7/10 nasty 

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“Oppa, let’s break up

“I know you saw me with another man”, the message made everyone surprised, bewildered

LOL i remember that scene 10/10



Shadow Beauty - Shim Dal Gi

9/10 aww my childhood

My all time favorite girl group: Atarashii Gakko

@ militen,

10/10 for this write up.

Right tick for all 5 paragraphs.

I absolutely agree with everything u have said here, (My earlier writing might  have failed to reflect this).

 Is it ok, if I write and discuss more abt this in private message , if u allow? 

 As this thread Is nt meant for such conversation. 

 The Real Oppa:
How all women should be

Be sure to take notes lmao

Oh, I'll gladly do that... but before that, why don't you get off MyDramaList and go enlist in the military, get a job, and stop being an incel. Notice how no woman gives you attention IRL so you have to resort to insulting women online. Also, look at your username... you cannot be serious. Go be a weirdo somewhere else.




search www

8/10  - That's on my to watchlist 

Had to repost cause it was skipped over

My all time favorite girl group: Atarashii Gakko


8/10  - That's on my to watchlist 

Had to repost cause it was skipped over

My all time favorite girl group: Atarashii Gakko! 


The Doctors