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Excellent 19 episodes, trash finale. Queer baiting trash.
This is a completely hilarious show with an interesting premise that produces a queer leading character - a man in a woman's body. It's extremely unfortunate that the finale is such a cop out, which renders the entire show another example of queer baiting. This is an exciting roller coaster ride that at the end throws you off your seat to your death.Spoilers below:
1. The king is explicitly in love with the spirit of the male MC, not the real queen. He noticed that the queen is out of character but did nothing. They’re now just another straight couple.
2. Is the MC bisexual now? Ending it this way makes it another queer baiting show. The writers are also trying to backtrack and say that both characters' souls are inhabiting the same body but remember how the queen's body almost died because the MC went back to the 21st century? The doctor said her body was in a soulless state. This is the only time where the queen's soul took back control of the body and their explanation is that she's in hiding all along? Also, none of the queen’s feelings for other characters stayed, not her feelings for her childhood friend/maid, cousin, or father, only her feelings for the king, whom she met once as a child, “remained.” But why? Is her entire existence anchored around her love for the king? The MC certainly rationalized it as the queen’s feelings when he first felt his attraction to the king. At the same time the MC certainly has enough control and agency to do whatever he wanted unrestrained by the queen's years of etiquette training, including acting on his attraction to women. Bullshit.
3. The original queen is literally the most useless character on the show but gets to reap the fruits of the MC’s labor. In fact, she is a(n abusive) damsel in distress saved by straight male MC. This is not feminist at all.
4. All the reforms they did led to an identical Korea in 2021.
Bad ending on all fronts. 0/10. Just don't watch the finale.
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Tellement hilarant !
Mr QueenQuand l'âme d'un homme du 21ème siècle se retrouve accidentellement piégé dans le corps d'une Reine de Joseon 200 ans plus tôt...
Un peu plus et je n'écrivais pas de critique. Ce drama ne faisait pas parti de ma to watch list. Le synopsis ne m'attirait guère. Que l'âme d'un homme du 21ème siècle se retrouve piégée dans le corps d'une reine de Joseon 200 ans avant n'était pas des plus attractifs (pour moi). Cela me semblait un peu trop étrange pour pouvoir y adhérer, sachant qu'une romance semblait prendre place entre cette ladite reine (habitée par l'âme d'un homme) et son époux, le roi. Je ne suis pas une très grande fan d'histoire de ce genre (je ne critique pas ceux qui aime les "yaoi", tous les goûts sont dans la nature). Les critiques élogieuses m'ont pourtant fait hésiter. Après tout, j'avais eu la même réticence avec "Porco Rosso" ( l'histoire d'un homme changé en cochon, hum....) et j'ai bien fini par adorer l'animé de Miyazaki.
La tribu avait voté pour le voir, j'ai donc suivi un peu à contrecoeur. Et je ne le regrette plus du tout.
Avant de commencer à palabrer, je n'ai mis que 8,5 (sur mydramalist) non pas à cause de cette fin polémique, mais bien que bourré de qualité, ce drama n'aura pas réussi à faire battre mon coeur à vitesse folle comme pour "Mr Sunshine" ou à me faire autant rire que dans "Joy of Life" ou à me faire adorer les personnages comme dans "Hikaru No Go". C'est donc aussi pour une question de ressenti personnelle et de mes émotions propres que je ne mets pas la note maximale. Ceci étant dit, ce drama fait partie tout de même des must to see, et je vais de ce pas vous dire pourquoi :
L'histoire est originale, l'âme d'un homme se retrouvant piégée dans le corps de la Reine de Joseon 2 siècles plus tôt n'est pas une notion que l'on retrouve souvent dans le monde du drama. Il y a bien eu précédemment des échanges de corps comme dans "secret garden" ou l'âme d'un décédé qui se retrouve dans le corps d'un vivant, voire un animal devenant un être humain. Mais ici, petite nouveauté, c'est l'âme d'un homme, 100% playboy, 100% hétéro, qui se retrouve dans le corps d'une femme, d'une reine de Joseon, mariée, 2 siècle plus tôt.
Jang Bong Hwan tombe accidentellement d'un immeuble et tombe dans le coma. Son âme se retrouve immédiatement dans le corps de Kim So Yong, reine malheureuse et utilisée de manière éhontée par son clan afin de contrôler son mari, le Roi Cheol Jong. Bong Hwan se retrouve alors involontairement au coeur des complots du palais. Le scénario est rondement mené et on y prend vraiment beaucoup de plaisir à suivre les tribulations de So Yong et de Cheol Jong au sein du palais et à leur souhaiter une victoire bien méritée.
Le gros point fort de ce drama est incontestablement le personnage de Kim So Yong interprétée par l'incroyable Shin Hye Sun (une actrice que j'adore). C'est un énorme coup de coeur que cette Reine habitée par l'âme d'un homme! le jeu de de Hye Sun lui donne une dimension inoubliable! Peu d'actrice aurait pu jouer cette Reine de manière aussi vulgaire, aussi drôle, aussi touchante et aussi bouleversante! Un peu plus et le personnage de Kim So Yong détrônait Man Wol de "Hotel Del Luna" dans mon coeur. Je dois avouer que j'ai rarement autant ri! seul "Chief Kim" et "Joy Of Life" surpassent ce degré d'humour qui nous oblige à rire tout le temps. Les situations dues à cette crise identitaire âme masculine versus ressenti d'un corps féminin sont hilarantes. Impossible de ne pas rire. Impossible de ne pas adorer le jeu des expressions de So Yong quand elle/il se rend compte qu'il n'est plus un homme mais une femme. Sa façon de parler, sa façon de marcher, sa façon de rire, tout chez elle est juste incroyable. Cette actrice mériterait un award pour son jeu! Sincèrement, juste pour elle, il ne faut pas hésitez à regarder ce drama! On rit grâce à elle du début à la fin.
Cheol Jong est un personnage attachant, mais j'avoue que je n'ai pas eu de coup de coeur pour lui. Je pense que c'est surtout sa relation avec la Reine qui l'a rendu aussi intéressant et attachant. Leur interaction était tellement poilante et parfois inattendue. La romance que j'appréhendais était tout sauf "bizarre". Si au début, l'intérêt était de montrer que Bong Hwan était bien majoritairement présent et qu'une relation ne pouvait se faire, peu à peu on se rend compte que la vraie Kim Yo Song est toujours là et que ses sentiments pour le roi déteignent sur Bong Hwan qui petit à petit perd "sa masculinité" au détriment de la féminité de Kim So Yong. Le tournant se trouve lorsque la voix off de Bong Hwan est remplacée judicieusement par la voix de Kim So Yong durant les pensées de la reine. A partir de ce moment-là, Kim So Yong/Bong Hwan devient à nos yeux totalement femme. Il devient alors évident, du moins pour moi, que Kim So Yong influence aussi les sentiments de Bong Hwan.
Les scènes de "kiss" font parties des plus passionnées de tout dramaland. Je dois avouer que la scène du "faisons taire la rumeur" est la scène la plus drôle et sexy que j'ai jamais vu. Il fallait le faire! Une scène où on rirait à gorge déployée tout en rougissant (oui, j'en rougis pour ce genre de chose, mon âme d'ado sûrement) à l'incroyable sensualité de la scène! mémorable!
Spoil, ne pas lire : La fin ne m'a pas du tout frustrée, contrairement à la majorité. J'ai trouvé cette fin logique et jolie. Dans le présent, Bong Hwan semble soulagé de revenir dans son corps, il est heureux de la fin des événements et ému lorsqu'il voit le fameux portrait du roi. Mais à aucun moment, me semble-t-il, Bong Hwan ne montre de détresse à son retour ou de signe de chagrin d'amour. Ce qui m'incite à croire fermement que les sentiments entre Kim So Yong et Cheol Jong étaient bien réels. Admettons en effet que Cheol Jong soit tombé amoureux de Bong Hwan, si on regarde les épisodes spéciaux, on comprend parfaitement que la première rencontre entre So Yong et Cheol Jong fut loin d'être anodine. Bien au contraire, c'est sans équivoque à mes yeux, Cheol Jong tombe bien amoureux au premier regard de So Yong, la vraie. Par ailleurs, nous savons que les coréens sont friands de la destinée. Et nous apprenons très vite que Cheol Jong et So Yong se rencontrent dés l'enfance et que So Yong est aussi avant tout celle qui sauva le roi, celle que Cheol Jong n'oubliera jamais. Je pense donc sincèrement que même sans l'intervention de Bong Hwang, Cheol Jong et So Yong aurait fini par s'aimer aussi intensément.
Je ne sais si cet épisode a été fait afin de "complaire" aux fans déçu du "couple" Cheol Jong/Bong Hwan. Peut-être.
Fin du spoil.
La romance arrive tardivement entre eux et ce que j'avais du mal à concevoir, est venu naturellement (ils sont doués ces coréens!). On adore voir So Yong déchirée par ces sentiments intrusifs et tous ces malentendus et ces situations tous aussi burlesques les uns que les autres. So Yong qui a inventé le "messenger" de l'époque! j'adore!
Les personnages secondaires tels que Dame Choi ou Hong Byul Gam entre autres sont totalement décalés et désopilants, on en pleure de rire. Dame Choi va beaucoup me manquer.
Je n'ai par contre pas trouvé le clan des vilains super top vicieux et hyper malins. Ils étaient juste méchants et avides, quoi.
L'OST colle parfaitement à l'ambiance du drama. L'opening est entrainante et donne envie de danser. La chanson de Bong Hwan est géniale, à chaque fois qu'elle jouait on en riait d'avance.
Sincèrement, si vous recherchez un drama où on rit à en voir mal aux ventres, un drama avec une jolie romance, une jolie amitié, des liens incroyablement forts entre les personnages, n'hésitez surtout pas. Foncez et riez.
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Based on the (controversial, censored) Chinese web drama, Go Princess Go, Mr Queen tells the story of a modern day man who finds himself living in the body of Joseon Queen. The first two episodes were unwatchable slapstick but I persisted for one major reason: the acting, the amazing acting. These are two transcendent performances from some of Korea's finest actors.
I won't spoil anything for people who haven't seen it but this is a fusion Sageuk romp with a fun script, wonderful acting, brilliant production values and an ending that was as disappointing as it was inevitable. The show's attempt to backcast the themes as some sort of quest for justice or campaign against corruption rather than a romance is jarring but it doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ride, even with its last-minute attempt to walk back The Gay.
If you think about it too much you might get annoyed so, as with most fusion Sageuks, it's best to not think about it at all. Just enjoy. And there's a lot to enjoy. Especially around Shin Hye-sun and Kim Jung-hyun proving they are A grade actors with amazing comic timing and genuine gravitas.
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I am proud to say I'm an anti fan!This drama had everything. Interesting storylines, out of the world acting, fantastic music...
The King and the Queen were ultimate couple goals. Personally I believe that after the second lake incident So Yong started to resurface along with her memories and she was unconsciously directing Bong Hwan. So the King wasn't only in love with Bong Hwan's character and charisma.
The only thing that I wasn't fine with was the death of Byung In, this guy had me frustrated for 18 episodes and then he made me like him in 5 seconds, damn you second lead syndrome...
Lastly, I have to talk about my favourite secondary character... Kim Hwan was stealing the show without even trying. He is precious someone protect him.
Definitely gonna rewatch this drama.
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The best show I have ever watched
I don't normally watch historical movies by this one was fantastic. It was just a great show everything was perfect from comedy to romance, thriller. I was always at the edge of my seat and expectant but this how never failed me, The idea was great, the bromance was touching. I cried a lot and laughed a lot when they started to fall in love i was just so elated and proud. I wish we saw the baby boy or girl and I wish he stayed there longer Definitely will watch it again and honestly everyone should watch it you won't be disappointed. Hopefully, there will be a season 2 with a much better ending.Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
GRAN SERIE, para reir y también llorar, grandes actuaciones!!!!
Impresionante drama! Fantásticos actores! Empezé esta historia con dudas, el trailer era tan cómico e histriónico que pensé que no aguantaría la trama, que no me engancharía, además las historias de intercambios de alma y cuerpo que les gusta tanto a los asiáticos no me interesan mucho. Le di una oportunidad porque soy fan de Shin Hye-sun (es una de mis actrices favoritas) y me enamoré de kim jung-hyun en CLOY (aún lloro por Alberto lo confieso!!!) Ahora después de 13 capítulos, estoy muy contenta de haberle dado la oportunidad porque me habría perdido una de las mejores series que he visto hasta ahora. No tan solo su trama de comedia es fabulosa, con gags desternillantes y diálogos brillantes, sino que a medida que pasan los capítulos la historia ha ganado intriga, profundidad, oscuridad y emoción. Y también romanticismo. No me esperaba para nada llorar de emoción y tristeza con esta serie pero así me está pasando, no me esperaba para nada la química impresionante entre Shin Hye-Sun y Kin Jung-Hyun pero así lo estoy sintiendo. Ellos dos se lucen semana a semana, haciéndonos sentir cada vez más sus emociones como si estas fueran reales, es impresionante. Espero que se les premie por su trabajo. No se quedan atrás los secundarios que están espectaculares, te mueres de la risa con ellos pero también te derrites con su ternura. Y cuanto odiamos a los malos malísimos de esta historia!!!! Los despreciamos y maldecimos de todo corazón y no son reales! Esta es la grandeza de una gran serie! Solo me queda admirar también los decorados, los maquillajes, el vestuario y una banda sonora que acompaña perfectamente los momentos cómicos y también los trágicos de manera magistral. Todo de 10. Vamos a poner unas velitas para que nos regalen la guinda del pastel: un final feliz y memorable para nuestra pareja de reyes, creemos de todo corazón que ya han padecido bastante.Esperemos que así sea. Felicidades a todo el equipo por este gran trabajo y por su éxito de audiencia en toda Corea.
FINALIZADA : Gracias, gracias, gracias por este maravilloso final!!!! Obra maestra!! Queda en mi top al lado de Goblin y Crash landing on you. No la has visto? no hagas nada más y ve a verla!!
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A winner in subverting expectations- and taking your heart
"You will lose. Even so, I want to go all in with you."This drama deserves every bit of praise it has gotten so far. If you're wondering why, and more importantly whether you should watch it, then let me elaborate.
It does not matter whether you`re a fairly new drama fan(like me), or you have been watching Korean dramas for as long as you can remember, it is an undeniable fact that the time travelling and soul/body switching(though in this case it isn't really switching) plots have started to become a bit of a trend in recent years. Hell, in the last two, I can name at least half a dozen of such dramas. What I'm trying to say is, the world of two periods or personalities isn`t as fresh as it once was due to oversaturation, coupled with some other factors. Keeping this in mind, "Mr.Queen" also had to face the status of the Korean remake, expecting some possible negative attention of the Chinese original`s fans. But despite these problems, this historical drama managed to reinvigorate and change its genre, by creating some of the most relatable, endearing and down-to-earth characters in recent memory. I LOVE them. All across the board, I adore the level of attention that was paid to character building. Due to the obvious talent and effort of the whole cast, I know by heart, all of the characters` names and their temperaments. Their quirks and motivations. From the Royal Chef Man Bok to Court Lady Choi, I even love Kim Jwa-Geum and Kim Byeong-In(for whose sake I`ve cried like four tissues worth of tears). They are so engaging that I`m more than willing to overlook some plot holes in an otherwise tight story. There is such a feeling of life jumping from each and every scene of this drama. The sets are lively and beautiful(albeit at times a bit empty), the OST, while probably being the weakest link here, is by no means bad. It`s good, appropriate, but is there for a purpose and nothing more.(except for that NORAZO track. I laugh dearly every time it comes on)
And now, we get to the heart and soul of our drama: The Queen and the King. Oh, how I love these two. I`ll start off with King Cheoljong and his spectacular actor Kim Jung-Hyun. Much like Shin Hye-Sun, he gives me hope with his talent. In a sea of pretty faces and average acting, both he and SHS have established themselves as acting forces to be reckoned with and I`m so, so, so glad that they were given a chance of working together, because they fit just right. Kim Jung-Hyun plays the role of a seemingly carefree, breezy and somewhat dim King Cheoljong, whose secret agenda is actually what separates his arc and turns it into something notable in its own right. He`s at his funniest when he`s clueless, unsure of his own surroundings. Without spoiling it too much, just like almost everything in this drama, his character subverts expectations. Not only is he the type of character you`d find to be a supporting character in most other dramas, he`s a lead because these kind of characters deserve the spotlight now. His emotions are palpable, raw and he delivers his lines with much security. He`s the perfect jin to So-Young`s/Bong-Hwan`s jang. Ah, the Queen. The reason why, unlike many reviewers, I`m not addressing So-Young/Bong-Hwan as such but as simply Queen is:a) I can`t be bothered but b)because by the end, she just becomes a Frankenstein of both So-Young and Bong-Hwan where it just seems wrong to opt for one option. And I`m pretty sure that was the goal of this story. While I understand many have gripes with the story`s portrayal of Bong-Hwan and Cheoljong`s relationship and really, the ending, I would like to offer my own interpretation, backed by some research and knowledge about the Chinese version. I`d like to ask new watchers or those considering becoming one, to see Bong-Hwan in a form of a narrator, or how Cheoljong describes him subconsciously: a spiritual guide. Once again, your expectations will be thwarted, but for me, much like the rest, I like the ending, when compared to the alternatives. I don`t LOVE it as much, but I contextually understand it. As for the Queen herself, she`s a blast. *insert that Lady Gaga gif here. You know the one.* The comedy mostly stems from her and what is happening in her vicinity, however, as a character, she`s layered just enough to stop it from being one-dimensional
For those who`d like to understand why and don`t mind being spoiled, in the original story it is mentioned that Bong-Hwan`s and So-Young`s souls were coexisting in her body and what`s more, Bong-Hwan`s soul was always meant to be born in Joseon era, only it didn`t happen for some reason(I didn`t get too much into it). With this knowledge, I started seeing the presented story in a new light. While I wish they at least mentioned this somewhere, or hinted at it, I`m also glad they didn`t get into the whole mechanics of it, because so many other stories like this do. Even though I`d like for Bong-Hwan and Cheoljong to at least meet in the present day and even be together, I can`t deny that I liked the ending more than most because I well understood that Bong-Hwan was never meant to stay. For the lack of better words, I like how they decided to stay consistent and not fulfill our wishes. Whilst it`s bittersweet, it`s by miles better than having them die or be killed. Yes, those were the alternatives in the original. In my mind, best ending would either be:Cheoljong and Bong-Hwan meeting each other in present day and being together, which would tie well with the themes of rebirth, while Cheoljong is with So-Young in the past OR that the Queen would live as a mix of both characters(that`s my selfish wish, because it wouldn`t be right for either Bong-Hwan or So-Young). Finally the comedy in this is top notch. Many jokes land on the back of their punchlines which are very clever sometimes too. You need to make sure that you`re doing slapstick right, otherwise it is grading and almost surreal, so it can take you out of the experience("Strong Woman Do Bong Soon"). And here, it was done just right.
Finally, I don`t want to make this review too long, but this drama warrants your attention and keeps it throughout. You`ll laugh, get mad, cry but most of all, you might get the feeling I got when I was done with it and its spin off "Mr.Queen: The Bamboo Forest", which I urge the watchers to see after this, as it might answer some of your questions. The feeling of satisfaction you get when you walk out of the theatre after seeing a good play and the actors bow. You were invested, interested in the lives of the characters you saw and that is the biggest compliment this type of entertainment can get. So do yourself a favor, watch it and don`t be deterred!
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I quite liked the show
Well, to start with I quite liked the lightheartedness of the show. I laughed throughout the entire season. The lead actor and actress did their job pretty well. I was already a fan of Hye Sun' s acting ,now Jung Hyun is added to the list. About the ending, well I am happy with that too. The soul of the chef returns and the queen realises her wild side. I think the production has gone for the safest choice. Being a kdrama fan, J would have definitely loved to see them somehwere in the real life, but guys to be honest I didnt mind as long as the king and queen were together.What bothers me is no one is taking about Na In-woo. Like my heart broke into pieces when he died. Such a brillant actor. He deserves more for sure.
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An Almost Perfect Masterpiece of Comedy and Drama
There's so much to love about this drama. The vivid characters, the intense plot, the incredible soundtrack, and even the premise itself. This is gender bender in its finest form.First let me talk about the characters. While all of them are extremely well written and performed, The Queen is one of my favorites put to screen. Finally a main female lead with strong elements of masculinity, only slightly diminished by the fantastical reasoning behind it. The queen is clever, strong-willed, and hilarious in her anachronistic tendencies, to the point where she could carry the show by herself.
Luckily, she doesn't need to. As this is technically a historical drama, there are of course going to be political plot lines. These are executed very well, in a manner that keeps you invested and interested in the events that transpire. Another thing to love about the plot is it's devotion to character arcs. Besides the main lead's arc (which I won't spoil but I absolutely love), many side characters have arcs including villainy, redemption, love, rejection, and everything in between. These arcs are realistic and profoundly affect the plot of the show.
I won't say much about the OST besides the note that one of the songs is literally written about the premise of the show and it's hilarious.
My one and only caveat is that I didn't like the ending, as others didn't as well, although it did manage to resolve all plot lines.
All in all, this is a fantastic show with an incredible premise, engaging plot, unique and amazing soundtrack, great characters, and awesome comedy. And now that I've run out of positive adjectives I can say that I definitely recommend this show.
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Awesome KDrama
I can never stop watching this KDrama and I keep on watching it ovet and over again. I love the story; the actors and actresses are amazing. This is the first KDrama where I watched Shin Hae Sun; she is a great actress. She can make you laugh so hard and can quickly switch to drama mode. After seeing her here, I ended up watching her other KDramas.Kim Jung-hyun is also a good actor. He was perfect for this role and i have seen him in CLOY. Overall, you will love this KDrama. Thank you for the people who made this show, I love it 🥰❤❤❤
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one of my fave kdrama in 2021 ! Worth it to watch !!
This drama so fresh and funny. it's been long time watched historical drama . recently, kdrama mostly about present life, married life and etc. but mr.queen bring back fresh thing in a drama. the drama really have different charms. how about the plot and the climax of story, let it flow. i was enjoyed watch this drama. worth it to watch !!cause mr queen i start see other new historical drama back popping up, cause recent years, i've not saw many historical drama in kdrama, just few. and the uniqueness from this drama about the bad characters, the bad characters is relax for me. not that fluffy. so that's why make this drama more charming.
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Great pick-me up comedy drama
This drama is one of my most favorite ones, it is comfortable go-to drama to pick up my mood. The acting is amazing and the script is also great , it cracks me up so hard. Good support of the soundtrack. The only teeny tiny problem I have is the ending , which made me confused. The changed future made no sense really. It is somewhat amazing how drama eith so much comedy managed to make some genuine romance like that. Anyways happy to recommend this , it is great fun , but it also flows nicely, definitely bingeable😁Questa recensione ti è stata utile?