
Ji-N replied to a support thread I opened because I got error messages when commenting/messaging on MDL. That was 27 days ago. I have also written mails in the past, never got a reply to them. They are only semi-active. 

Ji-N replied to me that he doesnt deal with these "internal" issues, only technical issues. 

 Badass Bunny:

Ji-N replied to me that he doesnt deal with these "internal" issues, only technical issues. 

I wonder what classifies as a technical issue since the masses have not been able to write their own articles for some time now lol 


I wonder what classifies as a technical issue since the masses have not been able to write their own articles for some time now lol 

That is not a technical issue, they have done that because of some unknown reasoning. Maybe lack of trust towards new writers? Dont know, but it has been a very long while. 

 Badass Bunny:

Ji-N replied to me that he doesnt deal with these "internal" issues, only technical issues. 

It's quite hard to know who is managing MDL right now, since no official statements can be found (as far as I know) and even the MDL staff page can only be accessed manually, by adding /staff to the MDL url. 

Both Ji-N's and Skye-N-Rain's profiles are managed by "official Community Manager" whoever that is (I guess Aoi?). Yet when you ask Aoi you also get no clear answer regarding editorials. 

Honestly, it's like being on a ship and no one knows who the captain is... 


I wonder what classifies as a technical issue since the masses have not been able to write their own articles for some time now lol 

It's said, that it's a technical issue, but honestly no one believes that anymore. Any technical issue like this should have been solved by now, since this "bug" is there for at least 2 years. So yeah, they obviously don't want new writers for some unknown reason. 

There can be valid reasons for not allowing new writers but at least it would be nice if they actually told us why, instead of saying it's a technical issue that caused new writers to hold their hopes up that it could be resolved some day. 

@JulyMoon Yeah, indeed it is like going in circles, 'cause I tried to solve the other issue with articles (LGBT topics) and got response that Aoi isn't in charge of it and that we should ask the two admins, so I did and Ji-N gave me the answer I said before and Skye didn't respond. Aoi than said he will forward the message to Skye and inform us about the response, but no further update has been given. I do sometimes feel that they turn us into jokes...

On one hand they want better community and u can see minor bugs getting fixed or changes in tags, but these things? Never. 

 Badass Bunny:
that Aoi isn't in charge of it and that we should ask the two admins, so I did and Ji-N gave me the answer I said before and Skye didn't respond.

Great system. Party A directs you to party B, that to party C and then back to party A. It's basically no one in charge, so who is running the site non-technically? If no one does, maybe they should hire someone. I'm sure we have enough trustworthy, reliable, motivated and also active users in the community. 

Yeah, but I wonder if those minor things get truly fixed. Ji-N spoke about temporary fix when I got error messages whenever I tried to post comments or messages. Temporary is not permanent. lol

MDL is quite buggy. Feeds and custom lists pretty much always have some bugs and what I've heard they're quite different. ^^'