My Mister is my favorite IU drama, her acting was out of this world.

Next Theme: Dancing

I can't start it seeing how my post was the last one that needs to be rated.

Bai suzy crying 8/10.

Sorry, as I don't know the context and all I cud see is her crying. 

As u cud c, in other crying gif, u cud feel them , their pain

@ IU drama.

This was the only drama of hers I liked her acting in.

I din like her work in scarlet heart ( literally annoyed at many scenes,  her expressions......wait a sec,  throughout the length of entire drama, she had only one expression, which was a question mark on her face, which she brings  by raising her eye brows.)

Do you mean funny dance or real dancelike professionals?

10/10 - Vincenzo is a gem with a place in my  <3

Any dance is fine, go crazy

Girl from Nowhere

10/10  ( even though  it's the girl who is dancing, but £U¥K man, i can't take off my eyes from the fella sitting in the chair)

Dancing theme can't be completed without this dance from GWTW

I was late in posting reply.

10/10 for girl dance

As she is just enjoying herself dancing herself all alone, fully engrossed in it.

I feel IU has grown as her actress although she had some rough patches here and there, it's all about how you evolve and move forward.


I feel IU has grown as her actress although she had some rough patches here and there, it's all about how you evolve and move forward.

She is a beauty though, no doubt there.

10/10 - This gif look familiar lol 

Duo - Wink 

@ shoujo, it was vincenzo?

10/10 @ lilly dance.

I am always up for synchronisation steps. Takes lots of practice