Human Factors (The Dirty Dozen) 

The study of how people interact with their environment. In aviation, it is the study of how pilots' & mechanics' performance are influenced by personal issues, physical, psychological, environmental, etc......Personal note: We have reoccuring human factors training. Any mistake is costly in aviation.

Juxtapose - Place close together

KENNAWHAT- An 18th century equivalent of a “thingamajig” or a “whatchamacallit.”


      -marsh, swamp,  a situation that traps, confuses, or impedes,an overwhelming or confusing mass or mixture

NAMELING - Ever met someone who has the same name as you

palatine - having authority over a region

Rotor Wash - air turbulence caused by a helicopter rotor

Tautology - The saying of the same thing over again in different words, needless repetition of an idea

vehemence: great forcefulness or intensity of feeling or expression.