0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 25, 2020
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

This show will always stick with me

**Taken my review from my blog**

I thought a lot about doing this and thought... why not!? I watch so many shows lately, why not review them? So here it goes! 사랑의 불시착 (Crash Landing on You) is such a amazing show! I'm actually kinda sad at how much hate it gets, but I totally understand why. But, that's not my place. SoOoOoOoO anyway, this show is NOT finished yet, which is why I put 4/?. I actually thought there would only be like 10 episodes or so but .. netflix updated it last night, I'm guessing and it's showing more, so I won't put a number until I know for sure. Which also makes me wonder why I'm writing a review now instead of waiting until it's done... I'l tell you why! It's because I can't wait!!! Lol I just love this show so much already. I have binged watched this twice already since I have discovered it. I just love the story line and the chemistry between the characters. Don't get me wrong, when I watched episode one, I wasn't a fan. Oof! I was so disgusted with the main character and thought about stopping. But as episode one started wrapping up, I had stopped everything I was doing and was on the edge of my seat like "Oh snap. What's about to happen!?!" and that's all she wrote. I was done for. There wasn't ever a chance for me. Lol Usually I can watch a episode here and there and be fine. Not the cast for this! I HAD to finish every episode they had.
Ya'll... Oh my gosh I'm so dang ready for the new episode to drop in a few hours, I could scream. I know the shit is about to hit the fan and I just KNOW it will end with a cliffhanger and I will have to wait ANOTHER week for the next one. pwihewogiuhewoihgwoei I'm going to die. I need them all! I'm freaking out because I'm wondering, HOW CAN THIS POSSIBLY END?!!?
Yes, I'm screaming that because I mean .... how CAN that situation end? Not well... Will they defy all odds and come out okay in the end? I KNOW not to ever guess with these things. I tried that once, expecting a happy ending and ended up sobbing for nearly a week with my heart ripped out. So now, I'm to scared to even think it will end happy... but... for the sake of my sanity, I really hope it does! *sobs*
Can I just talk about some of the actors though? Kim Ju-Meok (Yoo Su-Bin) is honestly one of my favorite characters. He is just so dang pure and watches as many dramas as I do! Hahaha! Geum Eun-Dong (Tang Joon-Sang) is just soft. I want to put him in a bubble so nothing can every hurt him. And Ri Jeong-Hyeok (Hyun-Bin) that man.. would probably make a nun want to sin. Don't @ me! Hahaha but in all honesty, there are so so so so many great actors in this show that I could be here for hours and hours just going through saying how I feel about them. I only pointed out those 3 for now thought because they are the ones that kept me watching from episode one when I wanted to stop. Lol But any way, this is a show I highly recommend!

12/30/19 Update:
Okay they added episode 5 and 6 and woooo buddy I'm a sobbing freaking mess! Did I NOT tell you they shit would hit the fan?! I called it and also called it leaving on a cliffhanger. Lemme tell you ... the person that told me I needed to watch this... I have the urge to call them sobbing and then kick their ass later. (Okay, not really, but you know what I mean.) I don't think I can wait a week to know what is going to happen. I'M NOT OKAY, FOLKS!! I'm not okay. I'm a gosh damn sobbing mess as I stated before. Someone help me. I can't with this.
Episode 5 I got through... I was mad. I was BIG mad okay. You don't do that to that baby! (You'll know what I mean when you watch it, I call the youngest one "baby" because HE IS A BABY!!) anyway, I got through it. Thinking... like a dumbass... that that would be the *hard* thing... Bihhhhhh nooooooo. I was wrong. That wasn't the episode I needed to worry about like I thought! NO... NO NO NO!!! It was episode 6!!! and going on 7 because fkljvheriuvberiu UGH!!! We know it'll carry on into it. I'ma be all kinds fucked up the next few weeks, ain't I? Till this show is FULLY COMPLETED! Jesus take the wheel. *walks away gross sobbing*
-That's all folks, see you in a week or so when they update. X_X

1/25/2020 Update:
Think it is safe to say there will be 16 episodes. Will we actually get them all? Gosh I freaking hope so! But there are rumors going around saying the network will be sued. Why? For the most stupid reason. *facepalm* I want to say why, but I really don't want to step on toes. But anyway, on with the show! Episodes 7 through 10 have been out for a little over a week now - yeah yeah I know. I didn't update as soon as I watched them. But do you have ANY idea of the dying whale noises that have been leaving my body over these episodes?! I wish, I WISH, I could say that I was kidding. But holy crap. These episodes have been slam pack loaded with SO MUCH that there has barely been enough time to breathe. If you watch this show, around these episodes are the ones you might want to load up on snacks and no drinks. NONE. Because you won't want to pause it.... The snacks will probably be left uneaten until the end of episode 10..(So far. Who knows, they might not be eaten by 11 either. Only time will tell!) Either way, they will make great comfort food when you are sobbing at the end.

I want to take a moment to mention I love how they threw BTS in there. I bout lost my mind between shook and fangirling my head off. I loved it and the scene it came up in had my giggling like a child it was so good. Lol

Ahhh there is just SO MUCH that I want to say about all of this but also that I know I can't say because they are such important and needed parts that I don't want to give anything away.

I'm so ready to see how this comes out because I just know I'm going to be a ball of emotions! I'm not ready but also so ready I think I may lose my mind.

2/8/2020 Update:
Episodes 11 and 12 have possibly been the most calm episodes while simultaneously being the most tense episodes ever. How that is possible I have no idea. But they were. So much happened in these episodes that I'm still freaking out. Here is the thing about these 2 episodes that scare me though... They BOTH had answers. They both didn't leave with cliffhangers. Which makes me feel like the crap is about to hit the fan sooooo bad!! I'm scared. X_X I'm not ready for the new episode yet I am. (It drops tonight so hopefully I can watch and review it.) Or I might put it off for a few days when I am mentally stable... But lets face it, I can never actually wait, can I? LOL! Y'all this show rughiwurgpwurgugiwurbgiurw OMGGGGGGGG *walks away gross sobbing*

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 31, 2020
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
No início, eu comecei a assistir principalmente pela sinopse, e pelos atores - ambos já vistos em outras obras e consigo dizer com toda a certeza do mundo que atuam muito bem. Mas, ao longo da história, consegui diferenciar bem este de outros dramas envolvendo exército e uma mulher a ser salva. A verdade é que o casal principal não é nada disso. Jeong Hyuk não queria inicialmente fazer parte daquilo e vemos que ele é muito mais um bolinho cheio de sentimentos do que uma pessoa rígida, e Se Ri não é nem de longe uma pessoa fraca que precisa de proteção.
Uma das melhores coisas neste drama é que embora Seo Dan tenha tentado muito separar o casal, ela não teve um final frustrante e sem graça. A personagem teve uma evolução gigantesca e finalmente conheceu o amor correspondido, uma pena que não tenha terminado em um "felizes para sempre" - isso me deixou um tanto frustrada, mas ao vê-la terminar sozinha e feliz, bem-sucedida e sua mãe a apoiando, foi muito mais do que perfeito.
Eu sabia que não haveria uma solução mágica para fazer Se Ri e Jeong Hyuk ficarem juntos em um só lado das Coréias e muito menos poderem transitar entre países sem problemas. E o drama poderia terminar da forma mais triste possível, mas de alguma forma até mesmo o fim pareceu muito bem planejado.
Quanto aos subordinados do Jeong Hyuk: têm um lugarzinho no meu coração. Eles se mostraram tão amáveis com a Se Ri ao longo do tempo, se tornando também a família dela. Essa foi uma das coisas que mais me machucou ao terem que se separar.
O último episódio do drama me agradou muito. Tendo em vista que muitos episódios são corridos e deixam detalhes importantes escaparem, neste eu senti que vi a resolução da história de todos os personagens.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 13, 2020
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Crash landing on you es una serie muy fácil de recomendar porque a casi todo el mundo le iba a gustar verla
Tiene un reparto fantástico con mucha complicidad entre ellos fruto de trabajos pasados juntos
La OST es una maravilla con un par de temas casi a modo de himnos
Te acaban gustando todos y cada uno de los personajes porque aunque por desgracia no da tiempo a un desarrollo psicológico profundo de todos ellos, puedes encontrar pequeños detalles que te hacen click en la patata.

Me ha gustado mucho y espero que muchas más personas la vean para tener la oportunidad de comentarla con alguien

No tiene ninguna pega. Incluso los personajes femeninos, que muchas veces son dejados de lado con esta tontería de las convenciones sociales cliché, en este caso no ocurre. Son chicas sensibles y fuertes. Fantástico

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 7, 2020
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

Crash Landing Just Right

"I got on the wrong train, and that very train brought me here. It brought me to the place I've yearned to come every morning and night. It brought me to my destination." — Captain Ri.
This quote really hits me hard :')

Okay let's review this, I'll try my best not to spoil anything
This is an almost flawless drama, but sadly it's always the latter episodes that "ruins" it. Not that bad though.

First and foremost the casting of this drama is the main thing about this drama for me
Yes, I'm talking about Son Ye Jin, I can explain to you why I'm interested in this drama just because of her being the female lead here, but it's a story for another time.

Let's talk about the great acting which I gave 10/10 score first
Initially, I'm only interested in the main leads acting, but who would've thought that the 4 Army Guys (especially Pyo Chi Su xd) is actually the most interesting and I'd say the most vital part about this show, if it weren't for these guys, this show would totally flop.

Here I will explain why it'd flop really hard (especially on the latter episodes)
The MAIN reason is characterization of the villain (Jo Chul Gang), It's too one dimensional and he keeps doing unreasonable things just to escalate the story. I know they kinda explain why he did such things, but it's too much of a stretch to say the least. To put it simply, it's getting boring every time he does that.

And second, we don't get to see much of our second lead, it's too disappointing because they have unique background and personalities, such wasted potential.

Despite all that, I still love this show mainly because I love seeing the interaction between the cast and the music is great, oh and the shooting places are beautiful <3 <3

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mag 27, 2020
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
I thought this drama was overrated at first, but when I watched it, I realized why there was a lot of hype. Standing alone, this drama was really good, but if I compare it to other dramas I've watched, I wouldn't say it was AMAZING. But focusing on this one, I really loved the storyline, like imagine waking up in North Korea and falling in love with one of the soldiers. It's a wild ride HAHAH. I actually really loved the second lead couple and I was so sad when Gu Chan Seong...ya know :< Captain Ri's aegyo was HILARIOUS and that Pil Soo guy really brought the comedy in this drama.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Droppato 2/16
4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 21, 2021
2 di 16 episodi visti
Droppato 1
Generale 5.0
Storia 4.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musica 5.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.5
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

good acting, horrible characters

I never write reviews but I hated this so much.

First of all, I started watching this drama because I thought it would be interesting to see how they represented North Korea in a drama, and let me just say, it was so dumb

I couldn't get past the second episode because everything is just so unrealistic, I understand it's a drama, most of them are like that but what got me the most was the female lead's behavior. I mean it's almost impossible to not know what's going on in North Korea especially if you're South Korean, but the way she gets there and asks people for their cellphones or demands to eat meat daily, and then the male lead GIVES her the only piece of meat they have and she just eats it like???? bro are you dense? I just couldn't get past that. she seems so bratty and entitled it was just impossible for me to keep watching. also, the male lead doesn't have much character so far he's just there, and idk I don't think it's the actors' fault because they're good it's just the writing/directing that's bad

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
In Corso 4/16
Swiky Srivastava
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
dic 27, 2019
4 di 16 episodi visti
In Corso 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 6.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
Because I have been a fan on popular Korean drama - Descendants Of Sun, I was quite interested to watch yet another romance drama like this.

This drama is light, fast-paced and every bit entertaining! The chemistry is too good and I would say pretty natural.

The actress might seem annoying sometimes but I guess that's how her character is.

You won't swoon over the male lead instantly but slowly for sure! I have finished four episodes on Netflix and I can't wait to watch further.
Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Droppato 2/16
Mic Lo
3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 15, 2021
2 di 16 episodi visti
Droppato 1
Generale 6.5
Storia 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 6.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0

Sorry Hyun Bin, it's a no from me.

I was totally going to love this drama, everyone else did and it had my first Asian love Hyun Bin.
Only I couldn't and I'm dropping.
Even the great Hyun couldn't make me like the heroine (wanted to slap her!) or get over the oppressive North Korea setting. It all prevented me from just sitting back and enjoying. I know everyone else loves it and I can see that it's expertly done, and of course Hyun Bin is as suave as ever.
What l did like is the opening sequence, a work of art with great music and the split screen showing them doing the same things but oh so differently!
Still, I didn't like it and am dropping.

Leggi di Più

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Crash Landing on You (2019) poster



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