it's not that feeling when your sworn enemy gets something you don't even know what it is, but you want it, but,

It is that I want to hear the voice of Choi Hyun Wook in my dreams and no one can disturb my dream, not even an enemy

It is not that I want to hear the voice of Choi Hyun Wook in my dreams and no one can disturb my dream, not even an enemy, but it's the way your jaw drops when you see Shin Eun soo with him and the reality hits you that you can't be with him even in your dreams :D

That's not the way your jaw drops when you see Shin Eun soo with him and the reality hits you that you can't be with him even in your dreams :D, its Fangirling/Fanboying for Watermelon Twinkling of visual over Four Main Leads.

It is not Fangirling/Fanboying for Watermelon Twinkling of visual over Four Main Leads.

It's the abrupt collision of fantasy and reality, as you witness your crush with someone else, driving home the painful realization that your dreams of being with them are unattainable.

Thats not your crush is seeking advice from that someone else,  about, "how to win your heart".

It's the paradoxical situation where your crush seeks guidance on winning your heart from someone else, adding a layer of complexity to your emotions and leaving you in a state of both confusion and intrigue.

That's not the paradoxical situation where your crush seeks guidance on winning your heart from someone else, adding a layer of complexity to your emotions and leaving you in a state of both confusion and intrigue, Its You don't have enough gut to confess first. And thinking worst of situation "what if crush reject me horribly." And you get embarrassed and then can't even be friends with_

Its not you don't have enough gut to confess first. And thinking worst of situation "what if crush reject me horribly."  

It's the fear of rejection and the vivid imagination of the worst-case scenario, where you're worried your crush might see you as a sister or friend rather than a romantic interest.

It is not the fear of rejection and the vivid imagination of the worst-case scenario, where you're worried your crush might see you as a sister or friend rather than a romantic interest , but, 

It is the fact,  that after a while, you realize that you were wrong about everything and suddenly and unexpectedly fell in love with a stranger from the street.

That's not the fact,  that after a while, you realize that you were wrong about everything and suddenly and unexpectedly fell in love with a stranger from the street,

Its having multiple celebraty crushes at same time. From kdrama_Cdrama_Thaidrama_etc to Hollywood_bollywood.


 Lol mansiram… have touched the nerve there……….

Is it something like, as they say, “so many fishes to choose from”?

Its not having multiple celebraty crushes at same time. From kdrama_Cdrama_Thaidrama_etc to Hollywood_bollywood, but,

It is, that you do not know , what exactly you are looking for in your man.

@mansiram you missed Wattpad,Manga and Anime

It's not , that you do not know , what exactly you are looking for in your man.

It's the dilemma of not being sure about the ideal qualities you're seeking in a partner, as the fictional characters in movies and Wattpad stories set such high standards that real-life boys may find it challenging to meet those expectations. This can make the dating world feel a bit more complex and demanding.

Sorry @all

What is Wattpad  stories?

Stranger from the street.  Could be stranger from MDL also.

Of course. I think you will found many stranger from MDL. Perhaps one of this is your  intended ;-)


@mansiram you missed Wattpad,Manga and Anime

Yes, I have atleast one crush from, every story. And nowdays my standard in man has crossed another level.


Sorry @all

What is Wattpad  stories?

Wattpad is app. Where you can read unlimited story for free. You can read fanfiction, Famous author novel to every genre story. have been reading since I was 14.

It is not ,accepting without expecting and enjoy the journey with him rather than worrying about the reaching the destination., but,

It's the need that you have to bake your dream partner yourself