May be I don't know .Thanks for clarification:)

5. Dutch painting: Rembrandt van Rijn, Vincent van Gogh, Hieronim Bosch, Jan Vermeer van Delft, Frans Hals and many more...

7. Juta Leerdam - Rising Ice Skater

8.De Hogeweyk

The complex is a village created for Dementia patients. The village contains a town square, theatre, houses, hair salon, and more. Just like what you’d expect from a regular Dutch village, but with 250 members of staff to help patients.


Holland or Netherlands?

it is showing Holland is a part of Netherlands not as country

Oh sorry. Yeah Netherlands 

 Komentator isenk:

Oh sorry. Yeah Netherlands 

no problem :)

10.Giethoorn: For Super Scenic Waterways

Giethoorn with its many waterways and bridges is well-known as the Venice of the Netherlands


1. Robert Langdon (One character) series by Dan Brown. 

Deep roots with Vatican city, simply u just can't separate the two 

3. La pietá by Michellangelo - as soon as you go into St. Peter's Basilica on your right