huang renjun
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 18, 2023
6 di 6 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.0
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 5.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.5

like just okay tbh

I don't know all the men were kind of assholes to Yuna I think she deserved so much better than she was treated by literally every character except for Hyewon. The main couples story was alright I don't know why the bald friend and other friend were even in the show tbh. Also, why would lee roa call him cute like 10 times and then pretend not to care about him when he confessed it didn't make any sense!!! I also felt like Jiwu's feelings kind of came out of nowhere he likes Yuna one second and the next second he's rejecting her?? The main takeaway I had is that Hyewon and Yuna should have ended up together.

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1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mag 21, 2022
6 di 6 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0

Korea continues to Reign in the BL scene for 2022

I must say it took me a while to watch this because there was not much buzz and I saw mixed reviews online but off the strength of Blueming, Semantic Error and Cherry Blossoms After Winter, I decided to give this show a chance.. and boy did it not disappoint. everything had the feel of a korean Bl and it's safe to say Korea has delivered the best BL's for 2022 thus far. I loved that besides the love story there was actually a plot which is rare in Bl's these days. though the ''stalker '' in the end was no big shock it was pretty obvious that it was him. I must say I will recommend this to anyone.. it was not as great as the above mentioned 3 but it's a very good addition to the Korean BL scene.

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0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 14, 2023
6 di 6 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

Lovely, Classy, Unexpected

I really, really like this one. When I first started watching it I couldn't even get through the first episode, but something convinced me to give it another shot and I'm so glad I did.
Once you get past the first episode, awkward and uncomfortable as it may be, you suddenly find yourself knee-deep in a compelling, well-written story with interesting and likeable characters that touches on some more mature topics which it handles quite deftly.

The show's strongest point are its characters. They all have interesting and realistic character arcs and grow significantly over the course of the series. The strong focus on friendship as well as relationships is especially wonderful.
What's also rare is the way the show centers its female characters. They both have agency, they both have their own very distinct personalities, they don't serve as mere plot-devices to further the main relationship, and the depictions of male-female friendships are just amazing.
The story also does a good job of exploring the realities of being a young woman and the constant looming threat of predatory men without ever getting too violent or reveling in the characters suffering. There is also nothing of the "damsel-in-distress" archetype about Yu Na's character even when she does ask for help, and this also makes that particular plot thread work much better than it might have done in a different show.

Another aspect of the series that I loved was its grounded and direct approach to queer characters and queer issues.
Ro Ah's relationship with his friend, for instance, is unique in that they are both queer, but while they both know that Nam Jun is romantically interested in Ro Ah, Ro Ah doesn't reciprocate these feelings and they simply stay friends and even live together with very few problems.
Ro Ah draws very clear boundaries and is incredibly direct about his wants and needs regarding their relationship and when Nam Jun oversteps those bounds, Ro Ah takes a very firm stand in how unacceptable such behaviour is.
I have never seen this sort of dynamic depicted in a queer drama before (unless the end-goal is for the two characters to end up together, of course) and I was very pleasantly surprised by it.
The characters also directly address the concept of coming out rather than just alluding to it which I have also not seen before and which I absolutely loved.

All in all there is a lot to love about this little series and I encourage you to give it a shot. If you can get past there first episode you will find a show full of realistic and charming characters, that knows how to inject subtle humour and genuine emotion into an interesting and somewhat unique storyline. It's an underrated gem of a show and if you let it, I think it might just charm you as thoroughly is it did me.

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0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 15, 2022
6 di 6 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musica 5.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.5
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Extra! Extra! People expect too much from short Korean BL

I will say that I am a person that can successfully enjoy and understand a series with a fair amount of skipping and I do so liberally. This is mostly because I have an attention deficit and unless something really grabs hold, I simply skip a bit, sometimes 10/20 seconds, sometimes a few minutes. I did not skip this show once. Why? Because there was always something happening. It might feel like things weren’t fleshed out enough but it was all pretty satisfyingly completed imo.

As for reviews that say “barely a BL” well, I’m sorry, most BL on the market must be extremely boring to you. There was one kiss, and while it wasn’t fizzing with chemistry, it was sweet and intentional. Ro-A clearly liked Ji Woo throughout and didn’t make much of an effort to hide it. Ji Woo clearly started thinking about Ro-A in some kinda way when he saw him shirtless and then we saw that develop for him until he confessed. Ro-A rejected him because he heard/saw the hateful comments and didn’t want Ji Woo to have to face that for the rest of his life when he was happily pursuing Yoo Na prior to them meeting.

There was zero fall-kissing and this made me insanely happy. The only bit where I cringed was when Ro-A stopped the bat with his arm. There was also no outrageous jealousy. Ro-A warned off Yoo-Na but she WAS initially using him because he liked her and made her feel safe, which put him at great risk.

All in all, this is a short series without fall kisses or bruises that disappear the next day after applying lotion and blowing. The lead isn’t caught in a predicament when faced with his female crush confessing, he straight out rejects her and goes all out to confess to the man he feels love for. It’s put me in a pretty good mood for the day.

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Big Mantou
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 22, 2022
6 di 6 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.5
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 5.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 3.0

Easy Yet Cute Watch

I find watching short dramas like these very comforting although, it doesn't always have to be up everyone's alley. For short dramas like these, there isn't much story going on because there's only so many episodes they're working with. Though, for this drama it is decent in the aspect that you can see the effort put into each episode. Although it goes fast, the pacing usually always is with 20 minute episodes, there is still a sense of charm in it. The actors were all so beautiful and they played their role well. I won't praise their acting to such a huge amount because, well, there is a lot to go on about. There are many awkward scenes but, from the way I see it, if you take in account a real life aspect of this- all of this (from what happened in the story) would probably be awkward.

Everything I've watched isn't re-watch value for me because it feels like a 1 time thing. Something to watch when you're feeling bored or out of it. When it comes to other dramas I've watched, they're on a whole other level from this which goes to show how much this series needs to work on IF there is a sequel. If there is going to be one, I would most likely watch it. Other than that, it was a cute watch and I recommend it if you're looking for anything cute or fluffy and easy to watch.

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0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 29, 2022
6 di 6 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.5
Storia 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.5

Average but still worth watching

I don't really have much to say about this show, it's very short, but not bad at all. Its plot it's not too complicated and that is positive in such a short bl, but the romantic part it's a bit lacking. I liked that fact that you didn't know who the main character was going to end up with until the last episode, however that same last episode was the worst one. I don't want to give spoilers, but to me, it just felt unrealistic and added just to create a problem between the two lovers.
In general, this is a cute but short show, that doesn't focus too much on the queer side, but it makes it a little bit different from the rest.

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0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mag 24, 2022
6 di 6 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.0
Storia 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 4.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Nice and sweet binge-watch

With 6x20 minutes, this is a perfect drama if you have a few hours to kill. It's uncomplicated, sweet, lovable. The story is not overly childish or cliche. Though the trope of "wow I suddenly fell for a guy" is the main theme here, it is not done in an annoying of comical way, but surprisingly mature and sensitive.

What I did not like nor understand is the fact that the class mates had never seen a gay man/couple and were genuinely surprised that it happened at their school and even in their class. I have seen many BL's, including many Korean ones, but in modern BL's this is never really a thing. I can't help but wonder if this is representing of modern Korean society or not...

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mag 21, 2022
6 di 6 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.0
Storia 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musica 4.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 4.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Full Story in Six Episodes

Six episodes for a series will always leave us feeling unsatisfied. The advantage of course, is that we get to the love story fairly quickly. Filling up the series with characters walking up and down the stairs, or showing scenery is not needed. It is not necessary to avoid the fact that we are watching and waiting for the love story. We get to the point. However, what we gain in pace , we lose in character development and the implications are that we are unclear on what motivates our love interests, why are they attractive as love interests and who are they in the great scheme of things.

Love Class is a short BL about two boys who are desk mates at university. While this is not a new theme, we've not seen it in a university setting, or at least I have not. The story is about how the affection develops from such proximity. The story is believable, but what was unprecedented was how one of the characters suddenly leaves when their dream is about to become a reality, that felt a little unrealistic to me and therefore a let down.

The biggest let down for me was the kiss and this is not just with this drama. Many dramas are steeped in conservatism that it becomes rather difficult to believe the actions leading up to the kiss. How are you NOT passionate for the one you love after a long absence?

Besides all that, this is watchable on a Sunday afternoon when you have nothing else going on.

Thank you for reading my review.

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0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 6, 2022
6 di 6 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

I simply don't care what people say about it cause I love "Love Class"

Here's a Korean Bl series that I will surely be sitting down to rewatch again. Love class is realistic,deals with things as they're in the real world not like many fairytale Bl series. RO-A doesn't just develop feelings for Ji Woo over night. And when Ji Woo is down and hides in his room, RO-A comforts him with a poem I will never forget. I certainly love Ji Woo many would have broken down if the one they loved just didn't love them and abandoned them. I do understand the ending perfectly. That's I do know ? that RO-A was waiting for Ji Woo. The only thing that I dislike is how RO-A treated Ji Woo and his best friend!

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Love Class (2022) poster



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