Step by Step Episode 2

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Valutazioni: 8.6/10 from 64 users
Recensioni: 9 users
Season: 1

While dealing with Jeng's high-pressure management style, Pat also meets someone from his past whom he'd rather not meet again. (Source: GagaOOLala)
  • Andato in Onda: April 25, 2023

Step by Step Episode 2 Reazioni

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dic 8, 2023

Thrown on us

We stopped with the little interaction between the mains which was disappoint me and a lot of the story is thrown on us so confusing to make sense of it plus who is put to pat that part didn't go into enough detail
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ott 13, 2023

I’m sorry but how is people made at pat???…

I’m sorry but how is people made at pat??? He is a human with feelings so obviously when his boss is yelling at him everyday at work, he is going to have a breakdown at some point? I love jeng but so far he’s a little to mean to pat :(
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Seductive Nape
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giu 30, 2023

Good because suffering plot ? but happy watching it

Like the episode is good because there’s actually plot of literally everyone, hating on pat. But damn was it annoying, I wasn’t happily watching it. There’s no happy or cute moments really, not gonna give it a low score but reality is wouldn’t rewatch this episode, because it’s just suffering ;(Only funny part is the end “mY maNaagEr MicroManaGes me” like wuuut lol
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mag 29, 2023

Shift in dynamics

This episode was on-point and felt realistic. Pat had an outburst, and it does make sense when you hold back for too long. Nan's character addition was a much-needed one. Pat-Nan's bond is pure and lovely, yet the co-worker has to gossip about everything. From the supporting cast, Ying, Prem, Aoei, Pui, Arm and Toh are annoying, while Ae, Khanun and Beam seem more promising characters. Jeng is trying his best but needs to find a better way of expressing himself, especially to Pat. I'm interested to learn about Pat-Put's relationship and their back story.
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mag 7, 2023


The workplace harassment really topped this episode off. I side with pat on everything mainly because it’s in his perspective but all the things that’s he’s done so far are warranted. You write that review king. Uh drunk making rash decisions because you took advice from other drunk people. Im hype as hell for this show to be all the way out. Okay bye!
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apr 29, 2023

Realistis! IMO (in my opinion).

Menurut penilaianku, satu episode ini sangat realistis dan related banget dengan kehidupan aku. Dimana senioritas sangat "harus" dijunjung tinggi tanpa adanya batasan, menghujat junior - membully junior dan membuatnya seolah-olah sendiri dan berbeda ; aku benar-benar ada di fase itu, dan itu sangat menyakitkan. Ada pribahasa "jika kamu terlalu terang, orang lain akan membencimu" sangat nyata tergambar di episode kali ini. Sungguh, episode kali ini menekan emosiku terutama rasa kesal + gemas yang disatukan menjadi satu. Teman-teman kantor Pat benar-benar menyebalkan, puncak kemarahanku adalah ketika salah satu temannya memaksa pat untuk mengakui orientasi seksualnya dan itu sangat-sangat tidak sopan!. Ada satu karakter wanita bernama Nan dan aku sudah dapat melihat dengan jelas dia adalah fujo dan aku sangat menyukai karakternya, haha sudah sangat terbaca dan aku fikir Jeng memang sudah berteman dengan Nan dan meminta Nan untuk mencari tahu lebih dekat tentang Pat, hmmm apakah teori ku ini benar? saya sangat menantikan series ini dan membuktikan apakah teori ini benar atau salah. Chemistry terkuat adalah scene dimana Pat menangis di depan Jeng, itu adalah suasana paling aku suka, momen kesedihan karena sudah berusaha keras tapi seolah-olah tidak dihargai - aku pernah ada diposisi itu, aku seperti kembali ke masa lalu dan merasakannya kembali, nostalgia sekali. Di episode ini kedekatan Pat dan Jeng dalam bentuk scene romantis benar-benar tidak ada, Jeng digambarkan sebagai karakter paling berkuasa, serius dan misterius, sedangkan Pat digambarkan sebagai karakter kuat yang tidak punya kuasa - ini adalah perpaduan yang pas untuk sebuah cerita yang epic!, Saya sangat menyukai series ini, episode dua benar-benar membuatku terkesan. Saya sangat menantikan episode tiganya.

Leggi di Più

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apr 28, 2023

Standing strong; a mature & realistic take with a reasonable boss? Spoilers in the 2nd section.

Rating for ep2: 8.87/10 stars
Production quality and editing is still standing strong but some things felt a little rushed and not well enough explained. There also wasn't much that happened this episode... it was really good and entertaining but it wasn't as good as the pilot. The pilot left an impression whereas this ep seems to not quite be a filler but more so an episode of buildup with no clear episodic arc; which made it feel less satisfying. Ik in the long run that's the right call for the story but with only one episode a week I was wanting/ craving more!? I need at least two episodes a week or maybe I should've waited to binge multiple episodes. Either way this series has successfully had me screaming and gaping at the screen each time it the ep freezes on the final frame.

**My Thoughts with SPOILERS below:**Yes, there was a lot of things piling up on Pat's plate, with the extortion at work, his ex, the rumors at work, his asshole coworkers that are a little too nosey and entitled along with his (voluntary) back to back work hours only for his good work to be nit picked by his boss who's "never" satisfied. Basically Pat's using Jeng as the figurehead in which he'll be taking out all of his frustrations onto. Because he sure as hell isn't taking it out on his nasty coworkers! Psychologically speaking, people who cope with stress this way tend to built it up and take it out on someone that they feel closest and safest with because the relationship has more so of a "safety net"; and of course this is all subconscious. It definitely doesn't excuse any of Pat's behaviours but it's a cute little detail of foreshadowing! The coworkers make my blood boil almost everytime one of them is on screen yet somehow they don't fully feel out of place, they still kind of fit and are enticing but it could also honestly get old at any minute... That being said, I didn't think the "work injustices" were quite severe enough for him to snap and submit that pissed off and pointed peer review report lol. I am glad that Pat's getting the recognition for HIS own work as well as his own autonomy work wise, but from the translations we've gotten, I think Jeng's concerns and feedback is perfectly reasonable. He's their boss not their friend and while he could show a bit more appreciation towards those deserving (aka Pat) and rephrase a couple of critics for the most efficient and effective effect, I don't see any faults with any of it. It's all very valid and reasonable. The borders of the slideshow and the additional presentation notes were kind of petty but it's also Pat's job? He's getting paid to do that stuff? Jeng also does praise him (briefly) every single time, which is then followed up by the critics. It'd be so much more impactful for him to do the praise and then use constructive criticism aka what to work on for next time rather than the "this wasn't great" or "that wasn't professional". We see Nan do this and Pat's very receptive to it but of course Jeng isn't obligated to do that. He's the boss. And as unfair as it was for Ying to throw him under the bus, he's also 25 y/o... he's old enough to understand that they are a team, a unit, so whatever issues they have amongst themselves can and should be dealt with at any other time; not right in front of their respective clients. It affects them all. I mean I'm younger than him and I thought that was inherent! I was so glad that Pat got a supportive work buddy and while I am critiquing his actions I do understand that he's still young, impulsive and inexperienced. It's very realistic and there's so much space for character development! I'm very excited to see how they go upon it.Btw it was so weird to see P'Poppy in the more serious and logical role instead of his normal comedic relief roles but he rocked it!

Leggi di Più

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apr 26, 2023

Err. Long

This episode felt like it took forever, the scenes dragged on for too long, some unnecessary scenes as well, I really had to struggle to complete this and it was disappointing because the first episode was really good I had very high hopes for this episode as well. but I'm staying hopeful and looking forward to episode 3
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apr 25, 2023

Loving it

Everything about this episode was so good. The missed feelings, the anxiety of being a newbie, the angst and frustration of not being ready to come out the closet, the differences in ages thus the differences in how they view situations. So raw and so good.
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