Transceiver: a transmitter and receiver housed together in a single unit and having some circuits in common, often for portable or mobile use

Undulate - move or go with a smooth up-and-down motion

Vermilion- A red colour.

Wobble : move or proceed with an irregular rocking or staggering motion or unsteadily and clumsily from side to side.

Xenophile- Someone who loves, appreciates  or is  attracted to foreign people, cultures or customs.

Yawp- To make a loud noise  or intensely cry /shout.

Zoophobia- The intense  irrational or abnormal fear of animals.

Apothecary- Someone who prepared and sold medicines and drugs.( An archaic way of calling someone a pharmacist , chemist, drug dealer etc)

Channelization: To make, form, or cut channels in;

To direct through a channel

Directorate:  the office or position of a director;

a board of directors, as of a corporation;

 The entire staff of a bureau or department.

Exculpatory: tending to clear someone, especially a suspect, of guilt or blame; exonerative

Fate - the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power

Gist - the substance or essence of a speech or text

she noted the gist of each message

Harangue - a lengthy and aggressive speech or lecture (someone) at length in an aggressive and critical manner.

Interfacing: a piece of firm fabric or other material inserted between and usually sewn or fused to the layers of a garment to thicken or stiffen it.

Juggernaut:   massive inexorable force, campaign, movement, or object that crushes whatever is in its path.