
Last week

Do you watch sports? 

I used to watch some sports when I was younger but not very much though.

What is your favorite American food?

American food... Idk I'm not from there and I don't really know what it stands for. I would want to try barbecue ribs and buffalo wings i guess..?

How are you doing these days?


American food... Idk I'm not from there and I don't really know what it stands for. I would want to try barbecue ribs and buffalo wings i guess..?

How are you doing these days?

I am doing great man. I usually spend my days playing video games, using the internet, watching Japanese Dramas, listening to Japanese music, and sleep.

Do you like PlayStation?

I played with a PSP before, so yeah..

Have you ever moved to another country before?


How's your mental health?

Its okay just chilling this week

How old are you?

About to 22 

Last song you listened?

what is the oldest drama you watched? 


What is your favourite song?

what's the last thing you ate? 

strawberry rhubarb pie.

what is one thing you're looking forward to tomorrow?

Watching my drama

How many siblings do you have?

7 siblings

Do you drink enough water?

probably not but I am trying to drink more of it during summer, I get thirsty easily

how many countries have you traveled to?