
6. Volcano

El Salvador has over twenty volcanoes; two of them, San Miguel and Izalco, have been active in recent years. From the early 19th century to the mid-1950s, Izalco erupted with a regularity that earned it the name "Lighthouse of the Pacific". Its brilliant flares were clearly visible for great distances at sea, and at night its glowing lava turned it into a brilliant luminous cone. The most recent destructive volcanic eruption took place on 1 October 2005, when the Santa Ana Volcano spewed a cloud of ash, hot mud and rocks that fell on nearby villages and caused two deaths. The most severe volcanic eruption in this area occurred in the 5th century AD when the Ilopango volcano erupted with a VEI strength of 6, producing widespread pyroclastic flows and devastating Mayan cities. 

Yeay!!! Thanx for come back. Haha... 

7. Coatepeque Lake

One of the most beautiful natural wonders of El Salvador, Lake Coatepeque, is a large crater lake nestled in the volcanic highlands in the west of the country. This serene body of water spans over 25 km² and was formed by a series of violent volcanic eruptions around 70,000 years ago.

Its strikingly beautiful blue-green waters, surrounded by steep forested hillsides, attract tourists and locals alike. Here, you can enjoy a variety of water sports, including boating and jet-skiing, or savor the tranquillity from the lakeside restaurants

8.  Joya de Cerén Archaeological Park (Pompeii of America)

Buried by the Loma Caldera Volcano eruption around 650AD, this archaeological site is well preserved.


Dances in El Salvador include the traditional El Salvadorian folk dances, the pasacalle, and the chacarera. The pasacalle is a traditional El Salvadorian dance that is performed in a circle, while the chacarera is a lively dance that involves twirling and spinning. 

Countries already played

Andorra (82-83)


Australia (8)

Austria (34-35)

Belgium (63-64)

Bangladesh (33)

Brazil (16)

Brunei Darussalam (71-72)

Bulgaria (85-87)


Canada (5)

Chile (39-40)

China (5-6) 

Colombia (62 - 63)

Democratic Republic of the (44 - 45 )

Costa Rica (74-75)

Côte d'Ivoire (76-77)

Croatia (26-27)

Cuba (55 - 56)

Czech Republic (72-74)

Denmark (50-51)

Ecuador (77-78)

Egypt (10-11)

El Salvador (81-82)

England (15-16)

Fiji (83-84)

Finland (14-15)

France (8-9)

Germany (7-8)

Greece (37-38)

Greenland (13-14)

Hawaii (U.S. State) (48 - 50)

Hong Kong (66-68)

Hungary (45 - 46)

Iceland (40-41)

India (6-7)

Indonesia (4)

Israel (36-37)

Italy (2)

Japan (3-4)

Jordan (53-54)

Kenya (87-88)

Laos (33-34)

Latvia (75)

Lithuania (47 - 48)


Macau (75-76)


Maldives (89-90)

Mauritius (55)


Monaco (54-55)

Mongolia (12)

Moon (84-85)


Nepal (46-47)


New Zealand

North Korea


Oman (80-81)

Palestine (78-79)

Papua New Guinea (70-71)




Qatar (58-60)

Romania (88-89)

Russia (3)

San Marino (41)


Singapore (9-10)

Slovak Republic (72)

South Africa

South Korea (1)

Spain (25-26)

Suriname (90-91)

Sweden (51-52) 

Switzerland (64-65)


Taiwan (69-70)



Tuvalu (91-?

United Arab Emirates (17-18)

Uruguay (61 - 62)

USA (27-28)

Vatican City



Virgin Islands (65-66)

Wales (68-69)



Zimbabwe (60-61)

10. San Salvador Cathedral

In December 2012, the Archbishop of San Salvador, José Luis Escobar Alas, ordered the removal of the tiled ceramic mural facade of the cathedral without consulting the national government or the artist, the Salvadoran master Fernando Llort. Workers chipped off and destroyed all the 2,700 tiles of the mural (below).

1. Current rulers

The Principality of Andorra is currently co-ruled by the President of France and the bishop of Urgell in Catalonia, Spain  

Wow u sure fast to update angeliviki2022. I just thought wanna check tomorrow on weekend... Thanx for the update

2. No currency

Andorra is that it does not have a national bank or a local currency at the moment. Although it is not part of the EU, the country has adopted the Euro as its currency. Before Euro was introduced to the country, it used the Spanish peseta as its method of transaction.

3. Official language: Catalá

For me, the most beautiful language on the Earth (talking from my point of view where I can speak Spanish, English, Russian, French, Italian, a lot of German and Catalan and some Portuguese, Dutch, Croatian and Korean).

I can speak Spanish, English, Russian, French, Italian, a lot of German and Catalan and some Portuguese, Dutch, Croatian and Korean).

That's a lot of languages. I'm only fluent in English and Tagalog. I know some French and Spanish. I get by in Italy once I'm immersed (just travel needs: booking hotels, restaurants, basic conversation). Next on my list are Japanese and Korean, but Korean seems very challenging.... "Here are 6 ways to say goodbye..."

P.S. The song was beautiful.

4.  Escudella 

escudella” is a traditional clay dish where soup and stews are served. In the old times when ceramic dishes were only accessible to the high society and plastic didn't exist yet, that's what everyone used to eat.

5. Winter sports

Andorra's national sport is alpine skiing. It is of ‘national interest’ in Andorra, according to an official declaration in 1965. One of the most famous athletes from Andorra is Marc Solà, a professional skier who has won multiple World Cup titles and Olympic medals. He is the most successful skier in Andorran history and is considered one of the best slalom skiers in the world.
Another popular winter sport is snowboarding. Xavier de le Rue is a professional snowboarder who has won multiple world championships and is considered one of the best snowboarders in the world.
Grandvalira is the largest ski area in the Pyrenees.

6. Europe’s Largest Spa

it is home to Europe’s largest spa. You can visit Caldea Spa Complex to enjoy a royal treatment in Andorra. The place has indoor and outdoor jacuzzis, hydrotherapy rooms, and much more.

7. Snap a picture of Noblesse du Temps

Noblesse du Temps is an unusual and striking sculpture by the celebrated Salvador Dali. Also known as “the Nobility of Time” or “the Dali Clock”, the intriguing sculpture depicts a melting clock on a tree trunk, surrounded by statues. The tall statue is meant to show how precious time actually is, and how time can fade away so quickly without us even realising. It may make you pause for a moment to ponder your own limited time on earth and think about your priorities.