!

It's not prototype version of pilot iron-man suit ( w/o arc-reactor though…….of course),

it is Captain Futur in his working clothes

That's not some random dude wearing his tee which just got delivered from Amazon

It's an avant-garde fashion experiment pushing the boundaries of style.

That's not naming an unexpected ( oh no! What to do now?) outcome, its kdrama plot twist after plot twist.

It's not the time for you to switch over to the next drama, it's the time to overthink about the ending of your latest drama and theorise the next season for atleast 2 days.

That's not the time to overthink about the ending of your latest drama and theorise the next season for atleast 2 days.

 It's the dilemma of a drama enthusiast, torn between the excitement of discovering something new and the guilt of neglecting the ones patiently waiting in the queue.