1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 29, 2023
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
Sin dal primo trailer non avevo grandi aspettative perché la storia a mio parere non sembrava avere tanto senso per questo l’ho semplicemente nominata “serie in cui si cornificano a vicenda”. In realtà se dovessi descrivere la trama di Only Friends direi quest’ultima frase, non saprei spiegarla in nessun'altra maniera, è tutto così incasinato e complicato per riuscire a spiegare che tipo di serie sia.
La mia opinione non è risultata cambiata quando ho visto il secondo trailer, semplicemente sono rimasta scioccata, ero senza fiato perchè non mi aspettavo di vedere quello che ho visto.
In ogni caso sarò sincera dicendo che il tipo di trama che troviamo proposta qui è una di quelle che evito perchè sono incasinate e sinceramente vado molto più per un amore puro e sincero, non amo i tradimenti e sono rancorosa quindi non sopporterei questo tipo di trama, ma alla fine l’ho vista lo stesso per due motivi:
1. so che se ne sarebbe parlato tanto e volevo provare l’esperienza che amo di più, ossia il vedere video e opinioni delle persone su una serie mentre questa è in onda;
2. questo è il punto determinante. IL CAST. Inutile fare, se mi avessero proposto un altro cast molto probabilmente non l’avrei mai iniziata perchè questo è veramente ottimo, spettacolare, se fossero stati altri attori non mi sarebbe interessato. Per non parlare della presenza dei miei amati First e Khao.
Quindi ci pensai un pò e mi dissi vabbè proviamoci.
Adesso come adesso posso dire che la serie in sè mi è piaciuta sin dall’inizio per il suo vibes, è fresco e pungente, mi piace.
Però inutile dire che la storia è un fottuto casino, non amo dover parlare di persona o coppia in persona o coppia ma con questa serie è l’unico metodo, tanto so che farò mischi assurdi.

Incominciando da colui che sin dall’inizio mi è sembrato colui che fosse più marcato, quasi come fosse il singolo protagonista, ossia Mew.
Dico che sembra come il vero protagonista perché alla fine tutto rimanda a lui, tutto gira intorno a lui.
Sin dall’inizio l’ho amato veramente tanto, insieme a Sand, ma a una certa mi è sceso veramente in basso; partendo proprio dall’inizio non ero sicura che Top potesse essere un buon ragazzo e di sua parte ho amato come Mew sia stato attento nel verificare se Top potesse essere serio o meno. Insieme li ho anche amati ma non tantissimo, mi hanno dato fastidio varie cose ma la cosa che più mi ha sfracassato le palle è stato quando Mew ha chiesto a Top di smetterla di fare uso di droghe e Top ha deciso che doveva essere ricompensato sennò non faceva come Mew aveva detto. Lì inutile dire il nervoso che mi è salito, Mew te lo dice per il tuo bene e te pensi solo a un modo per obbligarlo ad andare a letto con te! Ho odiato questa cosa ed il fatto che Mew veramente lo abbia “ricompensato”. Non mi è piaciuto.
Un’altra cosa che ho odiato è stato assolutamente quando Top si è arrabbiato vedendo il video del bacio tra Mew e Ray. Dico io allora sei coglione perché mo vabbè che Boston è un altro coglione di merda ma cazzo, te l’ha pure detto che l’accaduto era di due anni prima, che ti arrabbi a fare! Lì scioccata perchè veramente si è solo avuta la conferma che usciva con Mew solo perchè era vergine e voleva farlo con uno vergine, quindi quando ha avuto il dubbio del fatto che Mew gli abbia mentito o meno gli ha dato fastidio.
Il vero problema è che se ami Mew e sei serio con lui, a te non dovrebbe fregare più di tanto di una cosa di due anni prima, manco fosse di quel momento; e la cosa ancora più assurda è che si è sentito così superiore da farlo con Boston per la rabbia. Inutile fare che ci sono rimasta di merda, questo è tradimento a tutti gli effetti e sinceramente per me Mew non l’avrebbe dovuto neanche perdonare.
Ho amato come Mew abbia fatto sapere a Top che il tradimento non era più un segreto, è stato fantastico.
Poi sinceramente Mew mi è caduto parecchio in basso.
Mi aspettavo una bella vendetta, non lui che si facesse trasportare da tutto e diventare una persona che non è, ma alla fine non gliene do una colpa perchè lui è la vittima.
Innanzitutto non mi è piaciuto come abbia fatto la mossa di andare a provarci con quello per prendere il video dalla sua chiavetta ma bho allo stesso tempo ho amato come abbia usato saggiamente questa cosa contro Boston. Proprio il fatto di presentarsi a casa sua, parlarne col padre come se fosse un progetto di recitazione facendo cagare sotto Boston, ho adorato poi soprattutto la maturità del dirgli che anche se si è procurato quel video, lui non è una merda come Boston e non gioca sporco. Amato.
Poi di lì è caduto in tutti i sensi e se in un primo momento ne ero incazzata, poi ne sono stata triste perchè l'ho capito. Top è pur sempre stato il suo primo amore, è ovvio che vedendosi cornuto avrà pensato a cose come “Non sono abbastanza?" “Sono noioso?” e altro ancora. Per questo l’unica cosa che è finito a fare è stato cercare di non sembrare noioso per fargli vedere cosa si è perso, però nel tentativo di cercare di riaverlo.
Ha iniziato a fumare, bere, fare festa, lo stile è cambiato, ma soprattutto il suo atteggiamento, e poi ha deciso che bha avrebbe dovuto amare l’unica persona che veramente c’è sempre stata per lui e lo ama, Ray. Lì scioccata che stesse realmente succedendo, non volevo succedesse anche perchè finalmente le cose tra Ray e Sand stavano andando bene. In questa maniera sarebbe stato rovinato tutto.
Poi sinceramente non mi piaceva l’idea di Mew che utilizzava Ray per cercare di ingelosire Top e Ray di sua parte che se prima era indeciso sui suoi sentimenti, adesso lo sarebbe stato ancora di più. Non mi sembrava giusto per entrambi.
Che poi Cheum disse che era colpa di Ray se Mew era andato a finire così ma sarò sincera e dirò che non è così. Per l’amor del cielo, Mew ha voluto tutto questo e l’ha chiesto a Ray, dimmi te che cosa avrebbe mai dovuto fare Ray che lui in primis è un fottuto alcolista, chi è alcolista come può fermare gli altri dal bere, non sa fermare se stesso e pretendi fermasse Mew. Ma poi anche se fosse, Mew è adulto e può decidere per sé quindi se decide di farlo, lo faccia. Che sbaglia lo sappiamo bene tutti ma da come sta messo mentalmente meglio che l’abbia capito col tempo.
Però veramente Mew mi era sceso un botto, anche se ne ero veramente triste, mi è stra dispiaciuto per lui, si vedeva che aveva amato e amava Top con tutto se stesso, sennò non sarebbe finito in quel modo.
Inutile dire che ho amato quando ha buttato in piscina sia Boston che Top ahahah.
Sinceramente sono una persona rancorosa e odio veramente tanto il tradimento, se fossi stata in Mew manco morta avrei perdonato Top. So quanto è orribile e ingiusto il tradimento, per questo ho sperato tanto che Mew non lo perdonasse ma che ci vuoi fare, Mew è ultra innamorato di Top, avrà resistito un pò eccetera ma si sapeva che alla fine avrebbe ceduto e la cosa che veramente ho odiato è che dopo tutta la madonna di cose successe hanno deciso di mettermi in mezzo pure quel bastardo di Boeing. Lo odio con tutta me stessa insieme a Boston e un pochetto meno Top.
Sinceramente non ci voleva pure tutto sto casino con lui, ha dato solo estremo fastidio.
Alla fine Mew e Top saranno pure tornati insieme ma bho io non sono ancora riuscita a perdonare completamente Top, si vede che è dispiaciuto come non mai e che si è estremamente pentito ma allo stesso tempo per me il tradimento è la peggio cosa.
Però diciamo che ho alleggerito un po ' il cuore sulla cosa per il fatto di vedere finalmente Mew più felice. Cosa che però non è ritornata alla normalità è il suo atteggiamento, si vede che è maturato dalla questione ma data la sporcizia di situazione avrei preferito non succedesse nulla così che rimanesse com’era, ha passato veramente tanto senza meritarsi tutta quella merda.

Per quanto riguarda Ray e Sand, la cosa è tanta.
Una cosa è certa, questa coppia è l’unica che mi ha fatto provare i maggiori sentimenti in assoluto. Sin dall’inizio ho pianto valangate di lacrime per loro, sia di felicità che di tristezza.
Inutile dire che Sand è stato il mio personaggio preferito in assoluto per tutta la serie. Amore mio purtroppo ne ha passate tante.
Sia Sand che Ray sono persone che in amore ci mettono tutto il cuore ma mentre Sand si fa facilmente trascinare, Ray finge di essere trascinato, per esattezza è trascinato dai suoi sentimenti contrastanti che lo fanno stare bene con Sand ma appena vede o sente Mew subito scatta la scintilla per il suo vecchio amore.
Ray è un personaggio molto delicato e purtroppo non è stato quasi mai trattato bene dalle persone, vuole solo un pò di compagnia e soprattutto vuole essere amato.
Purtroppo è così pieno di problemi e gli è stato difficile rendersi conto di se stesso e capirsi, si sarebbe dovuto impegnare sul capire i suoi sentimenti per non far soffrire Sand, eppure coglione com’è non ha fatto nulla neanche quando si è messo con Mew, dato che pretendeva lo stesso di essere geloso di Sand. Infatti io l’avevo sempre cercato di capire ma lì proprio ho detto basta e ho pensato che fosse veramente il momento di decidere perché l’amore non è una scelta e non puoi pretendere di amare due persone contemporaneamente, credi veramente che questo sarà accettato da loro?!
Il suo è stato un comportamento decisamente egoista ed è stato pure il primo a parlare con Sand dicendo che nei momenti passati assieme era veramente felice.
Quindi non volevo proprio capire cosa lo fermasse, era troppo legato ai vecchi sentimenti per lasciarli andare e aggiungerne di nuovi.
Sand è stato trattato veramente male da Ray, inutile dire i pianti che mi sono fatta; una delle scene che più mi ha fatto piangere è quella finale dell’episodio 5 in cui Sand dice: con questa scena piansi veramente tanto perchè si vedeva quanto Sand avesse messo tanto amore in Ray e quanto avesse sperato per il meglio.
Per quanto riguarda di quando Sand è riuscito a convincere Ray a fare riabilitazione, quel periodo iniziale è stato doloroso, ho amato la recitazione di First e Khao nelle scene in cui litigavano e nella scena di riappacificazione dal litigio, purtroppo è vero che Sand non avesse veramente preso quei soldi ma la scena così sembrava quindi ho sentito proprio nel profondo la sensazione di Ray. Si sarà sentito tradito, usato, una scusante e tutti i sentimenti per lui si erano annullati, erano falsi. Quindi capisco benissimo perchè si sia lasciato andare e abbia urlato tutto fuori, questo lo ha anche aiutato a comprendersi meglio e una volta saputa la verità è stato tutto così bello nel vedere lui che correva da Sand per dirgli che senza di lui non può vivere ecc.
Che poi loro due sono stati un roller coaster per tutta la serie perché ogni episodio andava da dio per poi finire male con loro, ero felice e poi mi ritrovavo a piangere e gli ultimi episodi sono stati quelli più decisivi però devo dire di aver trovato un atteggiamento diverso.
Con l’arrivo di Boeing signor pulce fastidiosa anche da Sand, ho trovato che la cosa fosse tornata all’inizio ma inversa; Sand indeciso sui suoi sentimenti mentre Ray era lì super forte. Ho decisamente amato Ray ma purtroppo per me è stato un pò troppo crudele con Sand nella scena della piscina perché mio dio quei pochi minuti sono stati lo stress in persona, assurdi, ero scioccata.
Però cazzo quanto mi sono piaciuti loro, la coppia che più ho amato di questa serie e l’unica che speravo con tutta me stessa finisse assieme.

Leggi di Più

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93 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 27, 2023
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 9
Generale 10
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Not an episode went by without me screaming in front of my screen

'Only friends' is a messy yet intriguing series and no the plot isn't the mess in fact the plot execution is really good, however the characters are absolutely messy and the whole plot revolves around these very messy characters. Red flags here, red flags there and I am honestly not a fan of red flags but this series had me ever since the trailer. One of the most striking elements of this series is the undeniable chemistry among the actors. The emotions, the tension they convey through the screen are palpable, tugging at my heartstrings and making the characters connections and conflicts feel all too real. I am so invested.

Not an episode went by without me screaming in front of my screen, be it in excitement or frustration. I had to pause from time to time to take deep breath and to calm down because honestly this riled me up, made me swear and scream and I was still enjoying it.

WARNING: Major spoilers ahead!!

Starting with Sand because he is my favorite. He is sassy and has his own ways- both good and bad. He is confident, charming, mess with him and be ready for a payback. And he has my heart. I really can't see him getting hurt. He is so freaking precious and honestly I just want to throw some punches on Ray but then again I can't do that. One glimpse of Ray crying and my anger is all melted but then he does some shitty things again and my anger, my frustration is back. Ray, he is alcoholic, kind of lonely, one hell of a selfish prick, and I am so freaking mad at him or I am not. Honestly I don't know anymore. Also, he is such a tease. He says Sand isn't my type but then he is flirting with Sand every single second of every single minute Sand is around him. And yeah they were 'ONLY' friends even after all the smoke kiss and the nights and what nots and he liked Mew and he messed up a big time but call me color blind I still wanted to see Sand and Ray happily together. However, that doesn't change the fact that Sand deserves so much better.

Moving on to Nick, he is such a cute baby but a big no he ain't innocent. He is so certain about what and who he wants which is a good trait but he is suffering and I just wanna go and punch Boston but then again I can't do this either. I am a softie for them all. Sorry not sorry!! Honestly, Boston is a hot manipulative mess and a major major red flag. He's using Nick and I hate him when Nick is hurting, more so when he screws things up but guess what I still can't hate him completely. I don't even know if I hate him at all, he just gets me screaming in front my screen in frustration. Also, he and Nick were friends.. 'ONLY' friends after all the nights and sweet talks and what nots and Boston was playing around but call me crazy I seriously wanted them to be the endgame even after all of that. And trust me what Boston wants he gets it by hook or by crook.

Then we have Mew, the said nerd in the friend circle and the innocent yet not so innocent guy. He is into Top but he plays hard to get. Talking about Top, he radiates the vibe of a red flag but trust me he isn't the first one on the list. However, it's clear he does want Mew at the moment and I think he really does have feelings for Mew or am I just being clowned? I still don't know honestly. Okay so they had a thing going on and they too were 'ONLY' friends and then boyfriends for a tiny while and then they- aaaahahjahdahsjd- watch it yourself to know.

See, mess! mess! the head throbbing, heart wrenching mess they created!!

The most sorted relationship in the friends circle is of Namchueam and April and they don't really have enough screen time. It might look like I am complaining. Yeah I am because I was losing my mind and I was on the edge every single second while watching this. But damnnn the chemistry they have. I can't unsee it and I am so invested. Also, none of the characters are bland. There's Dan, who is hitting on Nick and his chemistry with Nick is no joke. Then we have Boeing, my god, this guy is the real deal. He made his entry like a tornado, shaking up the already messed up relationship equations and damn his charm is irresistible. Also, Yo and Plug they had minimum screen time but they ate up their scenes.

To add up the osts, the sound tracks, I love it mahn and even the lyrics of the osts. Honestly this series is a mess and it triggered my trust issues. I couldn't and I still can't trust anyone of them not even my favorites and still this is so worth it. Highly Highly recommended!!

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
39 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 28, 2023
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.5
Storia 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Good :)

What a ride!
I must admit I had high expectations for this, and at the end I was a bit disappointed.
The story flows well and the acting is good, but I guess there are some parts that are a bit lacking.
I enjoyed most of the show, but didn't really get attached to TopMew's couple, even though I liked how they ended the story.

Story is obviously filled with toxic characters, but there is a lot of development.
In this sense, I think Khaotung (Ray) has done a tremendous job. If I have to make a note, I think that they skipped a little the mother's complex, in favor of Ray's choice to make everything better for Sand.
I want to be totally honest: I watched the series for Khaotung and First, and for Mark, and I couldn't stop because I wanted to see more of them.
That said, I think that some parts are just not necessary (the whole Boeing's plan and its liaisons with Sand and Top - I just got annoyed although I wanted to watch more of Mond's) and the overall story got a bit slowed down from episode 9 onwards.

I liked a lot the fact that they didn't force BostonNick, and that Nick finally chose to be by himself. It was great to see a happy ending. Nick was my favourite character overall, because he was always so pure and honest, yet caring. He was not trying to change Boston, but realized he was just faking the whole boyfriend thing and "I've changed, now I only see you" thing.
That was my favourite part.

I screamed when I saw Mix at the end, but it was unnecessary to the story xD
At first I thought they would've proposed a new version of Boston, but I'm glad they didn't.

Overall, it's an enjoyable story, "spicier" than usual for GMMTV and I guess a little bit more realistic than the average GMM series.
It's not a masterpiece, but you can watch it without thinking "oh gawd, I wasted a lot of time".

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
13 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 30, 2023
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 3.5

Hook ups, throw ups, fuck ups, hiccups...

Only friends does not really have much of a story at least not the first few episodes as there will be people touching each others genitals in pretty much every single scene making me wonder 1. did they use protection and 2. how durable are the skin and muscles of youth down below...

Pretty much every single one of the men in this is despicable at one point or another with the exception of the bartender who just had to little screen time to be so...

Only friends can apparently do a whole lot of shit making me wonder if these people really are friends forget the only, I would settle for acquaintances at some point, s this is probably the loneliest bunch of friends I have seen in all of Dramalad.

The main characters;
Sand- Smile to die for is shown to be this kind of saint but deep down we kind of know this guy is disloyal and can easiely throw his friend under a buss... He is however a good influence on some and has the best t-shirts.

Ray- Boy is crying for help so loudly... he does give up some psychopath vibes and I keep on going between wanna hug the guy and wanting to put him behind bars...

Top- Man is good looking, the ultimate bad boy you want to tame and make go good... but for the life of me I do not get what he sees in Mew... badboy desrservs better

Mew- I really do not get the guy, selfish annoying, fake... Psychopath... yes he has a nice smile but that is where the guys character ends. Why can't this actor get better parts?

Boston- Dude is crying for help... I hate him I love him I hate him again... I have had issues with Neos acting but honestly this time he nailed his character and did a great job.

Nick- One pretty huge mistake but after that I think Mark finally made my crush-list the most charming of the bunch...

Bowing- I have no words... dude needs to get some help...

Actually the whole bunch could use some help....

That said it was an entertaining watch, it completely lacked substance (unless you count saliva as substance), but it was indeed entertaining and filled a whole yers quota of watching people hook up!

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
8 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 28, 2023
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 6.5
Storia 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.5

Unexpectedly Underwhelming :)

Great cast, veterans from other BL shows, a premise with a hint of lots of interaction and sex. What could go wrong?

PLOT: Let’s say the basic concept is pretty interesting, the different members having connections or history with each other, seeing different ships mixing together, this idea would make the show not boring. Well, the execution is quite different. The different plotlines are not detailed enough and also pretty boring, that even the actors can’t make it better. I thought it would get interesting at some point but I noticed that in later episodes I just started skipping some parts because I was so bored with some side plotlines. By the trailer it seemed like a 18+ show, however, let alone some strong and truly hot scenes in early episodes, it gets so soft and boring later that it feels like a Turkish soap opera.

DIRECTION/PRODUCTION: The casual GmmTv issues are present regarding the production: weird sounds/voices, poor sound quality in outdoor takes. The setting sometimes feels a bit contracted.

ACTING/CHARACTERS: This is the heaviest issue for me. The cast is pretty good, well-known faces, good actors. However, it generally feels like poor acting, but I think it’s because of the bad direction and writing. I think the only exception is Khaotung (Ray) who seems to be the most complex character and also the actor is putting all effort into showing us. His performance was outstandingly good compared to others, despite this actor really not being my favourite in the BL world.
Outstandingly bad performance was associated with Force (Top). His plain expressions make it feel like it’s a production from a highschool afternoon acting club. This kinda worked in A Boss and a Babe, but doesn’t work at all in Only Friends. Let alone some good emotional moments in later episodes when his character cries, which is some decent acting.
-After watching the last episode, and the post-credit funny scenes, I realized these actors have so much energy and personality inside them, half of it wasn’t shown throughout the show. These last funny BTS scenes really show a contrast between what could have been and what was.

CHEMISTRY: Chemistry between Top and Mew didn’t really work for me, the other couples and mix-ups had some really intense moments, even some believable drama between each other.
So... Steamy scenes: 9/10 ; Drama: 6/10

MUSIC: The opening is kinda cringy in my honest opinion, but the title song is SO COOL, I never get bored of it, I really recommend you find the whole song on YT and give it a try, it’s pretty catchy. The other musics during the episodes were alright, they didn’t really bother me but also nothing special, however sometimes I felt like I’m listening to a “Teamfight_3” music from Dota2 Music Pack 2018. :D Actually there are some free stock musics from YT, but they are not disturbing at all.

ENDING: Underwhelming. Rushed. Empty. Could have been some real drama. The only exception is Boston’s ending which I found sad but realistic and well-deserved.

VERDICT: I find this show such a wasted potential, with such a great cast and promising premise/concept. Underused cast, lame writing, average, boring plot. A slightly better than average show for me, but maybe I expected too much, therefore I'm giving it a 6.5/10.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
8 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 28, 2023
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

The best hot mess - worth a try!

Spoilers in the form of general mood and topic spoilers: I try keep them general and vague! Check the spoiler tags - they can help you see what might be triggering!

No matter what you think of Only Friends, it has no doubt cemented its place in history - chaotic adults who also happen to be gay in what's certainly one of the better and more polished GMM productions that I've seen! It's messy and a fun take on the university dramas I've seen all too often from Thailand: here, them being final year uni students feels almost secondary to the story minus the fact their final project is what this revolves around. What I'm trying to say is that their primary personalities aren't uni students - they're adults who get up to a lot of stuff outside uni. Also, THERE'S A SAPPHIC SIDE COUPLE (with little screentime since it's not GL, but they're still there!!!)

This is what makes or breaks a series honestly - no matter how good the actors are or the cinematography is, the story has to be there. I think it was there, although it felt vaguely rushed at the end due to the introduction of conflict in the penultimate and final episodes. However, I feel like that's the charm of Only Friends - the chaotic nature. Indeed, coming to the comments, people wanted everyone to kiss, and A LOT of people kissed outside of the rigid couples I expected.
This is a very messy series and if you're here for established couples, understand that the story has angst and chaos and your favourite couples will kiss other characters. I love that the series explores addictions (implied to be genetic), suicide and promotes rehab. It shows the consequences of characters' actions, and even if most of the couples are endgame, I love that not all the couples get together.

A star-studded cast, with many faces I was familiar with:
Neo and Mark particularly shined here because I'd only seen them as the comic supporting characters - they did incredibly well here with more serious roles!
First and Khaotung put me through so many emotions that I understand why people love them - some of my favourite and most memorable emotional scenes were theirs.
Unfortunately, Force and Book didn't get me as invested as I should have in Top and Mew's story. I think it might be that the other actors were so surprisingly good that they didn't shine as much. I didn't feel much about or for them, except I thought I'd like Mew more early on, but loved his later self. I only cared about them when something was wrong or there was conflict, but I was invested in the others even when there was no conflict.
Lookjun and Nonnie were nice but had little screentime, so if you want to watch for the sapphic couple, I'd recommend you get used to them being very secondary to the plot, more Nonnie because she's not part of the main friendship group.
Jennie is iconic as usual, and Tee was impressive - their story had me irrationally invested for such minor roles.

The music was amazing: they took a range of genres and used them as background music or as references in the series! I put the OST "Let's Try" sung by Khaotung (Ray's actor) on repeat before watching this every time, and I have it on loop now while writing this! Rock, hip hop and pop(?) all made appearances in the series too!

I loved it, but I tend to rewatch things for comfort and only my favourites then. However, this might be one to rewatch if you like to rewatch chaotic and angsty things - if I'm ever in the mood to see everyone kiss everyone I'll watch this!

It felt vaguely starved of CheumApril content plot wise but there's still a while to go before we have more sapphic side couples who are notable in the story. The fact that they're listed as support roles despite Lookjun being part of the main friendship group explains it though. I also couldn't be completely satisfied with the speedy redemptions for the sake of a happy ending for some couples. However, I understand that there are people who are all too willing to take back their partners who've done wrong, and I want to believe that the characters in question are truly improving since that's what I feel I saw. In that, this was realistic.

If you're on the fence about watching this - I was too for a bit, until I saw the chaos and angst promised. The OST is called "Let's Try" so why not take up Khao's invitation? I feel like this is worth a try!

(sincerest apologies for any mess or confusion - I tried to structure my first review as much as possible!)

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Luna Jen
12 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 29, 2023
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 4.5
Storia 3.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 6.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

It is bad, not the worst, but it is bad

If you're looking for a show that will change your life, this isn't it. If you're looking for a good story that will give you a message, this isn't it. But if you have free time, want to watch something with your meal, and are looking for something that won't strain your mind too much, this is it. In the story, all characters are in the gray zone except 3 of them.(two of them are black, one of them white, white is the only girl btw:) Some of them are very light gray, some are close to black. This may be the most admirable aspect of the story. You can empathize with almost all the characters or get angry and hate them at the end of the story. This choice is completely It is left to you.

The first episodes of the series are very fluent and different. But the cliché of bringing an ex-lover to open a new path has turned everything upside down. With such a clumsy move and the continuation of the lazy writing technique, the story jumped out of the window. Even though you understand the motivations of many characters until that hour, everything becomes a confusion after that hour. Characters exhibit self-contradictory behavior. Which is the failure of the scenario. The scenario also has inconsistencies within itself. While the kissing scene of one of the characters who has a boyfriend with someone else may cause major events, another character's not taken into consideration at all and is even applauded. In the series, everyone cheats on each other or everyone kisses everyone else, but these do not serve anything. The characters act as if nothing happened. They made everyone kiss to eache other for just get more interaction on social media and these scenes serve nothing. In short, it is another series where the weak and bad scenario is tried to be saved with popular actors and Nc scenes. It is bad but not the worst, but it is still bad.

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In Corso 10/12
19 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 12, 2023
10 di 12 episodi visti
In Corso 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler


La historia empieza a desarrollarse muy bien para ser el primero capitulo, igualmente se puede ver hacía dónde se dirigirá y lo que se puede esperar.
Dentro de las actuaciones la de Neo y Mark es algo que definitivamente tenemos que destacar, es decir, se podía sentir la tensión sexual entre los personajes en sus escenas, me sentí comp si estuviera de mal tercio jajaja
En cuánto al soundtrack, la canción de Khao es increíblemente perfecta para la serie ! La necesito en Spotify YA!
No se cuántas veces voy a repetir el capítulo hasta que salga el siguiente, esta ganas de querer saber que va a pasar que te deja la serie es un buen indicio.

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In Corso 10/12
25 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 19, 2023
10 di 12 episodi visti
In Corso 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

True queer representation

My brother in Christ if you have ever wondered what the true queer experience looks like then this is exactly what it is. It shows a good range of the culture and I like that it's not showing any as good or bad but just how it is in the real world. I don't know fully what it's like in Thailand but this is very similar to how a lot of it works in England. I'll probably but my rating to a 10 on a couple of episodes if they keep up this quality, I just don't like rating a 10 just one episode in. I have really high hopes.
Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
5 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 2, 2023
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.5
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Great Until it Wasn't

Only Friends has a great beginning, but I can't lie that the incline to it being great crashed somewhere and just started getting rather tedious to watch. And don't get me wrong -- the plot, the acting, the romances -- everything worked like it was supposed to, except, still something just didn't work towards the end of this for me.

Let's Dive In.

Jojo knew what he was doing with this series, specifically with these pairings too. Putting a bunch of hot people in one frame and having them get into some heated mess -- okay yes, of course, I'm seated. I absolutely adore the concept of this BL, which I don't even know if I would label it a BL. This felt more like a genuine queer messy-gay series with no specific yes on a pairing and everybody was just kissing and sucking and fucking one another. It was about friendship and love and betrayal and hatred and loss and it worked perfectly with these actors. They put on a brilliant performance, and I can't wait to see what's lined up for them in the future from here on out.

Now, onto specific characters/pairings: I'll be honest, I would've loved a RayMew endgame. Of course, Ray and Sand worked well together too, but I'm a sucker for friends to lovers and we can't pretend like the moments that we did get between them weren't so fucking cute. Anyways, passed my wrecked ship, I'll start with Top and Mew. I absolutely hate that they ended up together. I really wish that Mew would've moved on, which might be my own bias because I can't imagine staying with someone that cheated on me, and even worse, cheated on me with my best friend. Also, yes, Boston is like a terrible human being, but if Mew can't find it in himself to forgive his friend but forgive his partner when they were both in the wrong, then Mew is being a bit of a hypocrite -- is he not? But skipping past before Top cheated with Boston, I was all aboard the Top Mew train. But initially Top only got with Mew to fill Boston's bet that he couldn't be the person Mew loses his virginity to, so now that I'm remembering that, I actually still didn't really like this pairing much. And I get it, he realized he actually did have feelings for Mew, but the intentions were still there. In reality, I give their relationship 5 months until they end for good.

Onto Sand and Ray, the only couple that I'm okay with. I liked Ray's character development a lot, which is why I can actually see this relationship lasting. They had a lot of ups and downs and honestly, the only real one I can recall is Ray still having feelings for Mew. I think they also complement each other so well that it just works. The rich with the poor, the spontaneous with the calculated, the party animal with the quiet musician, the boy who yearns for someone to love them with the boy who yearns to be loved. It was all so good. Again, I think Ray and Mew would've worked better for me, but I can see why this pairing does too, so I'm not mad about it at all.

Moving onto Nick and Boston -- thank god they didn't end up together. I hated seeing Nick just up and give Boston chance after chance, especially after they actually get together and Boston screws up again. He's just an all-around terrible person, who needed no redemption arc but was still given one (slightly). But again, Neo is so charming, so handsome, so perfect, so I can see why Nick would *shrugs in understanding*. But Nick deciding to work on himself to find the key to loving himself was a perfect ending for his character. Poor dude passed up Gumpa, so he really must've been hurting.

Mond being in this was so random and yet everything I needed and more. Dude is so pretty, so perfect, so everything. I couldn't even be mad that he was put in to add conflict at the last minute, because gosh, I mean just look at him. And the glasses too?? I'm no better than any of these characters tbh.

So what I think went wrong with this series: For me, there were a few times in which this just dragged on. Seeing Mark be hurt over and over again, Ray and Sand going back and forth, Top and Mew playing a game of cat and mouse -- and then it goes on for episodes and episodes. By the end, I was watching this at 2 times the speed. This is me being completely nit-picky and everyone else can disagree with me and that's fine, but how come we never see Ray/Sand and Top/Mew NC scenes as intensely as we saw Boston/any-boy-within-a-two-feet-radius-and-Mark? Maybe because they wanted to put an emphasis on Boston being sex crazy, but it felt weird to incorporate something for one character but not the others.


Story: 8/10 - Overall, it was good. Kind of repetitive and a little bit draggy, but it still worked well and was on theme throughout.

Acting: 9/10 - I got to see Mond and Force shirtless (which has nothing to do with their acting, but they sure did show me a good performance so..). Anyways though, and for real, everyone did a phenomenal job. Again, I'll have to give most of the kudos to Khaotung who just hits it out of the park each and every time. But Mark also stood out and so did Neo too.

Music: 8.5/10: Like usual, I didn't pay much attention, but I would like the sudden shock on my face when I heard an English song playing. I don't know, it just shocks me sometimes. Also, the theme song is so very good.

Recommendation Value: 7.5/10: Watch this because the actors are gorgeous and they are kissing at least 1/2 of each episode -- and the plot is wonderful. I give it a low score because I think this would've actually worked out better had I binge-watched it. I just saw all the hype and had to watch, but having seen what I've seen, I could've definitely waited to binge-watch it.

Also, Mix coming in at the end almost felt like they were building up to a potential 2nd season?? I mean, just imagine it. And you know if Mix is there I'm also there. We shall see once the final GMMTV 2024 line-up comes out!

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
6 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 2, 2023
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 1
Generale 4.5
Storia 4.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musica 6.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Only for the Fans

Did not understand the hype. It looked like the main goal was to get every main character to kiss each other before the end of the series. While some characters were interesting (e.g. Sand, Ray, Boston), others were rather one-dimensional, bland and just didn't work for me (e.g. Mew, Top, Nick) aka there was nothing likeable or interesting. I truly do not understand what Mew's appeal is and the character Nick was annoyingly frustrating throughout the entire series (yes even until the end!).

The only thing that kept it going for me was the development between Sand and Ray, with the exception of some parts towards the end where the story-line did not gel with the characters. If the idea was to make homosexual relationships seem toxic, promiscuous and hedonistic (selfish to a certain extent), then this drama has certainly achieved that.

The lack of good character design and a compelling story-line aside the choice of music was rather refreshing and the acting was actually pretty decent, which helped in getting through the series. I did feel that there was too much emphasis on the intimate/love scenes, and at some point it felt like a whole lot of fan service.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
8 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 29, 2023
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 6.0
Storia 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 3.5

Well… It was something…

now that this is over, I think I can say it was just average to me. I didn’t like any of the characters, and I found myself barely connecting to any of them. I’m not sure where the Mew storyline went because he was the least complex, least interesting, and overall most flat character.

I think everyone hyping it up, trying to analyze the characters, and general noise from the fans was making this seem more than it was. it was nice to see them push a bit against the norm for Thai bls, especially in the exclusive pairings factor, but I can’t say it made up for the lack of attention in fleshing out stories/backgrounds.

it was an interesting watch, but not something I found too enjoyable. the slut shaming of Boston was also a huge annoyance to me and I think he deserved to be seen as a person, not just a drama factor. he was the main reason the series could even keep going, so it was disappointing not seeing him get to say his piece.

this almost pushed the “open relationship” mentality, as I don’t see this as poly. it just fell short. I don’t really know what else I can praise this for… khaotung’s song? forcefirst being a thing? overall I just watched this to watch it. after the mew dramatics, knowing damn well it was just for show, it lost a lot of wind for me.

anyway, not a bad show, but it didn’t work for me personally.

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Only Friends (2023) poster



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