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6.Bharatnatyam - a traditional dance of India

7.Aryabhata II-.Spherical trigonometry, plane trigonometry. Determined the value of π correct to four decimal places.

  • Indian Ocean is the only ocean to be named after Country India
  • Chenab Rail Bridge -World's Highest Rail Bridge in Jammu
  • Chandrayan-3-recently launched hope it will  be success

Seems like everyone  posted simultaneously 

Next Country -Germany

2.Albert Einstein-Albert Einstein is best known for his equation E = mc2, which states that energy and mass (matter) are the same thing, just in different forms. He is also known for his discovery of the photoelectric effect, for which he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 

4. Western advanced Philosophy - This is the craddle: Heidelberg Universitët

6.Mp3 player-Karl Heinz Brandenburg (born 20 June 1954) is a German electrical engineer and mathematician. … Brandenburg has been called the "father of the MP3" format. 

8.Cologne Cathedral-It is the largest Gothic church in northern Europe and features immense twin towers that stand 515 feet (157 metres) tall. 

The cathedral was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.