xxmai Volunteer Staff

Project 002. Japan Movie Trailers Pg. 11-15 [completed]

Will request to tackle more when I have more free time :)

Thank you. I appreciate it. ^^

Hello! Are there still open spots for any of the projects?

xxmai Volunteer Staff

Can I do project 3, Thailand link 1?

Yes, please go ahead. (:

You're good to go, but just want to mention for Red Velvet since someone else was checking that group before, now only Wendy and Ye Ri's lists haven't been checked. So if you'd like later, you can choose one more group. (:

Project 006. Tags: Idols 

Got7, 2PM, SF9


Can I check EXID's tag instead of Red Velvet's?

xxmai Volunteer Staff

Project 006. Tags: Idols 

Got7, 2PM, SF9


Can I check EXID's tag instead of Red Velvet's?

Yes, feel free to do that one instead, if you haven't yet started. (:

hi! can i know if there are some open spots for any project?  ^^


hi! can i know if there are some open spots for any project?  ^^

project 2 still has some open spots: 

002. https://mydramalist.com/discussions/community-tasks/66939-mdl-user-projects?page=3&pid=2057449#p2057449


project 2 still has some open spots: 

002. https://mydramalist.com/discussions/community-tasks/66939-mdl-user-projects?page=3&pid=2057449#p2057449

can i take the thailand spot for specials? (pg. 1 - 2)

xxmai Volunteer Staff

can i take the thailand spot for specials? (pg. 1 - 2)

Yes, you can start with that. (:


Yes, you can start with that. (:

thank you! ^^ i will send you a PM with my email for the sheets

I don't know what idol groups need their tags to be changed but I'm happy to help out if needed.

Project 002 - Track 2020 trailers

-> South Korea, TV shows, spot 3 (Pg. 13-18) - Completed.

Can I continue with South Korea, TV shows, spot 4 (Pg. 19-23)?

xxmai Volunteer Staff

I don't know what idol groups need their tags to be changed but I'm happy to help out if needed.

We'll find you something, no worries. (;


Project 002 - Track 2020 trailers

-> South Korea, TV shows, spot 3 (Pg. 13-18) - Completed.

Can I continue with South Korea, TV shows, spot 4 (Pg. 19-23)?

Thank you, and yes, go ahead.  (: