really like Wu Bi's father, love how now he's not busy at all & keeps finding reasons to come check-out how his son is, all the time... it's kinda adorable how their relationship has changed for the better (❁´◡`❁) & found it funny that he ate both meatballs - no he aint greedy or oblivious cause he's rich. he was just appreciating his sons cooking & being rich, he didn't think that maybe the guys didn't have money for more meat. as am sure he hasn't cut Wu Bi's allowance. so why would he \(〇_o)/*****************************************************************************************************************************************the lube scene was very weird, but at least it makes some things very clear - we might not see it, but now it's clear that Wu Bi & Su Yu r more then just brother's (like i doubt there's anyone that didn't notice the chemistry between the 2 & how it's far from platonic). the jealousy act also help paint a very vivid picture - a funny one (●'◡'●)*****************************************************************************************************************************************really not warming up to Mo Yi, he keeps acting like Wu Bi's jealous possessive wife & that whole order to come help him, let alone confiscating his cell etc... was too shady for me. also his hinting that Wu Bi's gonna empty the family fortune for Su Yu, as if he's a gold digger is rubbing me the wrong way. now this dude (unlike Wu) is a pompous ass-hat cause he got money. he had this attitude when he assumed Xiao San got in between Wu Bi's parents for money. but now that, that issue was cleared there is no reason other then being prejudice towards poor people ( ˘︹˘ )
Beautiful!So well done. The mls arematuringand so muchis happening. The waythe family iscoming together adds tothe dynamics. Clearly the mls are acouple.