erotetic - engaging in or pertaining to rhetorical questioning

Fen - a low and marshy or frequently flooded area of land

Gyre - a circular pattern of currents in an ocean basin

Hierophobia -  the fear of holy people or sacred things.

Ichnite - a fossilized footprint

Jacquard - intricately-woven variegated fabric; loom for making jacquard

Kollsman Window - The Kollsman window is located at the 3 o'clock position on the altimeter dial. This window allows access to read a sub-dial, which contains the barometric readings. ... Altimeters report altitude as a function of atmospheric pressure. Typically pilots will obtain a local barometric reading from the nearest airport.

lauricomous: having hair like bay-leaves

Malapropism - the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect, as in, for example, “dance a flamingo ” (instead of flamenco ).

Nidulate - When an animal builds a nest—or, figuratively, when you make a comfy or cozy place for yourself—then it nidulates

Oikology - The science of the sanitary conditions of houses - in other words, the science of housekeeping

Palaver - unnecessarily elaborate or complex procedure.
"there's a lot of palaver involved"

Quid pro quo - a favour or advantage granted in return for something.

"the pardon was a quid pro quo for their help in releasing hostages"

Rat a tat tat - a rapid succession of knocking, tapping, or cracking sounds

Schadenfreudepleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.

"a business that thrives on schadenfreude"