you get a world without sanitation problems *insert a really cute pair of heels*
you get a cute dress *insert chopsticks*
you get a really big bowl of noodles *insert coffee*
you get a box of donuts *insert picture frame*
you get a pass to go to an alternate dimension *insert a chocolate cake*
You get a chocolate fountain. *insert Matsujun*
you get an awsome (complete) DVD set of Hana yori dango *insert a music sheet*
You get a ticket to a concert. *Insert flowerpot*
you get to watch secret garden *insert a really boring speech*
You are granted an invitation to a political speech by your local rep. *Insert omelette*
you get your favourite actor giving you cooking lessons <3 wonder who? ^^ *insert a really greasy cheese burger*
You get a job at McDonalds :D *Insert a cabbage*
You get a pot of cabbage soup. Yum. *Insert pillow*
You get a lovely dream with Lee Joon. (Just because he is lovely and because it was Szasha's pillow :D) *Insert a paperclip*
You get a space rocket made by MacGyver :D *insert clock*