It could be any random thought, that came to you today.

Next person cud post in response to the previously posted thoughts OR simply write "no comments"

AND, Then his/her own thought for that day.

( P.S. - even though this thread is meant for pure innocent benign interactive fun, please stick to the guidelines/rules given by MDL.)

Live and Let Live!!!

I want to try again


I want to try again


be as selfish as possible .


be as selfish as possible .

Most mandatory attribute for one's survival 

Just a thought, of living 180 degrees to the image of well behaved/mannered, cultured, good girl for at least a while

"I will think about it tomorrow " says Scarlett O'Hara

Life is your journey alone. In this journey, people will meet and separate, but you have to complete the destination alone, whether someone is with you or not.

  • So true aster, so true.

What seems possible is possible, what it is not possible, it is impossible.


What seems possible is possible, what it is not possible, it is impossible.

But then what abt the cliché, when they say, "even the word impossible says 'I m possible' ?

The word, not the act. Actions are purposes!


The word, not the act. Actions are purposes!

Yes , gotcha 

Thought of the day !

A man likes for a woman to think that she is the only one In his life.

Read somewhere, so dunno.

But, a woman CERTAINLY does like to think like this.