yeast - a microscopic fungus consisting of single oval cells that reproduce by budding, and capable of converting sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide
Tartle - to hesitate in recognizing a person or thing, as happens when you are introduced to someone whose name you cannot recall; so you say, "Pardon my tartle!"
Endeavour - Try hard to achieve something, an attempt to achieve something
rataplan - drumming sound
NELOPHOBIA- hate the sight of broken glass
auxesis - increase in size; hyperbole or augmentation of meaning
Septuagenarian - A person between 70-79 years old.
Nagano - the central and largest of the four main islands of Japan; between the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean
osculate - to kiss
elchee - ambassador
Edifice => a very large building
echinuliform -
Minikin - Small person/thing.
nainsook - fine cotton fabric
Kerfuffle - A commotion, fuss or controversy that's usually meaningless/humorous.