Payload - In aviation, it's the term used for the combined weight of passengers, baggage, and cargo.

OAT - Outside Air Temperature (OAT Gauge), thermometer

REIVE:  verb (used with or without object), reived, reiv·ing. Chiefly Scot.

to rob; plunder.

Tautology - The saying of the same thing over again in different words, needless repetition of an idea

vehemence: great forcefulness or intensity of feeling or expression.

Windsock - A conical textile tube designed to indicate wind direction and relative wind speed.

xiphoid: shaped like a sword

Yottabyte -  A unit of computer memory or data storage capacity equal to 1,024 zettabytes (280bytes).

ZAWSTER-An old 18th century word for a seamstress or dressmaker. 

bahuvrihi - compound word whose second part is a noun but that acts as an adjective

Cowcatcher - a metal frame at the front of a locomotive for pushing aside cattle or other obstacles on the line.