Live on a mountain
Wyr have a nice car but terrible housing or have a nice house but a terrible car
Nice house
WYR travel to paris or Italy?
Travel to Italy
Wyr travel by car or train
wyr go to the desert or beach ?
wyr eat lunch and dinner late or just eat dinner
WYR own a house in the countryside OR an apartment in the city
apartment in the city
wyr eat all ice cream or cakes all the time
ice cream
WYR spend a day with your fav singer/bias in a group or spend a day with your fav actor/actress
wyr be able to eat all your fav dishes or food without growing fat
fav dishes
Wyr live as a self-aware humanoid robot/android or live as an avatar in a virtual world
self-aware robot (i guess)
wyr have flavoured yoghurt or plain yoghurt
WYR wear the same socks forever or not wear socks at all
not wear socks
wyr sing in front of someone you know or a total stranger
someone i knowwyr get sent to prison for 10 months or be in a coma for 2 years
wyr lose your sight or your memorie