
:)),    chill felix.

Haha ^^ alright!

 Felix from Australia:

Haha ^^ alright!

Me jus kiddin n chillin....

I feeling weak and dull today as I did not receive my daily dose of vitamin U

Are you vitamin C? I am getting sick missing you.

Hahha, so we on vitamin episode?  Herez  one more

If you ask me what kind of vitamin are you, I want you to be VitaMIN E.

Are you multivitamin? Because you have everything that I need.

Is your name a coronary artery?? 

Because u r nourishing my heart.

Whenever you’re nearby, I reach my melting point.


Is your name a coronary artery?? 

Because u r nourishing my heart.

Coronary artery says, “ gal, I am nourishing your heart as well wrapping it too”…… awwww…

If I had to choose between DNA and RNA, I’d choose RNA (even though it has shorter half life),
because it has U (uracil) in it.

If I am Amy, will you be my Sheldon?


If I am Amy, will you be my Sheldon?

(Lol, You too did the worm hole jump, from pix/gif forum to pick up line.)

( merrily)

Mi (Na) - dear you ( Cl), let's salt the pickle,  just let  me give  you one electron of mine.

You must be a special one. Since my selectively-permeable membrane let you through.