One rainy morning, Koichi finds himself as a victim of a tragic car accident as he and Mitsuru are on their way to school. However, to much of Misturu's bewilderment, Koichi stands up from the crash as if nothing has happened thereby leaving Mitsuru in state of extreme shock and confusion.
(Source: Gagaoolala)
okay I did NOT see that coming at all!! i mean i thought that this is a generic story but i definitely wrong! i mean ZOMBIES???!!!! this is unfair because I'm a sucker for zombies! this series will have a very biased feeling from me!
Series ini menurutku di episode pertama bener-bener slow banget dan nuansanya mirip-mirip Utsukashii Kare ; bahkan dengan latar belakang cerita yang kurang kuat ; Tapi, hal ini benar-benar berubah ketika saya menonton episode 2 ini. Episode kali ini menurutku sangat mengubah semua anggapan saya tentang series ini, ternyata latar belakang cerita series ini unik dan "out of the box" banget gt, baru ; terasa segar dan entah kenapa saya menyukainya, banyak sekali probabilitas dari latar belakang cerita yang seperti ini ~ saya harap series ini tidak memberikan open ending, karena saya tidak menyukai ending yang seperti itu. Dari segi romansa, episode kali ini dapet banget ya, apalagi Oumi dan Yamada punya chemistry yang masih malu-malu di sini, entah kenapa ekspresi mereka sangat nyambung ; perwatakan mereka juga sangat kuat. Dari segi warna, masih sama saja ya, entah kenapa aku merasa bahwa series ini ternyata selayak itu untuk diikuti. Karakter lain juga sepertinya sangat cocok di series ini, seperti karakter pendukung, guru dan lain sebagainya. Saya sangat penasaran dengan cerita-nya, mau dibawa kemana ceritanya ; itu adalah hal utama yang saya ingin ketahui dari series ini, saya akan melanjutkan series ini besok.
well this took a turn i didn't accept, by definition Koichi is a zombie - the fact he's not craving brains is neither here nor there - he's still the living dead that will and (logically) should start to rot. so i don't really know where this is going - this whole plot is not connected to any of the usual storylines to date.. which while interesting, is also leaving me confused as where to go in my mind with what i've watched in this ep. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Koichi as a character seems more like a meek, lost lamb - who is lead by his love(?) infatuation/attraction of Mitsuru. maybe that love is so strong it's keeping him alive ?!? but he just seems so vulnerable, and the only one who (ironically) is now standing in front of him as a shield is Mitsuru - this can go wrong is so many ways, that i'm dreading that as much as i'm dreading the inevitable end between both leads... as he can't keep existing like the living dead -