• Jugglers | This one is nothing special, really.
  • Missing You | First half is amazing (when they were kids), second half (as adults) was a pain to watch and loses all quality as the episodes roll by.
  • Reply 1994 - second lead gets shafted, even more than usual
  • Cambrian Period - parts of it are cute but it's not all that consistent and obviously was intended to have a sequel that is never coming
  • Eulachacha Waikiki - boring

The Bride of Haebek- drop it right now... like seriously it's so bad lol it drags so much and the mains chemistry is non-existent. The only highlight of this drama is the clothes...

Jugglers - a lot of people loved it but I found it pretty boring, couldn't finish it

about time, i know it sounds interesting but it gets worse with the time (it has some good parts tho)


all clear

Man to Man | this was just meh. I liked the 2ML and he stole the show for me with his antics, but I'm not sure that's enough to make it worth your while.  

Radio Romance | this one gets boring as it progresses and there's really nothing that makes it stand apart. You have so many gems in your PTWL, that I wouldn't bother with this one.

Witch's Love / The story has potential, yes but the execution was so cheesy and average (maybe bc it was a low budget production). The awkward acting of ML also didn't help lol idk why I watched it (im prolly too bored)

Had to go to your On Hold list to find something not to watch.

Don't bother with Goblin. You stopped at the point when it stops becoming interesting and starts becoming hella repetitive. It's over-rated trash