Tablespoonful:  the amount that a tablespoon can hold

Unobtainable: not able to be obtained  

Virtue - behavior showing high moral standards

Rendezvous - a place appointed for assembling or meeting 

(Pronounced as rawn-day-voo)

 Eris Black:

Rendezvous - a place appointed for assembling or meeting 

(Pronounced as rawn-day-voo)

huh????????// the next word is from W


Virtue - behavior showing high moral standards 

Writhe - to twist or bend out of shape or position; distort; contort. to twist (oneself, the body, etc.) about, as in pain

xenophobia: fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign  

Yardstick:  a graduated measuring stick one yard in length

a test, standard, or model used in measurement, comparison, or judgment

Zygnomic (zig-noh-mik) is an adjective used to describe an act that directly limits the freedom of a person who has a legal advantage or duty. The term was created by philosopher Albert Kocourek in his book Jural Relations (1927).

Argle-bargle — copious but meaningless talk or writing

Bombastic high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated.

Connate - (especially of ideas or principles) existing in a person or thing from birth; innate.

"are our ethical values connate?


Connate - (especially of ideas or principles) existing in a person or thing from birth; innate.

"are our ethical values connate?

Denouement - the final part of a play, movie, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.

  • the climax of a chain of events, usually when something is decided or made clear.


a) Appropriateness to the purpose at hand

b) Adherence to self-serving means

Kvetchy - Short tempered, tending to mumble or grumble complaining.