Quantum :   any of the very small increments or parcels into which many forms of energy are subdivided 


(verb) : to regain a former state or condition
especially : to recover health or strength 

(Use in sentence M&W dictionary -  his mere presence in her life was more than enough for her recuperating from the fall earlier in the month)

Satiate - (adjective)  satisfied to the full; satiated.

After eating the cookie, his hunger now satiated, till next time.

Tablespoonful:  the amount that a tablespoon can hold

Unobtainable: not able to be obtained

Virtue - behavior showing high moral standards

Writhe - to twist or bend out of shape or position; distort; contort. to twist (oneself, the body, etc.) about, as in pain

Yardstick:  a graduated measuring stick one yard in length

a test, standard, or model used in measurement, comparison, or judgment

Argle-bargle — copious but meaningless talk or writing

Bombastic high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated.

Connate - (especially of ideas or principles) existing in a person or thing from birth; innate.

"are our ethical values connate?

Fascination - the power to fascinate someone.... the quality of being fascination.

Fascination and love both originate in the limbic are of the brain, the part that houses rage, ecstasy, sadness, sexual arousal, and fight- or-flight. That means that when you're fascinated by a person, experience,or even a product in the grocery store, you're almost falling in love.

Illeism - A person talking about themselves in the third person.

Eg-"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf! "-Dobby