Moon Shine
3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 17, 2022
20 di 20 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

The Best C-Drama on First Half of 2022

I think this drama underrated, because the story is unique about face painter and mystery crime, that rarely told in many dramas, and of course there are many forensic science that use not just autopsy, but there are cyber forensic and psychology forensic. I am very excited for the first I read the synopsis and watch the trailer, and went it comes to air, I am very happy because the drama is more than I expected, Thanks for all Under The Skin Team to make this drama and give me more information to solved the case with many method
Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 10, 2023
20 di 20 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.5

the movie

I really appreciate the author of this series, the story was smooth and easy to understand, it gave a little learning about how the police work and the psychological world, I'm very impressed.

I really appreciate the author of this series, the story was smooth and easy to understand, it gave a little learning about how the police work and the psychological world, I'm very impressed.

I really appreciate the author of this series, the story was smooth and easy to understand, it gave a little learning about how the police work and the psychological world, I'm very impressed.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 5, 2022
20 di 20 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0

Un petit bijoux à ne pas louper

Il y a comme chaque année des dramas qui passent allègrement sous le radar, parfois sous nos yeux pourtant aguerris. La multitude des sorties mensuelles n'aide pas beaucoup. Et il faut avouer que le succès des K-dramas dessert un peu ceux qui viennent de la Chine continentale, du Japon ou de Taiwan. C'est encore un bel exemple d'excellence qui sera peu vu. Peu apprécié. Peu partagé. D'où ma plume ici.

"Under The Skin" a comme originalité de nous parler d'un artiste talentueux devenu portraitiste pour la police. Je n'ai pas souvenir d'avoir vu ce thème traité jusqu'à présent.
Et c'est aussi ce qui m'a attiré vers ce drama. 
Et c'est aussi un des points forts de cette série. 
Car ici, point de gribouillage brumeux tracé de loin par un acteur tenant maladroitement un fusain, essayant vainement de nous convaincre de sa soi-disante maitrise. Les portraits, les dessins, les peintures sont magnifiques et dégagent un réel talent, une densité qui plus d'une fois m'a ébahi. Les coups de crayon ont été filmé sous divers angles nous donnant le sentiment que Tan Jian Ci tient réellement le crayon (comprenez par là, dessinant lui même les sketchs). Les esquisses prennent alors vie sous nos yeux émerveillés.

Toute la subtilité de l'art est ici mise en valeur, comme un personnage principal qu'on aura mûrement donné forme. Presque amoureusement. D'une simple esquisse en passant par la sculpture, la peinture, le scénariste porte cet art au firmament, sublimant un simple visage en noir et blanc. Du grand art! Sans parler des explications de Shen Yi, ses analyses et observations fines mêlant techniques artistiques et psychologie humaine, je ne dirai qu'un mot. Merci. Merci de nous avoir offert ces dessins, peintures sublimes. Merci de ne pas avoir pris le spectateur pour un idiot. 

Chéri qui n'a pas du tout la fibre artistique m'a suggéré à ma grande surprise "et si nous allions voir une galerie d'art?", c'est pour dire....

Mais il faut avouer que sans un excellent scénario, sans personnages charismatiques, le drama n'aura été une fois de plus qu'une simple série policière. Cela tombe bien, ce drama possède tout cela : scénario solide et duo addictif!

Je ne suis pas une grande fan de ces séries policières où les cas s'enchainent à chaque épisode (comme chez les états-uniens), voire tous les 2 épisodes, et résolus, brillamment ou pas, faisant avancer plus ou moins l'intrigue principale. Rappelez-vous de "The mentalist" ou "X-Files" (ah ma jeunesse....), séries US, qui bien qu'intéressantes avaient le défaut récurrent de nous faire miroiter une trame principale intense...
au début et à la fin de chaque (nombreuse) saison. Seulement.

Vous n'aurez pas du tout ce problème ici, ou dans les dramas asiatiques en général. Bien que le vilain de l'histoire n'apparaisse pas de suite, ou que l'affaire ne fasse son apparition qu'ici et là, les cas que traitent nos deux protagonistes ont déjà l'honorable but de tisser un lien entre nos deux personnages, de créer l'inviolable confiance qui conclura la trame principale, mais aussi nous déverser cet art si méconnu sous toutes les coutures. Ou presque, car la saison 2 devrait nous en dévoiler encore plus. Ah saison 2...mais n'anticipons pas.

Chaque cas, bien que peu original, ce qui serait dur à moins de tomber sur des criminels imaginatifs et innovants dans la matière, est pourtant intense et émotionnellement chargé. L'intérêt de ces cas réside dans le fait que rien n'est tout noir ou tout blanc. Ce n'est bien sur pas la première fois que nous voyons des crimes qui renferment une bien triste histoire, une vitrine mensongère. Je pense par exemple au délirant mais non moins excellent "Sometimes when we touch" qui avait le même principe, nous conter une histoire d'apparence classique mais avec une arrière scène bien souvent différente et (bien sûr) d'une tristesse indescriptible. Des émotions comme la compassion, la tristesse mais aussi la colère et la volonté de voir à tout prix (mais en vain) ces crimes impunis nous envahissent face à ces êtres humains qui n'avaient que pour seule échappatoire : le crime, bien souvent le meurtre. Ou devrais-je dire de se défendre? Ce n'est certes pas excusable. Du moins pas au yeux de la justice. Mais aux nôtres? En ce qui me concerne, j'assume. 
Je trouve que ces coupables, au final un bien grand mot, ne sont que des humains luttant pour leur survie, sans être rarement entendu. Un geste de trop. Un geste qui les aura d'une certaine manière sauvé d'eux même.

Ce qui est intéressant est la place donnée à la morale derrière chaque histoire, un peu comme une fable, mais aussi cette interpellation qui nous interroge : Pouvons-nous juger la douleur des victimes? Pouvons nous criminaliser un acte de survie? Pouvons-nous punir des êtres au bord du précipice? Pas une seule fois, nos protagonistes ne se poseront en juge, ne faisant qu'après tout leur devoir d'avoir à trouver le coupable, mais à travers justement leur réserve à ce sujet et surtout leur écoute sincère, dévoilant au fur et à mesure des confessions, une nature humaine primitive et peut-être selon moi, nos instincts les plus naturels, bien avant d'être policé à l'extrême, une nature devenant ainsi dompté : un être civilisé. 

Si je dois donc résumer ma réflexion : La société a été incapable de les protéger, ils se sont donc protégés. Peut-on toujours les considérer comme des criminels?

Un scénario intelligent, un thème intéressant et superbement réalisé. Que reste-t-il pour en faire un très très bon drama? Un duo de choc!

Loin, très loin du duo que nous conte régulièrement depuis des décennies les séries/films policiers, que cela soit au US ou ailleurs, "Under the skin" nous délivre un duo unique, rafraichissant et addictif. 
Si une certaine animosité se fait sentir dès le début, Du Cheng ayant pris en grippe 7 ans auparavant Shen Yi, leur relation va se développer, inévitablement, vers un respect réciproque et une amitié solide. Alors écrit comme cela, on va me dire "heu, oui mais encore?". La force de leur relation n'est pas le classique "je ne t'aime pas mais au final si", mais la façon dont les liens se tissent, et surtout l'attitude de Du Cheng et de Shen Yi. Ce dernier ne cherche pas la reconnaissance de Du Chen, mais à utiliser son art afin de faire avancer les choses. Ses regrets et sa mauvaise conscience suite à son "erreur" de jeunesse le poursuivent depuis 7 ans mais n'en font pas pour autant un personnage blasé et mal dans sa peau psychologiquement. Bien au contraire, nous sentons bien de sa part parfois sa détresse mais aussi son désir de résoudre cet énigme, Shen Yi continuera de briller par ses sourires, sa pensée positive.
Le protagoniste ne se dédouane pas et fera toujours face à sa responsabilité en essayant notamment de s'en souvenir par tous les moyens, même les plus extrêmes. Son attitude calme, pondéré (à la limite de paisible), respectueux à tous les égards gagnera rapidement la confiance de Du Cheng. 
Shen Yi, bien que talentueux, et ayant confiance en ses compétences ne cherchera nullement la gloire, se contentant de donner le meilleur de lui-même. 

En face, Du Cheng ! Un officier de police comme on les adore, tel l'officier Zhang Cheng de "Reset" ou plus récemment l'excellent capitaine Luo de "Be Reborn", un officier de police loin de la brute colérique habituelle, du rebelle qui sort des clous procéduriers classiques ou du pitre de service cachant bien son jeu. L'intelligence et la sensibilité de Du Cheng nous le font aimer presque de suite. Réticent dans les premières minutes du drama, et après quelques (petites) tentatives d'isoler Shen Yi, Du Cheng n'hésite pourtant pas à l'inclure très rapidement dans ses enquêtes. Jamais haut et fort proclamé, son attitude respire la confiance et le respect vis à vis de son partenaire. Les petites piques d'humour et de complicité de Shen Yi sont à eux seuls révélateurs de leur amitié hors norme. Ni trop, ni pas assez, juste ce qu'il faut pour être accro à ce duo unique. Il faut souligner aussi que l'intelligence dont font preuve les deux protagonistes rendent ces enquêtes non seulement intéressantes, mais nous évitent les écueils habituels et frustrants des enquêtes ridicules, trop simples ou illogiques.

Si les personnages secondaires ne sont pas à la hauteur de ce duo, ils sont pourtant attachants permettant ainsi une dynamique dans l'histoire malgré leur courte apparition pour certains. Ils apportent cette petite touche simple d'humour, de tendresse ou de loyauté qui en font un drama plus léger malgré le drame de certaines histoires.

C'est donc un drama de grande qualité dont il serait dommage de passer à côté. L'intelligence et la forte alchimie de nos protagonistes combinées à une très belle réalisation sur un thème méconnu en font une série dont on ne s'ennuie pas une seule seconde. On sourit, on applaudit, on retient parfois sa larme, souvent son cri scandalisé. 

Une saison réussie et maitrisée, le drama nous laisse entrevoir une saison 2, et c'est tant mieux!

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 19, 2022
20 di 20 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Multifaceted Mind of a Sketch Artist

Had watched "Are You Safe?" with TJC and was very impressed with his acting so wanted to see more of him and this was recommended by some trusted sources. He didn't disappoint and this 20 episode drama really was a breath of fresh air in terms of sticking to a flowing storyline. Seeing his character use his strengths in the face of some pretty hard blows, was awesome. We really see inside the multifaceted mind of a sketch artist.

Pros: Favorite character was, of course, the lead SY played by TJC. Even in his hardest moments of dealing with a repressed memory and PTSD, he was this calming force. His iron willpower and acknowledgment that he was able to do amazing things was one of the many things that helped his character be as plausible as he was. I'm very much hoping there will be a season 2 given the open-ending with the same cast especially him.

The storyline never dragged, each character was there for as long as they needed to be. SY's partner or DC at the bureau definitely started off being a cynical grouch for all the right reasons but it was great that he thawed fairly quickly and their friendship was built on trust, respect, and even their rough history. All those hardships helped build them to be what they became by the midpoint.

Loved how interwoven the main plot was with the sub plots that were very well and handled properly; the antagonists were also placed very well and even the big bad behind the original murder that brought everyone together, was expertly placed and executed. All OST's, CGI, explanations behind how a sketch artist worked, and other procedural techniques were very understandable. It even had a few bits of comedy where SY would always fall asleep in the car as DC would be explaining a case to him or when he would bolt out of a room without telling anyone and people would just be left staring like "what just happened?" This was a great crime drama.

Cons: This drama was on its way to get a rare perfect score from me but it had just one problem I couldn't get beyond. SY was a sketch artist, a fantastic one at that, probably a prodigy in art and in his field but when they gave him a gun, strapped a vest on him, put him in the field, or had him interrogate suspects, get evidence for them, basically made him a Jack of all trades, it was very unrealistic. There's no way a sketch artist in any police department of any country would ever be a detective, interrogator, etc. Everything else was wonderful but that one portion just took a bump down; they should have just kept him in his element; even teaching makes sense but not that. Like when did he get training? He never went to a police academy.

Would I recommend it? 100%! That one negative doesn't negate an excellent story, characters that make sense, no forced anything. If you like good acting, great writing, and crime dramas, this show is definitely for you. Very glad I watched it.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 28, 2022
20 di 20 episodi visti
Completo 2
Generale 10
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Brilliant. ❤❤❤❤❤Highly Recommended.

Love it.
Already craving for Season-2 .

I love everything about Under the Skin, especially the flow of plot in every mysteries while Shen Yi struggled to find that mysterious woman who took advantage of his art.
Love the way SY (TJC) never gives up.

Tan JianCi did a Wonderful job of portraying SY. Would love to see JianCi as SY solving mysteries again.❤❤❤

It has a satisfying cliffhanger ending.
I hope they makes S-2.

The painting slashing in SY apartment by that mysterious person, gives goosebumps in a good way. It Gives excitement for more.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mag 26, 2022
20 di 20 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0

Unique talent/focus of the artist is the biggest draw of the show.

Completed - 5/26/2022

I am not sure how accurate the portrayal of police sketch artists is in this drama and if they are really that smart and fascinating in real life. However, the biggest selling point of this drama is Shen Yi. I am in awe of his techniques, perceptiveness, and intelligence in solving crimes using his art. Can you really sketch someone's face by deducing what's behind a mask from an unclear CCTV footage? Or from skull and bone structures? Or from the restructuring of facial muscles and tendons? It's really fascinating to watch all of Shen Yi's scenes and to learn from him and what's going on inside that brain of his.

The length of each case is just right. Oftentimes, cases are either too long and you get bored, or they are too short and start back-to-back that I feel like I couldn't catch a breath. Some of the cases in the first 1/3 of the show are more exciting to me than others. I was hoping these cases will slowly provide clues of the main overarching storyline of the murder case 7 years ago. However, aside from that one case and the last arc, the drama seems to have completely forgotten about this general plot. Even though I enjoy most of the cases, I was never on the edge of my seat. I am missing mini climaxes throughout the drama. Because of this, the drama lost my attention in the middle.

A personal pet peeve, I was very irritated when the psychologist disclosed patient confidential information. How unprofessional is that? She's giving out both diagnosis and treatment information without the patient's consent. On another note, why was the crime scene medical examiner be called to assist another station with a rape patient? Don't they have hospital doctors to do that?

We also have a slow burn friendship/bromance going on. I was actually expecting better chemistry, as I saw so many feeds post about the male leads when this drama was airing. The development of the friendship happens towards the last 1/3 of the drama. Other than that, the leads are just like regular co-workers working side by side. I am not feeling the connection of the characters and am missing the human side of their stories. I don't dislike anyone, yet I don't particularly like anyone either.

The beautiful drawings/paintings, and the uniqueness of Shen Yi's talents are what kept me interested in the drama. Unfortunately, I don't share the same excitement of this drama as other watchers.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 25, 2023
20 di 20 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

very clever!

This is my first thriller/suspense type of drama, mainly checking on TJC works after watching LYF, and i have truly enjoyed it!

I never thought how much is done behind a crime in terms of sketching a criminal and, with the use of the fast developing AI in every industry, thsi drama has shown how dangerous it would be to solely rely on it as it could be easily manipulated by interested parties.

Every crime is keeping the viewer highly engaged as it is given 2-3 episodes to be solved.

We have a satisfying ending.. but.. there is a 'but'.. the last scene.. is opening new opportunities for a second season... which is in discussion as of today's date ???

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 27, 2023
20 di 20 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
I honestly adore this series. I found it while looking for good dramas to better my failing Chinese LOL. But this entire series got me hooked from the first episode.

I love how they portrayed Shen Yi, a genius from the very beginning, but managed to make him an empathetic and warm character. Du Cheng is almost his antithesis, while Shen Yi is calm and often collected, Du Cheng is brash and it shows in his interrogation scenes.

My only problem with the show is that my small brain got confused during the middle and end. But that can honestly be looked over because it all gets explained later.

The actors all captured my heart, there were only one to two criminals that didn't allow me to feel empathy for. And the main team are all likable and have their own part of the story. Tan Jianci and Jin Shijia stole the show with their performance, Shen Yi and Du Cheng's relationship and trust in each other was an amazing thing to see.

All the subplots in the story give it an almost slice-of-life feel. I enjoyed pretty much every episode that I watched.

The music gave me chills every time, haha. I think that even with the limited music selection that they chose, they created the correct atmosphere for each situation and episode.

ANYWAYS 9.5/10 SHOW!! Hope there's a season 2! :D

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 28, 2022
20 di 20 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

Wow this had no Romance!

The storyline was very well done. I'm impressed that this had two main male Chinese actors. I was also impressed that I finally got to see a Chinese drama without romance or competition of female leads for the male lead or vice versa. I love art, the producers were perfect with how their direction regarding sketches, drawings, and what made me very happy is that they showed face blindness having autism. Thank you for bringing attention to autism disorders. Tan Jian Ci who played Shen Yi was excellent with his acting displaying a sketch artist and oil paintings. Very handsome actor. Jin Shi Jia who played Du Cheng, for a minute I thought he was a real detective/police. JSJ was very believable. I thank all the actors/actresses in the characters that they played to make the storyline more believable. This is a rewatch for me!

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 25, 2022
20 di 20 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 4.0

woahhh it's really good

this is not a common storyline, and i'm pretty sure the director/screenwriters came up with this one and it's not based off of a book (i think). the cases were really interesting, and it was like a giant case going on during the whole entire drama, with smaller ones in each episode. also they left us off on a cliffhanger and i saw on 微博热搜 that they're filming season 2? sooo i'm excited!

the acting was pretty good imo, crying scenes were great, just overall good actors. i didn't really recognize anyone in this drama before watching it, so i had no previous knowledge. however, 檀健次 had become really popular from this, and douyin's about him were all over my fyp, so i decided to watch this, nonetheless i was not disappointed!! his acting is really good, and he's also super talented? the other cast were also really good

i think 檀健次 sang the ending song? not sure tho, i don't really pay attention to modern drama osts, i'm more of a historical ost person. but the songs were decent

rewatch value:
i don't really rewatch dramas, unless they're like 封神, so i wouldn't really take this rating into consideration.

good drama! stoked for season 2 :)

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 16, 2022
20 di 20 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0


猎罪图鉴 para o meu gosto foi incrível do começo ao fim, realmente amei cada momento nesse drama. Foi ótimo acompanhar esses personagens e ver eles conseguindo descobrir quem estava por trás dos crimes anos atrás e ver eles dando um fim nisso.

A frase do Shen Yi para o desgraçado lá foi impactante até demais, palavras certas ditas em momentos certos é uma arma poderosa. Du Cheng finalmente se libertando do passado e podendo agora descansar... Finalizaram de forma geral a história e ainda deixaram algo para uma provável segunda temporada.
Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 27, 2022
20 di 20 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

Lacking some romance BUT it's fine! We got a good story with good acting!

What I really liked about this drama is that every actor here acted very naturally and professional in their roles. The leads as well didn't do too much out of character, just nice for Shen Yi's slightly oddball yet mysterious personality pairing with Du Cheng's initial headstrong character. I'm really thankful this drama didn't portray criminals like they are psychopaths like some recent dramas of the same genre. I really appreciate that the scriptwriter kept criminals' behavior and motives realistic and logical which many dramas really lacked these days...

So for some parts I really didn't like is how they lack some realistic details when inspecting the crime sites... Such as the need for wearing gloves yet no SHOE COVERS when entering the victims' place... I was like "huh? seriously surely they must be kidding right..." A lot of the times, both the leads also didn't wear masks nor gloves when handling the dead bodies when the forensic was wearing it... I mean I kinda got distracted while being engrossed in the episode.

But overall this drama is one of the really good crime suspense production as compared to many released recently! Not mentioned I had quite a crushed on Shen Yi's charm that makes people open up to him and the desire to friends with such person XD Tan Jian Ci is really a rare actor that portrays his characters so well that made it charming and unique for every characters given the fact that he wasn't even professionally trained!

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Under the Skin (2022) poster



  • Puteggio: 8.7 (segnato da 4,821 utenti)
  • Classificato: #218
  • Popolarità: #1358
  • Chi Guarda: 12,071

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