
horseman's loose cloak

Decolletage - a low neckline on a woman's dress or top, a woman's cleavage as revealed by a low                                                 neckline.

Emacity - Desire or fondness for buying.

Fain - happy; inclined; pleased

Gallimaufry - a confused jumble or medley of things.
"a glorious gallimaufry of childhood perceptions"

Hagiarchy - A sacred government run by saints or holy people.

Iconomania - Obsession with icons or portraits

jabirularge tropical stork with massive bill

K Rations -  an individual daily combat food ration which was introduced by the US Army during World War II, a packaged daily ration for issue to airborne troops, tank crews, motorcycle couriers, and other mobile forces for short durations.

Lackadaisical - lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy

mogue: to deceive someone with words or flattery

Nidulate - When an animal builds a nest—or, figuratively, when you make a comfy or cozy place for yourself—then it nidulates

Eyot - small island in a lake or a river


mogue: to deceive someone with words or flattery 


Nidulate - When an animal builds a nest—or, figuratively, when you make a comfy or cozy place for yourself—then it nidulates


Eyot - small island in a lake or a river

Opalescent - reflecting an iridescent light

Padronism - An owner or manager, especially of an inn; a proprietor. 2. A person who exploitatively employs or finds work for immigrants, especially Italian immigrants. [Italian, from Latin patrōnus, patron; see patron.] pa·dro′nism n.