Thisguy2011 wrote: What____SMELLS____ going __FROM____ here....are you both__BARAK OBAMA

What _____ I_______ be _____ to

What SMELSS I would be Giving to [you] [fart probably lol]

Did _______ think ________ can ___________ what ___'____ thinking & __________?
EJ_101 wrote: What SMELSS I would be Giving to [you] [fart probably lol]

Did you think I can do what you'rethinking & saying?

I _____ to _______ the ________ who __ making such ______________ right now on _________.
EJ_101 wrote: What SMELSS I would be Giving to [you] [fart probably lol]

Did _______ think ________ can ___________ what ___'____ thinking & __________?

you, I, do, you're saying

I ____ to ______ the _________ who's ________ such a ____________ right now on____________.
educto1 wrote: you, I, do, you're saying

I ____ to ______ the _________ who's ________ such a ____________ right now on____________.

I try to see the Person who's giving such a negativity right now on People.

It ____________ too much _____________ to ______________ this _____________!
EJ_101 wrote: I try to see the Person who's giving such a negativity right now on People.

It ____________ too much _____________ to ______________ this _____________!

It is too much negativity to feel this way

I don't know...what is the correct answer!!?

Im ____________so cold. __________anyone got a ____________?
I'm just so cold. Does anyone got a blanket? You really should lay off the __________ or else you might _______.
girl_on_fire wrote: I'm just so cold. Does anyone got a blanket?

You really should lay off the __________ or else you might _______.

You really should lay off the ice-cream or else you might die.

Im__________at my_________joke!!
I'm laughing at my weird joke!! Try______ it helps with______.
Try medicine it helps with colds.

I________to get out of my ________slump!
I want to get out of my drama slump! You like _______. That's________!!
You like traveling. That's cool!!

what______the correct_________?
What are the correct answers? Do you know _______ if so could you _______ me?
Do you know Tdramas if so could you recommend me

Could you __________any _________?
Could you give any advice? So you like______ that's _______.
This one again??

So you like romcoms that's cool.

And you like__________, that's__________!