@ zhou, 

Oh wow, totally new concept


@ zhou, 

Oh wow, totally new concept

@ fika

2. Arabic - their official language is Arabic

3. Jordan river

Jordan river was called the Aulon by ancient Greeks and is sometimes called Al-Sharīʿah (“Watering Place”) by Arabs.
Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike revere the Jordan.
It was in its watersthat Jesus was baptized by St. John the Baptist.( dint search for the ref for this)

The river has remained a religious destination and a site for baptisms.

4. Wadi Rum, also known as the Valley of the Moon, is a valley cut into the sandstone and granite rock in southern Jordan. Several prehistoric civilizations left petroglyphs, rock inscriptions and ruins in Wadi Rum. Today it is a tourist attraction, offering guided tours, hiking and rock climbing. This area has also been used as a background setting in a number of films, especially science fiction films.

5. Mansaf

Mansaf is the most traditional national dish, and one Jordanians are proud of. With Bedouin roots, It consists of rice, lamb (sometimes other meats are used instead), and jameed. Jameed is a kind of hard, dried-out, and fermented goat milk yogurt. The rice is usually fatty as it is stirred with heavy margarine until boiled. It is delicious and served over very thin bread on a big serving tray. Traditionally, you eat Mansaf with your hands.

6. Jordan Armed Forces Headquarters Complex


6. Jordan Armed Forces Headquarters Complex

Looks like miniature model by some architect 


6. Jordan Armed Forces Headquarters Complex

looked like city from one of the game. Haha...


6. Jordan Armed Forces Headquarters Complex

Looks like set of some drama

 7. The oldest statues in the world were found in Jordan

The Ain Ghazal Statues date back to 7500 BC, they can be found at The Jordan Museum

8.Aladdin was filmed at Longcross Studios in Surrey (the UK) and Arborfield Studios near Reading. However, the scenes in the desert were actually shot in the stunning Wadi Rum area in Jordan

Did you guys watch Aladdin or Mowgli ?

 Komentator isenk:

looked like city from one of the game. Haha...

yeah like Lego game 


yeah like Lego game 

not what i have in mind. I think more of old computer game that I already forgot the name. Haha...