112, don’t tell me, you have made those??? Omg……all of you are so genius…..

yeah haha thank u!

now, I am really feeling embarrassed…..all I am doing is copy and pasting….

no don't be! i do the same sometimes! whenever i don't know what gifs to use i just end up using mine !


i can't stop obsessing over 40 year old actors >_< pls help

what advice u gonna give then obsessing over some 60+70+……..

yeah i can't help them with that xD

so you do not need help……just take it and cherish all that ,what life is offering you….


10/10 she's so pretty


@112 Welcome to the gif making club! we can always use more members lol...seriously tho your gifs are  really spectacular and the quality is as you would say crisp...dare i say too crisp...i'm a little envious of the quality but proud of what you've achieved and the fact that your still evolving makes it even better.  Keep up the great work !!  \( ゚ヮ゚)/ 

10/10 just for the smile

Pyramid Game

seriously tho your gifs are  really spectacular and the quality is as you would say crisp

THANK U (╥_╥) ♡♡

i'm a little envious of the quality but proud of what you've achieved and the fact that your still evolving makes it even better.  Keep up the great work !!  \( ゚ヮ゚)/ 

you are so sweet omg 

i feel like my gifs aren't good enough. it's cause i see so many great giffers (is that what u call people who make gifs? lol) on tumblr and i compare myself a lot to them v_v. 

10/10 Jang Da Ah looks so much like Jun Ji Hyun it's crazy !

this cat video always makes me laugh 


You are an official giffer, i say don't get caught up in comparing your skills to others unless your using it as a learning experience, so don't put yourself down bc of  that just keep on striving to do your best.  Side note if they do a remake of My Sassy Girl , Jang Da Ah  would definingly be my first pick as FL...

9/10 I'm actually watching this drama.  I like her as well but I wish she would emote more with her acting


You are an official giffer, i say don't get caught up in comparing your skills to others

thank you ♡♡

if they do a remake of My Sassy Girl , Jang Da Ah  would definingly be my first pick as FL...


I could even see them play as a mother-daughter in a drama.


@112 Your welcome > <   It would be amazing to see Jun Ji Hyun play a mother, especially if Jang Da Ah is playing the daughter.  

8/10 He told that slap gracefully...I wonder what he said to her

Mad Cats


Midas Touch - Kiss of Life

Such a good song!!

10/10 This was a good song

Dancing with the Stars