
Criticize aggressively, a long blustering speech

Immolate - kill or offer as a sacrifice, especially by burning

jejeune - dull, childish

Kenophobia - an abnormal fear of empty spaces 

mactation - killing or slaughter of a sacrificial victim

Nacelle - A nacelle is a housing, separate from the fuselage, that holds engines, fuel, or equipment on an aircraft

oleaginous - oily, fawning or sycophantic

qat - leaves chewed or brewed in tea as a stimulant

Silage - is a type of fodder made from green foliage crops preserved by acidification then fermentation, for cows, sheep and other cud-chewing animals, aka...ruminants.

ultramontane - of or relating to countries or peoples beyond the mountains i.e. Alps

vasy  - prophetic; oracular; inspired