Enchanting Leviosa
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A pretty good drama about love and trauma
This drama didn't really match my expectations but it was really good. I expected it to be different but this wasn't too bad... I enjoyed watching it. It has a nice story line that progresses quite smoothly and it was quite realistic too. The actor have yet again done ana amazing job and the crew has definitely done a great job! The music was lovely! I could't stop humming it all week and it's just absolutely adorable. It was very nice to see the characters growing and overcoming their traumas and understanding what they truly feel, want and need. It was an incredibly adorable yet painstakingly sad drama true. Overall, A truly adorable work 💋👩🏻⚕️❤️🩹👨🏻🚽Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
I have nothing to say about the story as it is just too perfect to commend anything. The leads ..... just 1 word 'DAEBAK'. Their chemistry, their acting.... omg.. I strongly believe you will understand what I mean when watching. They have a lot acting that is beyond body language and action. They can act very well using just their eyes. And the OST also matched the drama which really boost up the whole drama to the peak. I can say this drama is a very very 'feeling' drama. Even i have watched several times, I can still feel the romance, love and even heartache everytime i rewatch it.
I can't remember how many times I've watch this drama but definitely I will rewatch it again. The story is really really very good that worth at least a watch.
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Só acho que todos deveriam conferir!
Apesar de já acompanhar doramas há um tempinho, eu amo conferir um drama antigo e acabei encontrando essa maravilha, que valeu cada minuto.Os temas abordados são sensíveis e foi apresentado de uma forma sensacional, vamos nos deparar com muitos distúrbios, como ansiedade, depressão, esquizofrenia e principalmente vamos ver como a família acaba sendo afetada.
E o que falar dos nossos protagonistas, eu simplesmente amei o nosso casal, a construção do romance e depois poder os dois enfrentando seus problemas e sendo sincero quantos os sentimentos, foi muito gostoso de acompanhar, assim como ver o drama mostrando o lado positivo e necessário da terapia.
Recomendo muito para quem não conferir, pois definitivamente virou um dos meus queridinhos.
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A classic K-Drama from 2014
This one has always been recommended to me by a lot of friends who watch K-Dramas (plus D.O is here sooo...) but I put this on my watch list long long time ago that happened to resurface after I watched a clip of it and I am not disappointed. This a pretty good drama, and one of the classics, too.The storyline is unique than most I've seen. I actually thought the format would be like 1 mini story per episode and a 1 overall big story but it wasn't like that at all. It's mostly just us watching these different characters living in one house and their relationship with the people around them and their traumas and mental health struggles. It's pretty cozy but at the same time it sends my emotions into a roller coaster ride. One time I was laughing, next, I was crying, then I was cringing and then I literally stood up from my seat. I enjoyed it very much. Jo InSung and Gong HyoJin is great actors and actresses but I don't see much chemistry on them. They did great justice for their roles here though. For some reason, KwangSoo looks dumb and a jerk (plus cringe) here but maybe I've watched too many Running Man episodes that I can no longer unsee his foolish side in RM.
One icky thing that I cannot overlook is the depiction of mental health disorders -- Tourette's syndrome and schizophrenia don't sit well with me. I just feel like this is not the best depiction or representation of the disorders but it was 2014, and maybe mental health wasn't a trend back then. Other than that, everything is great for me. Also, loved the concept of self-love and self-appreciation and seeking help when needed.
The OST for this drama is on my playlist years before I watched it which only means I love it way way before. I probably won't re-watch this on the foreseeable future but I am glad I watched it. It's one of the classics that you should watch at least once.
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So I give this drama a try and I'm instantly fall in love with the story and characters!
Jang Jae Yeol is not like your typical K-drama main lead who will do anything for the love of his life. He still keep his composure ,respect himself and the boundary.
I also find Ji Hae Soo's character development after meeting Jang Jae Yeol really good and therefore make her even more likable characters as the story goes. I definitely love their acting and chemistry.
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It might remind you of your own relationship(s)
i had to review this drama. to be honest, at first i found it a little slow, hence i was just about to stop at episode 2. but then i could not ignore the high ratings and reviews i read of this drama in this site. So i continued.honestly, i was more overwhelmed with how realistic the writer was able to depict a relationship. the fights, those petty reasons that spur arguments in the early stage of a relationship. OMG, i was so reminded of myself and my bf then, now husband now, i would smile at every scene that was relatable. besides that, it was fresh to see the leads shown as real people with flaws and emotions that run wild etc. in the midst of all the chaos, then came the leads' emotional state due to one major issue. then, you see the love so overwhelming and beautifully emoted by both leads. that too reminded me to those personal moments in my own relationship. when we go through tough times together, those petty fights are just forgotten.
for short, this was one realistic portrayal of a relationship between two working and independent adults.
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Un drama sur la maladie mentale, ça c'est original surtout quand c'est très bien fait !
Oui, on l’aura compris, l’univers du drama c’est la psychiatrie, les troubles mentaux divers et variés dont la schizophrénie… et autant le dire tout de suite, c’est un excellent drama, original, très bien écrit et parfaitement interprété !Je ne ferai qu'un reproche (faut bien en trouver un, la perfection n'est pas de ce monde ) c'est l'accumulation de maladies mentales, il n'y a pas, ou très peu, de personnage qui n'ait son trauma dans l'enfance, ou autre truc bien sympa, Jang Jae Yeol n'étant pas en reste, tout héros qu'il est ! Mais bon, c'est vraiment pour chicaner, c'est un drama remarquable !!
Au niveau de l’interprétation Dieu sait que j'adore Gong Yo Jin (une des rares femmes dont je me souvienne du nom ) mais elle devrait faire attention, elle commence à avoir des tics gestuels, avec ses cheveux particulièrement, et comme le réalisateur privilégie beaucoup les gros plans, c'est trop évident, et ce genre de truc, quand on commence à les remarquer, après on ne voit plus que ça !!
Autrement, la scène de la cascade l'eau est froide et pourtant c'est chaud..... Voilà un baiser qui entrerait tout droit dans mon top 5 si j'en avais un !!! et elle prétend n'avoir rien ressenti !!!! c'est vrai que c'est une malade !!
Au cours de ma vision : (Attention spoilers ! )
Episodes 2 et 3 : Je viens de voir le 2 et 3 de It's Okay that's love, et j'aime de plus en plus ce drama, qui a un ton très original, avec des dialogues drôles, justes et très adultes, ça change !! j'étais écroulée de rire avec la bagarre de la fin de l'épisode 3 !!! Et il y a certains échanges entre l'écrivain et la psy qui m'ont rappelé certaines comédies américaines de la grande époque, du genre de celles avec Cary Grant et Katharine Hepburn, et croyez-moi, ce n'est pas un mince compliment !! J'ai hâte de le continuer !!
Episodes 5 et 6 : Je viens de voir le 5 et le 6 de IOTL et vraiment voilà encore un drama très original, et bien foutu, bien interprété avec un héros plus que swoonant en prime !! Je me demandais tout le temps où j'avais vu le sunbae de Gong Yo Jin, c'est dans Chuno, il joue l'autre chasseur d'esclave, celui qui a appris le métier à Dae Gil...(le plus sale...) remarquable Sung Dong Gil
Plus loin : ce qui est vraiment prenant ce sont les relations entre les personnages, bien plus que les cas psy croisés, qui moi, ne me touchent pas vraiment, ça fait un peu trop "catalogue" . Les relations sont complexes, les difficultés de communication évidentes, et tellement réelles dans la vraie vie !! c'est là que se trouve l'excellence de ce drama, ainsi que dans la réalisation au plus près des acteurs, par ailleurs excellents !
L'intrigue devient passionnante : l'ami d'enfance de Jae Yeol vient de comprendre que celui-ci est victime d'un grave trouble mental, et vraiment la scène où il comprend, celle où il se confie à Dong Min sont bouleversantes, d'autant plus que la relation de Jae Yeol avec Hae So s'approfondit, tout en restant tout à fait véridique : pour une fois, une héroïne de drama se pose vraiment la question du choix entre une carrière et une vie de femme au foyer, et encore même pas, plutôt une carrière bridée par une famille.
Plus loin : Tout à coup on voit Jae Yeol rire et courir avec Kwang Soo, puis il est tout seul, je me suis dit : "ben il hallucine, alors ??" Je n'en revenais pas ... Je trouvais que ce gamin qui le collait était bizarre, mais ça... ça m'a fichu un sacré coup ... Mais je ne crois pas que ce soit un schizophrène, enfin, disons que je ne l'espère pas parce que ce serait très grave, c'est incurable, peut-être n'est-ce qu'un trouble de sa personnalité, il revit son enfance à travers ce fantôme, ou c'est son double, bref, j'espère qu'il va trouver un moyen d'en guérir, parce que ce serait trop triste...
Il y a une belle compréhension qui s'installe entre les deux héros, il y a du swoon, il y a aussi du suspens (que s'est-il vraiment passé dans le passé ? Et pourquoi Jae Yeol voit tout le temps ce gamin ? et est-ce que l'héroïne va peu à peu vaincre son angoisse ?et la façon dont Jae Hyeol essaie de la guérir est très swoonante, elle !!
Plus loin : La relation entre les deux est vraiment tout à fait originale et très bien écrite. Elle, sous couvert de son traumatisme d’enfance le repousse, mais se permet pas mal de gestes tendres qui bien sûr le mettent sur le gril, mais lui va très vite prendre les choses en main et la mettre en face d'un choix. Ce qui me fait penser que son trauma était plus devenu un prétexte, une habitude de conduite. Cela donne lieu à une scène.... que je qualifierai de … chaude ?? sensuelle ??? Par contre elle n'a pas encore compris toute l'étendue des dégâts causés dans le psychisme de Jae Yeol bien qu'elle se doute bien que ses TOC et sa façon de dormir dans les toilettes cachent plus qu'il n'en dit.
En plus on a droit à une superbe balade à Okinawa...
Plus loin : je ne vois pas de clichés, pourtant je ne les rate pas, en général, même si je les apprécie quand la sauce est bien liée et j'aime beaucoup aussi la relation entre les deux psy, divorcés depuis 13 ans mais qui n'arrivent pas à renoncer vraiment…
Ici, il est très difficile d'anticiper la fin, l'éventail entre le tragique, l'acceptation (façon Robbers) ou carrément le happy end est ouvert, quoique j'ai de forts doutes en ce qui concerne le happy end
J'ai admiré comment Dong Min amène Jae yeol à parler, à travers ses blagues et ses plaisanteries, comment il glisse les questions importantes, et Sung Dong Il (que j’admire depuis plusieurs dramas ) est vraiment génial : on sent parfaitement qu'il est extrêmement présent, tout en donnant l'impression à Jae Yeol que ce ne sont que deux copains qui boivent un coup !
Par contre, je ne sais pas comment Soo Kwang pourrait disparaître, ou mourir, vu qu'il n'existe que dans la tête de Jae Yeol, et que c'est en quelque sorte une figuration de lui-même adolescent... Justement, si il mourait ce pourrait être terrible pour Jae Yeol qui n'aurait plus qu'à en faire autant !!
Je m'étais aussi fait la remarque que Jae Yeul ne voyait Kwang Soo qu'avant ou après qu'il lui arrive quelque chose (soit il est battu, soit il est malade, mais disparaît de l'hôpital) et effectivement s’il parvenait à voir sa mort il se passerait quelque chose, mais c'est à double tranchant... Mais si Jae Yeol était convaincu qu'il n'existe pas, il disparaîtrait simplement, mais le lui faire comprendre et admettre sera bien difficile... Ce qui me trouble c'est que quelque fois nous le voyons sans que Jae yeul soit présent, comme si nous partagions son hallucination, comme la dernière fois qu'il est apparu avec la voiture qui fonçait sur lui…
Il a cru se battre avec le père du gamin, il a cru qu'il lui téléphonait alors qu’il n’y avait personne en ligne..il a emmené le gamin à l'hôpital, il y a les romans que le gosse écrit, il voit la maison du gamin (la sienne en fait) comme elle était durant son enfance alors que c'est une ruine calcinée...
Il est carrément dans un univers parallèle, et lui dire qu'il hallucine ne servira à rien, puisque lui il voit tout ça, c'est son vécu, il ne peut pas croire juste parce qu'on lui dit "tu hallucines" que tout est faux... C'est bien le drame des schizophrènes qui entendent des voix, et lui c'est pire, il voit en plus d'entendre...
Episode 13 et 14 : je viens de voir le 13/14 de IOTL, et si on ne peut pas appeler ça "dur" au sens strict, c'est quand même extrêmement émouvant, et bouleversant, du fait du grand talent des acteurs et de l'histoire qui s'achemine de plus en plus vers le drame.
Jang Yeol est maintenant à l'hôpital, le diagnostic est posé et le fin du 14 est vraiment émouvante, et plus ça va (il ne reste que deux épisodes, quand même) moins je peux prévoir la fin de ce drama vraiment excellent et totalement atypique...
Et pour finir je dirai que je supporte de plus en plus mal les mères coréennes, leur façon d'envahir et de tyranniser la vie de leurs filles (ou fils suivant le cas) de ne jamais respecter leurs choix même quand les enfants sont largement adultes.
La façon dont la mère exige que sa fille abandonne Jang yeol parce qu'il est malade me révolte !
C'est là que j'apprécie à fond mon éducation européenne !
Moi aussi la mère et la sœur m'ont sérieusement gonflée, et aussi un peu l'héroïne, quand même, qui, parce que Jang Yeol lui manque trop, remet en cause toute la thérapie en allant le voir, et la façon dont elle dit en sortant "tu avais raison, je n'aurais pas dû y aller, augmente la médication" m'a un peu glacée !! On retrouve bien son égoïsme, celui qui lui a fait tenir la dragée haute à son précédent petit ami pendant 300 jours ! Et à côté de ça elle se laisse gifler par sa mère !!! à 30 ans !!
Et en passant, l'amour des Coréens pour les châtiments corporels commence à me fatiguer aussi ! La réponse systématique par la violence physique, ça va bien !! Mais les "vieux" qui se permettent de tapper sur les "jeunes" dans les dramas, c'est tout le temps ! Dans Fated to love you, la mère de Mi Young secouait comme un prunier ce pauvre Gunnie et le bourrait de tapes et coups !! et je pourrai en trouver 10 autres comme ça ! Là, le ton était comique, mais n'empêche ! Je commence à croire que le confucianisme (respect inconditionnel des anciens) allié au goût pour la violence sont des fondements essentiels des relations parents/enfants en Corée , avec l'amour de la bière et du soju !!
On retrouve cet aspect confucianiste au Japon, mais (en tous cas dans les dramas) les parents lèvent rarement la main sur les enfants surtout quand ils sont largement adultes !
Mais je continue à me demander comment tout ça va finir, j'espère qu'on n'aura pas un tour de passe-passe pour sortir un happy end, mais là ça m'étonnerait quand même !
la fin : décevante dans le sens où on a choisi un ton de comédie superficielle et irréaliste (ce qui jure avec le réalisme du reste du drama) Cependant elle m’a moins déplu qu’à la première vision, bien que l’ambiance colonie de vacances soit en contradiction avec le reste.
Cela reste un des meilleurs et plus originaux dramas que j’ai pu voir !
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Psychology's drama..
I fell in love with the story, its drama psychology that have alot of trust and love issues in it. Start to solved the problem for every actor by the sypmtomps the have to love uncondicionally of our self first before someone did. The emotion of every actor in here is so good. They bring the atmosphere in serious way so smooth. Even the ending in this dramaa so cool even there some sad scene to be seen. Must to watch since the visual of this drama is good. Jo in sung ♡ gong hyo jin so lovely....Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
I'm writing this review after re-watching it probably more than 5 times! Yes, it's That good.
Jang Jae-yeol (Jo In-sung), a famous author of mystery novels, and Ji Hae-soo (Gong Hyo-jin), a psychiatrist, meet one another and end up living in the same house. Jae-yeol becomes Hae-soo's third roommate, with Dong-min and Soo-kwang already having lived there. Dong-min is a psychiatrist, senior to Hae-soo, that has his own office set up in their home. Soo-kwang has Tourette's syndrome, and enjoys trying his luck at meeting women, asking Jae-yeol for advice often. The four of them support and care for one another, creating such feel-good moments.
Jae-yeol has a troubling history with his older brother, and he is disturbed by his past. Jae-yeol's history begins to unravel and Hae-soo, who has a sex phobia, begins to fall in love with Jae-yeol. The two truly heal one another's wounds in a beautiful way. It was nice to see that the characters were not perfect, but were able to grow together.
The drama is open about mental illness, sex, and the like. There is a transparency that is not often found in other kdramas. For example, during one scene, the characters discussed the importance of consent. I really loved this aspect about it.
Jo In-sung plays Jang Jae-yeol perfectly, and made me fall in love with his character. His emotional delivery during scenes that called for it was convincing. The way he portrayed despair, brokenness, as well as playfulness, and humanness, was spot on. Jo In-sung's character is just so Swoon worthy.
Gong Hyo-jin delivered Hae-soo's guarded but loving personality so well. She made you feel the anxiety that Hae-soo was facing and want to see her overcome it. I can't really picture another actress as Hae-soo.
Replay worthy! So many great and memorable songs on this OST.
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Let’s weigh It’s Okay It’s Love on a beam balance and see if it is worth watching or is better missed.
Good Weights
Good Story – IOIL is a medical drama with an interesting storyline for every character on the show. The show deals with several medical cases and each case has been dealt with maturely without compromising on the entertainment value. You may not belong to the medical field but the psychiatrists in the show explain each case in a simple manner for a layman to understand. Despite dealing with a serious topic, the show still makes space for comedy and romance without straying away from the central theme.
Amazing Soundtrack – Apart from the beautifully woven storylines, the original soundtrack of the show is what stands out. All the songs in the show are just incredible. It sets the mood for a scene especially for the non-Korean audience who may initially struggle slightly to understand the nature of a scene.
Sleepless Night by Crush (feat. Punch) is my favourite and I listen to it in a loop. Its lyrics are extremely romantic and totally suits the protagonist’s love story.
Good Acting – What’s beautiful about this show is that every character has a part to play and has a story of its own. It shows how each character deals with its own personal issues and how they manage to tackle them and go on in life. Supporting actors of the show have done an amazing job. Each of them has acted their part to perfection.
Main Lead’s Chemistry – Jang Jae Yeol and Ji Hae Soo’s chemistry is intense and enchanting. Their love-hate relationship is so engaging that you wait for them to come together on screen. Jo In Sung (Jang Jae Yeol) is not only handsome but also a good actor. He looks so vulnerable in certain scenes that you almost feel like protecting him. After a few episodes he just doesn’t look like the Casanova he was thought of being initially. He manages to shed the playboy image and comfortably fit in the role of a romantic hero.
Gong Hyo Jin (Ji Hae Soo) is exceptionally good as the independent and highly opinionated psychiatrist. At times, you might feel annoyed with the way Hae Soo deliberately pushes Jang Jae Yeol away from herself but that is what is required for the character. Hae Soo is a difficult woman because she deals with some insecurities and guilt which is why she uses her arrogance to shield herself.
Bad Weights(I found it extremely difficult to spot any flaws in the show. So the bad weights for this show are not exactly its shortcomings but a few things that bothered me slightly.)
Easy Treatments – Some of the ailments have been shown to be treated easily. An illness like schizophrenia is difficult to treat and may take years to control. But in the show, a patient is shown to contain it very easily and in a rather short period of time. I am not from a medical background but from what I have read I know that it definitely requires more time and efforts to treat it. However, since the show is only 16 hours long I cannot blame the makers for speeding up the treatment process as the audience is not really interested in seeing the detailed procedure of the treatment.
Cheesy Title – I must say that the show’s title is totally misleading. With such a strong content it should have been named differently to avoid the audience taking it to be a just a regular romantic series.
The show beam balance has way too many good weights than bad weights which clearly indicate that the show is a MUST MUST WATCH. I cannot elaborate enough why the show deserves the accolades it has been receiving online by several K-drama fans. All I can say is that had it not been for this show I wouldn’t have tried Korean dramas at all. It’s Okay It’s Love is totally worth the 16 hours of your life.
Originally posted on www.alphagirl.in
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Embracing the darkness to appreciate the light (TW before watching)
First and foremost, I would advise those who watch this series to make sure you know it does cover some VERY violent topics and mental health concerns. Even with knowing this myself, I had to take a few breaks due to feeling overwhelmed since it really shows some raw emotions and encapsulates the journey many must take when facing their pasts.I normally go into series that portray characters with labeled mental health issues with an expectation that they may not represent them correctly or even create new ones that have no real science to back it up. Watching this series I was taken back by how seamlessly they constructed the storyline, it did a good job of balancing the romance with real life scenarios and mental health issues. They didn't make the issues into a gimmicks to progress the story forward but truly delved into what it means to have these diagnosis but also showed how they are not death sentences. That they could not be easily solved with the power of love but showed that with some you must choose to place your mental health first on a daily basis and learn to love yourself, flaws and all, before taking the step to love others.
I don't want to spoil this series all too much since I loved how they slowly peeled away the layers of the characters, leading the viewer to really fall in love with each character before learning about the scars and painful pasts they each have. I will say if you are anything like me, you will be crying on and off watching it.
One thing I really want to highlight is that this series is one of the most complex love stories I have ever watched. So if you aren't afraid to have your heart break a few times before having it cobbled back together stronger in the end, then definitely give this series a chance.
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I'm glad I decided to give this a chance anyway, because it is really amazing.
This is the third drama I've seen where Gong Hyo Jin was the female lead, and I was really surprised. The other two dramas I've seen her in were Pasta and The Greatest Love. Her characters in those were so different than in this one and it was nice to see. She is really a great actress, and I feel she really brought her A game here as well.
The male lead was played by Jo In Sung, this is the first time for me to see him act and at first I wasn't a huge fan, but slowly came around as the drama progressed. He did a pretty great job.
The story and characters are really well done, and this might be one of the only dramas I've seen where everyone kind of felt like real people. People with faults and strengths that seems more real than usual. I really like how this drama's pacing had the viewer realize what was going on first, then the other characters, and then finally the main person. It really kept you in anticipation since you found out what was going on first through clues. Then the focus of the drama isn't just a love story anymore, it's watching these characters slowly realize what you found out. Then it's watching these characters deal with it in their own personal ways.
This one right here is definitely going to be a classic down the road. Where people with look back fondly at this and say how great it was.
This drama was amazing and I highly recommend this drama.
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