Glib - Articulate but insincere and shallow

hypocritical - professing feelings or virtues one does not have

Imminence - the state or fact of being about to happen

"the populace was largely unaware of the imminence of war"

Jactitate - To jactitate is to toss around restlessly.

Longueur - a tedious passage in a book or other work

Misbegotten - badly conceived, designed, or planned

Nabob - a Muslim official or governor under the Mogul empire

Opaque - not able to be seen through; not transparent,"the windows were opaque with steam"

Placebo - a substance that has no therapeutic effect, used as a control in testing new drugs.

                       a measure designed merely to calm or please someone.

Quacksalver One who pretends to possess medical or other skills

Refulgence - a radiant or resplendent quality or state : brilliance

Surreptitious - Done secretly, acting in a stealthy way


an annuity shared by subscribers to a loan or common fund, the shares increasing as subscribers die until the last survivor enjoys the whole income

  • a scheme for life insurance in which the beneficiaries are those who survive and maintain a policy to the end of a given period

Umbrage - offense or annoyance.