Yes, there is a tunnel underground to complete the traject to Kobenhaven. Sorry, I was wrong.


Yes, there is a tunnel underground to complete the traject to Kobenhaven. Sorry, I was wrong.

Yeah felt so.

It's ok.

@ komentator 

Ikea comes quite handy at times. 

Sweden is so good at recycling their waste (with only 1% used as landfill, 50% recycled and the remainder burnt to generate energy) that they actually import waste from other countries (mainly Norway and the UK) which pay for the privilege. Interestingly, a recycling station can be found within at most 300 meters from any residential area.



Thts gr8

yes .Every country should take inspiration from them?

Any Greta Thunberg fans here ,she is from Sweden?

In berg suffix, i am more of a Stefen Edberg fan .

Oh! How come I missed him

M huge fan of his

7.Anders Celsius

Anders Celsius, regarded as the founder of Swedish astronomy, is best remembered as the inventor of the Celsius temperature scale (often called the centigrade scale), in which 0°C is the freezing point of water and 100°C is the boiling point.

8.. The Ice Hotel

The hotel that only open in winter, from December to April. 

9. Smultron (wild or alpine strawberries )

10. Fika
Fika is often translated as "a coffee and cake break", which is kind of correct, but really it is much more than that. Fika is a concept, a state of mind, an attitude and an important part of Swedish culture. Many Swedes consider that it is almost essential to make time for fika every day. It means making time for friends and colleagues to share a cup of coffee (or tea) and a little something to eat. All Swedes consider it important to make time to stop and socialise: to take a pause. It refreshes the brain and strengthens relationships. Exactly what you eat during fika is not really important. The food is incidental to the companionship, the socialising and catching up with friends and colleagues. But whatever food you choose for fika it should be fresh and well presented. Ideally it should be homemade.