Whemmle- To whemmle something is to turn it upside down, in particular while you’re looking for something, or else to use as a cover or lid. So placing an upturned plate over a bowl of food is properly called whemmling.

Xat - a carved totem pole of various North American Indian peoples.

Yerk - To throw or thrust with a sudden, smart movement; to kick or strike suddenly; to jerk.

ZAWSTER-An old 18th century word for a seamstress or dressmaker.

ARDOR - enthusiasm or passion.

BAFFLEGAB-argon-filled talk that sets out to clarify something but ends up only confusing things 

Castigate - Reprimand severely, to rebuke severely especially by public criticism

DAFFLED - If you’re daffled, then you’re bewildered or disorientated by a sensory overload

EQUIVOCAL - Ambiguous, uncertain, doubtful

Fain - happy; inclined; pleased

Fracas - A noisy disturbance or quarrel

Geronimo - used to express exhilaration, especially when leaping from a great height or moving at a high speed

Hackneyed - Unoriginal and dull, made trite by overuse

Iconomania - Obsession with icons or portraits

Jacquard - intricately-woven variegated fabric; loom for making jacquard