0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mag 31, 2024
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.5
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.0

Mi sa che in Thailandia non sanno fare i drama di azione....

Molto carino che ci siano degli esseri soprannaturali, Naga e Garuda, anche se non so quanto la loro rappresentazione sia reale rispetto alla mitologia thailandese.
I primi episodi sono una vera bomba e sollecitano veramente delle grandi aspettative che però, man mano che prosegue il drama, vengono un po' ridimensionate.
Mentre è lodevole l'ambientazione in ambito poliziesco, in contrapposizione all'abusato Cliché del dramma scolastico, devo purtroppo rilevare come la plausibilità delle indagini sia una completa sconosciuta in questi lidi. Purtroppo anche le scene di azione lasciano parecchio a desiderare, siamo ben lontani dal montaggio di una scena coerente: troppo spesso accade che qualcuno dopo aver sparato rimanga fermo diversi secondi ad aspettare che qualcun altro lo abbatta, le incoerenze durante gli appostamenti si sprecano, con telefoni che vibrano in modo molto udibile in mezzo a un bosco quando tutti comunicano a gesti, con telefonate personali in mezzo all'azione, con combattimenti al limite del ridicolo, con l'assoluta mancanza di rispetto per gli ordini dei superiori, e così via.
Si salva fortunatamente la computer grafica che, pur senza arrivare a vette di eccellenza, riesce comunque a fare un buon lavoro, che non fa piangere agli occhi lacrime di sangue.
Il commento musicale si difende abbastanza bene, non sarà musica da Oscar ma è adatta alle scene che descrive.
Sul fronte dei costumi, mentre guardiamo con molto piacere degli aitanti giovanotti in canottiera che fanno allenamenti fisici vari, rischiamo di doverci cavare gli occhi quando (e per fortuna si tratta di poche scene) intervengono gli esseri superiori: costumi così pacchiani penso si vedano soltanto al carnevale di Rio tra le ballerine di samba...
A parte ciò, il drama si lascia guardare in modo piacevole fino all'ultimo paio puntate. I ragazzi sono tanti e una vera festa per gli occhi e, onore al merito, recitano anche decisamente bene. Specialmente la coppia principale è molto affiatata e, soprattutto nelle scene di intimità e tenerezza, rivela una chimica più che soddisfacente. Sarebbe stato molto più carino se al cattivo della situazione non avessero imposto dei ruggiti ben poco attraenti e convincenti, ma comprendo che non si può avere tutto.
E, a proposito del non avere tutto, a 10 episodi di storia tutto sommato non dico credibile ma soddisfacente, sono seguiti gli ultimi due in cui le cose sono andate un po' a catafascio. Ci sono delle situazioni di pericolo che non si capisce bene come si siano risolte, dei salti temporali, dei cambiamenti di scena che non si capisce bene come siano avvenuti, e così via. Anche la risoluzione finale di tutto il conflitto è piuttosto tirata là, decisamente insoddisfacente visti tutti i precedenti. I santi finiscono in gloria, ma non si sa bene che strada abbiano preso per arrivarci.
Sul fronte dei personaggi secondari, molto azzeccato il dottorino e anche i vari poliziotti; un po' meno le piagnucolose famiglie. Menzione di disonore per il personaggio del monaco che, pur dovendo in teoria svolgere una funzione di protezione, al momento del bisogno non è stato di nessun aiuto. Ridicoli i delinquenti, a partire dal loro capo.
Insomma, sicuramente un buon drama, per essere un BL, e un BL thailandese. Così contestualizzato, è sicuramente un ottimo prodotto, ma solo a patto di non cercare verosimiglianza nella parte poliziesca. Sicuramente meglio di Manner of death, ma da questo punto di vista c'è ancora tanta, ma tanta strada da fare.
In compenso, ci sono specialmente all'inizio diverse scene di spogliatoio e doccia con nudi anche integrali pixellati nei punti topici, idem per una scena di letto verso la fine. Decisamente un buon fanservice per gli amanti del genere.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 5, 2024
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Soy Phaya y no me siento orgullosa de ello

Phaya es tan intenso por momentos en cuanto a su amor por Tharn que definitivamente soy ese y claramente no estoy orgullosa de eso por que puede verse medio feo pero equis.

Teniendo en cuenta que es una serie hecha para televisión y basada en un libro (por lo cual no se pueden hacer cambios muy bruscos) es una muy buena serie, ósea cumple muy bien su función de entretenerte y mal hecha no esta que diría es la mejor de Idol Factory o al menos se pelea el top 1 por el momento con GAP (porque quien sabe, por ahí mas adelante sale una muchísimo mejor).

Para ser una BL (que si has estado en este mundillo lo suficiente en cuanto a Bls tailandeses te das una idea del panorama) tiene una trama muy original y creo es la primera que no solo me pone cosas de fantasía sino que igual me pone gente grande y no nenes cosa que se nota algo esa madurez que esperarías en un adulto no solo al tomar decisiones sino al COMUNICARTE CON QUIEN ES TU PAREJA, es excelente aunque, hablando de la trama yo sinceramente espero que haya una especie de segunda temporada porque sentí que falto tiempo para explicar muchísimas cosas y una de ellas es TODO lo relacionado a la especie que es Phaya ya que en toda la serie te explicas todo lo relacionado con las Nagas pero de la especie de el no y la verdad que el final después de los créditos e incluso el mismo final da para una continuación donde se explique ahora todo sobre eso y en especial el porque Phaya no tiene ningún tipo de poder y el porque pareciera que incluso en su forma original le faltaba como que fuerza lo cual contrasta un poco eso de que su especie es fuerte y poderosa igual que las Nagas.

No se si es porque en el libro asi tal cual estaba narrado, pero honestamente el equipo de DIF (? al que pertenecen dejaba mucho que desear y eso que se supone eran los mejores, pero como que no sabían primeros auxilios, no sabían apuntar bien, no sabia hacer estrategias (lo cual es la principal razón por la que muere gente aquí por ejemplo Ning, como vas detrás del criminal sin siquiera tener la confesión y evidencia del testigo primero? y sobre todo, como dejas al testigo SOLO y con el cuidado de policías cuando sabes que los policías estaban comprados?) y como que el único fuerte era el combate cuerpo a cuerpo que por cierto, las secuencias de pelea estaban muy bien hechas a mi opinión aunque si lo pensamos aun asi un solo tipo pudo contras dos lo cual anula su única especialidad.

La actuación no esta mal pero tampoco es excelente, no quiero tirar nombres porque honestamente le tengo cariño a los artistas de Idol Factory pero como que unos les falta mejorar lo que es su actuación y en especial el como transmitir emociones claves para darle el impacto que se quería a la escena, que hablando de actuaciones, ¿Cómo es posible que Billy se vea tierno y lindo MIENTRAS ESTA DEPRIMIDO? Cada que salía el deprimido por x cosa se veía tan tierno y encima si le creía que estaba triste que me parece increíble, creo que un nivel de actuación asi se necesitaba con otros actores aunque igual le falta mejorar en cuento a como mostrar otras emociones que eso ya quede a criterio de cada quien qué emociones le faltan mejorar.

Tengo quejas con el "villano" asi es, hablo de Chalathorn, no se si es que en el libro sea asi pero es muy mediocre y parece que actúa por pura obsesión y celos eso sumado a que no se siente como un villano en si, mas villano se sintió a Montree que él, no se si es que ese es un problema que viene desde el libro o es solo de la serie por motivos de tiempo.

No me voy a extender mas porque la verdad me da pereza y que les digo, a pesar de que tengo como 50 quejas mas realmente disfrute este programa, es tan telenovela que te mantiene enganchado en todos los caps de una u otra manera (a no ser que seas del publico que le gusta que la historia vaya por un solo hilo, en ese caso siento que no es tú serie ya que tiene varias subtramas las cuales no ayudan a la trama principal directamente o nada en si pero a ver entretenidas son, como cuando te cuentan la historia de Khem y Thongthai, no sirve de nada de nada para la trama principal pero entretenida es), ya casi el final no se que paso ahí, como que se durmieron los guionistas o se les perdió el guion que hay muchas cosas que no se entienden, ¿Cómo Phaya se salvo de morir cayendo del acantilado? ¿Tharn lo salvo? esto ultimo me da sentido porque cuando Phaya cae se ve a la izquierda una luz amarilla cayendo hacia Phaya lo cual tendria algo de sentido teniendo en cuenta todo lo que vimos en la serie pero, cuando vez el final después de los créditos puedes llegar a pensar que en realidad no fue Tran quien lo salvo sino el personaje que interpresa Saint en ese final cosa que si es asi, ¿Entonces como Tharn llego donde Phaya en la cueva? ¿Cuánto tiempo paso desde que Tharn se "murió" hasta que vuelve a aparecer? ¿Qué significa eso de que "lo dejaron ir a verlo"? ¿Qué significa el final después de los créditos? ¿Acaso estoy desvariando? ¿Harán segunda parte? Porque si no hay segunda parte de esto ¿Cuál fue el objetivo del final después de los créditos?

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 20, 2024
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

It’s definitely unique.

It’s midnight in my country and I still have to write a review. Because I have just finished this BL, and also bawled my eyes out like a baby.
Anyway not a sad series if you not as emotional as me. A little action parts there, some famous faces (even directors), cute lovely scenes and enough of quality NC scenes.

If you love that action genre and are interested in some spice of mysterious legend with lots of love. You should for sure watch this. It’s definitely unique. We never had religious based BL before I believe.

I do recommend to watch it. <3

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 13, 2024
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 6.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.5
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

A very creative project, definitely a must watch except just take out the character Dao?

Not anyone has done a good thriller fantasy BL drama and have executed it well. Specially with this good CGI production. This one I must say is the best.

Everything is on point the thriller plot that connects to the main story, has been executed really well.
The VFX effects were really good. Made the series even more intresting to watch.
Acting of the whole cast was on point.

And yes there are things that I didn't like:
1. The character Dao: Why was she even there in the series. I rarely dislike a non-negative character but My God!!! She was the most annoying character in the series. Not just the character, the actress was equally stiff in her acting. She needs to work on it...

2. Unnecessary comedic angle introduced between Khem and Thong made me Cringe

3. Why are the camera angles in the kiss scene soo bad?

4. Last episode Love scene could have been shortened and they could have detailed showed what happened to Montree or how Tharn convinced Chalothorn.

And offcourse I need to give special mention to Yai:
This man totally charmed. I have become a fan of him ??. Everytime he was on screen I couldn't focus on anything else other than his ?. Lol!! Sorry not sorry!! Everyone wants a friend like him. I wish we could have seen more of his romantic story with Sand... It would have been absolutely beautiful.❤️. Please cast him in other projects!!!

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 12, 2024
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0

I think it’s underrated for how good it is

The production quality is amazing! The actors did an amazing job at portraying emotion it felt really real and the story is amazing on how they’re love was never meant to be since the beginning and in each new life they become lovers but the enemy always destroys it, but the enemy had a change a heart after learning the truth. The grandmas are also amazing and Tharn/Phaya being a couple isn’t always the main focus because they are cops and go on different missions together where it eventually leads up to the truth about the past

The only part I didn’t like is when Tharn and Phaya had dreams of them kissing each other which I hate when they do in BLs because it kinds of ruins the moment for me when they actually kiss.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 26, 2024
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.5
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musica 6.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

It Really was just OK!

The Sign wasn't nearly as good as its MDL rating would suggest. I've seen many other BLs from different countries that were far better in the plot, cinematography, direction and action that didn't receive the rating that The Sign received (8.6). For example (and these are merely examples): My School President 8.5, KinnPorsche 8.1, Last Twilight 8.5, The Eclipse 8.3, and HIStory3: Trapped 8.4. All of these BLs were just as good or even better than The Sign in many aspects, which further makes me believe that probably much of a poster's rating is based on their personal likes and dislikes, which is still ok.

What i like about the series:

1. The first episode was interesting and had a good premise.
2. I thought it was good that the producers brought in other aspects of Thai culture, such as their belief system in past lives (reincarnation) and the various gods and deities that play part of their beliefs.
3. There was good attempt to make this series a cinematic masterpiece, and the addition of CGI.
4. The actors were ALL gorgeous and definitely great "eye candy," especially Babe! He's certainly got the appropriate nickname.
5. I thought it was interesting that the story would have almost a complete unit of police officers who were lgbtq+ AND lovers! Again, I know it's fantasy. I guess there's no one who could protect your back better than someone you have sex with.

Now, what I thought was a little much (at least for me):

1. I though that Tharn (Babe) went from being a badass early on in ther series to a crybaby wimp near the end of the series. But, Likewise, so did Phaya (Billy). I guess their love made them "weak."

2. The doctor's story as the villain wasn't really hashed as well as it could've been, especially in the ending episodes. We never really got to see the real connection between he and Tharn.

3. I know they were trying to look like a big budget production. But the CGI scenes really needed some work. At times, it looked more like a saturday morning kids show than adult production.

4. Someone else commented there were too many subplots. YES THERE WERE!!!

Now, that I've stated these points, I will say that I did like the series. I didn't particularly like the ending with the way Tharne left and Phaya was so broken hearted that he would become a broken down bum. But, it was interesting. Is it worthy of an 8.6. IMO, if all were talking about is whether you personally liked it not, then probably so. However, if you really wanted to apply equal merit to its scenery, cinematography, direction. and plot, then probably not. One other Thai BL received a MDL rating of 8.6 was Night of a Thousand Stars. Hmmm! Think about it.

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BL worshipper
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 8, 2024
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.0
Storia 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.0
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Too draggy, a bit disappointing

Giving it 7 was me being nice, I had high expectations mainly due to the extremely high ratings of 8.6, but was very unfortunately disappointed.

I wasn't really even emotionally invested in the Main cp, and that's a huge flag for me. They really do lack communication, lots of unnecessary misunderstandings happening, lots of explanations that could've saved them from danger. But they were cute in a way, and it's my first time watching a BL with fantasy tropes, which was pretty interesting. (though it wasn't done nicely at all)

The fantasy bits were just confusing (slight spoilers) - e.g. why did the sister look for Phaya instead of Tharn? She could've explained everything to her ex-sister instead, but she chose not to for reasons unknown. It could've been a lot more cohesive, but instead it adds only confusion to the plot.

Now for the 'police' plotline that underlies the entire series, I found it pretty unnecessary honestly. Them being a police didn't add to the main focus of the series - aka Phaya and Tharn's relationship. It would've made no difference even if they weren't police officers, except maybe they would've gotten into a lot less trouble and danger.

Now for the ending, the most unsatisfying part of the show. Why the hell did they shorten the reunion to 2 minutes. That was just unacceptable. They decided to cut out everything that would show us the dilema Doc had to go through, Tharn trying to explain his love for Phaya. Just everything important was cut out. All we got was 2 minutes of Tharn and Phaya reuniting happily, and Doc the sea-dragon leaving. Why did they cut out all the emotional parts, the conflicts, the important scenes?? I could never understand this.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 21, 2024
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
It’s not your typical BL series. If you watch BL mostly for the love story, this might not be the show for you. The main and second couple have good chemistry but the show doesn’t focus on that. I especially like the bond between the gang/boys. The first three episodes really showed that. The first three episodes were very good. As for the rest, I felt it became a bit messy. The last few episodes really felt rushed. The side couple and other cast lacked a lot of plot development. The side couple have really good chemistry but it wasn’t shown off as much in the show. Their story was rushed. I also wanted to know more about the other cast in the show. Given that it’s a crime and fantasy show, for a 12 episode show, it might have been a challenge to fit all the stories together. I say it’s still a good show and it’s still worth your time. The cinematography is really good.

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Wend Dancer
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 25, 2024
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Silver Screen Insights: The Sign


Among each BL that was released in 2023 (with the exception of the phenomenal 'I Feel You Linger in the Air'), The Sign has secured its place as one of the top 10 BLs of all time, and has set major expectations for future BL series. I was hooked from e1 and was eager to learn more with every episode released afterwards. To conclude, The Sign is not a perfect series, but the performance from all actors and the team behind this series was constructed excellently.

| Spotlight of Excellence (Positive Elements)

• All of the abs (especially Gap Puribhat [Yai]) and butts shown in e1 was a sight to see LOL
• Billy Ounsa-ard (Phaya) gave us everything in the last few episodes and should be applauded
• Each couple had sweet moments which was appreciated
• Nat Sakdakorn (Art) out-acted everyone in this series with only 20m of screen time
• Phaya & Tharn have beautiful chemistry and really fought to remain by one another's side
• Saint's cameo at the end gave me goosebumps (in a good way)
• Subtle inclusion of a GL couple was nice
• The NSFW scenes were excellent and had me blushing
• The police and special forces aspects were well done

| Shortcomings and Flaws (Negative Elements)

• Khem taking the bullet for Thongthai was unnecessary
• Overall the CGI was wonderful but looked cheesy at times (take notes from Game of Thrones)
• Tharn's plan for justice/revenge for his parents' deaths could have been executed better
• The antagonists (except for Chalothon) were lackluster

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In Corso 5/12
Hanim Bakar
7 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
dic 24, 2023
5 di 12 episodi visti
In Corso 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

The Best BL Ever

I've never seen or watched a BL series like this since I started my interest in BL series. This is Epic!!
The plot or storyline is amazingly layout where it makes you want to know more. 60 to 83 minutes too short. Seems like 60 to 83 seconds!! That's show how amazing they tell story to the viewers. Every each episode has its continuation or link to another story or scene which I believe it is brilliant.
The Director of this series really looks into every details that make each episode connected to one another without fail ... brilliant. The CGI.... the quality, I must say equally Hollywood style. Amazing.
The actors and actresses, they are perfect for their characters.... indeed.
The chemistry between the two ML, they are excellent.
Bottomline this is my kind of BL series I love to invest my time in. This is big time Epic.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Droppato 8/12
4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
gen 28, 2024
8 di 12 episodi visti
Droppato 0
Generale 6.0
Storia 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.5

I like Billy & Babe Yet I Miss Seng

This is not a bad series quite the contrary in fact. It does suffer from a storyline that is all over the place.

As a huge fan of Saint since Love By Chance, I want to support his every action but this has to end for me. I can't continue on with this. I like Babe but I look at him and his adorable handsome face and all I can think of is Seng.
I may be alone but I love the dynamic of BILLYSENG when they brought to life Nuea and Toh in SCOY so Babe seems like an interloper.

In addition why does Billy lead all of IDOL FACTORY's BL's which is only 2 but why not give Heng a chance to lead a BL or even Surprise. Everyone seems to take a backseat to Billy.

Please dont get me wrong Billy is gorgeous and talented like MIX of GMMTV but the difference is GMMTV have different male leads in BL. Yes IDOL FACTORY is not as vast as GMMTV but it could be much better than GMMTV if it uses it talent pool besides Billy.
Seng has BL coming out soon and I look so forward to seeing him again, he has that special something like Saint did in Love By Chance. Like Saint he is an immense talent and he brings out the best in his co-stars. Perth was already great on his on but working with Saint made him shine that much brighter and Seng did that for Billy in SCOY.
So fans of The Sign please enjoy I look forward to reading your positive reviews at the end but my journey has to end before the ending. And here's hoping IDOL FACTORY comes back with another fascinating BL soon.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 24, 2024
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

One of the Best….

The Sign has been one of the best BL’s I’ve ever watched!
Idol Factory really hit a winner with this series!
Plus, based on the exchange between Phaya & Saint after the credits, dare I hope for a sequel? Yes, please!
The whole cast were superb…everyone brought their acting talents to their roles.
The comic value between Khem & Thong always came at the right moments, the groundbreaking role of Sand as Yai’s partner was encouraging, the fantastic acting of the children playing young Phaya & Tharn, and the chemistry between Billy & Babe made the series!
If a series keeps me engaged until the very final episode to the point I am in tears and clapping at the last scene (even after seeing spoilers), then it is well deserving of all the stars!
I look forward to many more wonderful series from Idol Factory & Saint!

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The Sign (2023) poster



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  • Classificato: #679
  • Popolarità: #827
  • Chi Guarda: 20,628

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