Pls some one post the gif


@ minchen,  @  equality, 

Me too used to believe in gender equality, but after a while, noticed that there are some fields/ some work/jobs, women are better suited to do efficiently  than men, n men never try to do or to take over those jobs from women.
since then I stopped myself from this "pseudo - wail - of - gender - equality".

Being a woman myself, i am at better position than men to understand women, i can see their weaknesses, their strength, where exactly they require support, HENCE - m a pro - women.

why not pro - men then?

Well at most of the places ( countries) , society is male - dominated, and thus they don't require any outside - out of the way, support for them to survive.

Well i believe in equality because  did you saw famous divorce  case of Johnny Depp.

Many women misuse the laws of court and file the fake rape case /marital rape for men.

I like women who fight for freedom and capable of what they do .


If u read the paragraph I have written,  i have said exactly the same , what u r too saying.

Only i used different words.



Made this one myself

10/10  good work :)

History of a Salaryman

10/10  This made me laugh...Thanks 


WWW: Search

10/10  No lie I was just debating whether to use this gif next


Sorry for not clarifying i just shared a joke meme. I already got your point 

No no . Pls  don't say sorry.

It is always my intentions to clarify the things.

  We can have different opinions on this topic .I am not mocking or hurting you.

I just want leave the topic .

Peace :) 

10/10 :x

Will u be able to handle this????

( warning!!!! Too hot to handle!!!)