Debora Alves
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 22, 2020
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Pousando no amor tem dois temas que eu amo: casal com personalidade diferente e a descoberta de um novo mundo. Claro que o drama não fica só nisso, mas foi o que me chamou atenção.

A história é clichê? Sim e muito, mas já imaginava algo do gênero. Entretanto as boas atuações, um bom enredo com diálogos bem construídos levam a história a outro patamar. Não é o melhor drama que já assisti na minha vida, mas deixará saudades e ensinamentos, e quem sabe mais para frente eu assista novamente.

Os primeiros minutos da história já mostra um escândalo amoroso de Se-ri (que aproveita para transformar em uma ação de marketing para sua marca, empreendedorismo na veia) e uma reunião de família para escolher o sucessor da empresa do pai, assim começamos a perceber o caráter de cada membro da família e a personalidade forte e decidida, além da inteligência da protagonista. Logo já tem uma mudança de cenário onde Se-ri salta de parapente em um ato promocional da sua roupa esportiva, mas o tempo muda e Se-ri acaba sofrendo um acidente e vai parar na Coréia do Norte onde encontra o Capitão Ri e seus subordinados.

Pousando no amor, como o próprio nome já diz, tem um grande foco no amor. Existem vários casais no drama com histórias diferentes, entretanto quero focar nos dois principais casais. Ambos são formados por pessoas de personalidade, caráter, nacionalidade e realidade diferente então é muito interessante ver o amadurecimento, a compreensão e o respeito de um com o outro. Os dois casais passam por diversas dificuldade e é tão difícil e dolorido acompanhar e infelizmente o final de um dos casais é tão triste, acredito que o roteirista ao tentar aproximar a história para uma realidade resolveu adicionar esse final. Meu coração romântico não concorda, mas a consciência percebe que era a única saída para a situação.

Além de um doce romance, o drama trás como tema a corrupção. Ao contrário de outros dramas que vemos uma corrupção exagerada na Coréia do Sul, a culpa de "nação da corrupção" vira para Coréia do Norte. No desenrolar do drama era tantos militares envolvidos no esquema que eu já não sabia em quem confiar. Como sempre a ambição pelo dinheiro era mais importante, contudo algumas pessoas queriam o poder, lembro quando Gu Seung-joon tentou oferecer dinheiro para Jo Cheol-kang e ele disse que dinheiro não era importante, o que ele queria era poder para conseguir matar pessoas sem precisar dar satisfação a alguém, também foi interessante ver que outras pessoas praticavam atos errados não pela ambição de dinheiro e poder, mas porque tinham medo, eram ameaçadas.

Outro tema abordado é a traição, eu já tinha uma ideia que teria treta com a família da Se-ri e não confiava na madrasta (que acabou sendo uma surpresa) e nos dois irmãos Yoon Se-joon (o mais velho) e Yoon Se-hyung (o do meio). Considero os dois irmãos idiotas tanto em atitudes atrapalhadas quanto em capacidade intelectual, a diferença é que Se-joon era manipulado por sua esposa ambiciosa, porém boba; enquanto Se-hyung fingia ser manipulado pela esposa ambiciosa e sem caráter. Eu realmente gostei do pai da Se-ri, ele não era desses que só veem os filhos homens como os melhores, ele via a competência, tanto que escolhe Se-ri para substituí-lo na empresa (não é spoiler). Temos também várias traições pelo dorama, foi realmente "engraçado" ver os bandidos se traindo para ganhar mais dinheiro.

Achei válido, apesar de fantasiosa e romantizada, a abordagem do Capitalismo do Sul x Socialismo do Norte. Não estou aqui para defender nenhum dos dois modelos, até porque ambos têm seus defeitos, mas é de dar dó quando percebemos que as coisas mais banais para nós é algo surreal para alguns personagens, até mesmo para os ricos, como, por exemplo, a casa de Seo Dan que era bem sucedida, tinha uma mãe rica e um tio com alta patente no exército, era bem simples, considerada uma casa de classe média.

A tensão, o clima de guerra entre Norte e Sul é tão real como o drama aponta, pesquisei um pouco sobre a história dos dois países e será muito difícil ter a tão sonhada unificação apresentada no drama. É interessante e inteligente como o drama usa a Suíça como palco do romance dos protagonistas, o país tem uma história de neutralidade, ele não toma nenhum lado em uma guerra entre outras partes, então um romance que é proibido tanto no norte quanto no sul, na Suíça essa proibição não tem valor.

Aproveitando que estou falando da Suíça quero parabenizar o diretor de fotografia, as cenas na Suíça eram lindas, os efeitos especiais sem dúvidas foram o ponto negativo do drama, acredito que poderiam ter investido um pouco mais nessa área. O figurino foi bem planejado, era tão fácil identificar um nortista e um sulista, até mesmo quando um norte-coreano ia para o sul você conseguia ver a diferença.

A química nesse dorama ultrapassa os personagens principais. Tanto o casal Ri Ri quanto o casal Dan Joon conseguem passar que realmente existe um amor ali,apesar de ambos serem impossíveis. Outra química apresentada é entre Se-ri e seus cinco cavalheiros (grupo composto pelo: zangado, dorameiro, bonito, jovem e o capitão Ri), sem dúvidas as melhores cenas eram as quais um desses cavalheiros estavam, eles fizeram a diferença. Um outro grupo que teve bastante química e destaque foram as mulheres da vila, elas aparentavam ser interesseiras e bajuladoras, entretanto quando a dificuldade vinha para uma delas, todas se juntavam para apoiar a que necessitava, uma bonita amizade.

Seri's Choice é o nome da marca da protagonista e este nome que é apresentado no começo tem um grande significado no decorrer da trama, nós podemos acompanhar as decisões/escolhas não só da Se-ri, mas de outros personagens como o Jeong Man-bok, um personagem louvável e que no final apesar do medo e das ameaças conseguiu enxergar que o bem deve prevalecer independente da nossa felicidade. "Seja através de sorte ou do meu bom senso, sempre fiz as escolhas certas." - Se-ri

O elenco do drama foi de peso, conheço o trabalho uns 10 atores, então já conhecia a capacidade de atuação. Fiquei mesmo surpresa foi com o elenco mais novo, que apesar da inexperiência, conseguiu ir muito bem. Tenho total certeza que a maioria dos novos atores irão ter muitas oportunidades depois de Pousando no amor.

Como todo final de um bom kdrama, eu não gostei (kkk). Eu não sei o que os roteiristas pensam. Confesso que o final foi bonito e o epílogo deu um charme a mais, porém eu queria mais, na verdade ainda quero mais. Gostaria de falar um pouco mais sobre alguns pontos do drama (como a diferença entre a medicina dos dois países), mas tenho medo de acabar soltando algum spoiler desnecessário. Bom, Pousando no Amor é um romance bem clichê, mas bem estruturado e ouso a dizer que é o melhor drama de comédia romântica de 2020.

Ps: Acabei de descobrir a referência do drama ao filme Secretly Greatly, que legal!!

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Jay noona
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 7, 2020
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 5.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
1st of all this is just my thoughts about this drama


as usual that (&@^#$%) KD's end, my one and only problem at every drama

i had to admit that this drama is very cute, fluffy and strong till the end
or exactly starting from ep.14
suddenly gave me the feeling it was a little boring and repetitive

THEN the F****** writer should killed (jung hyun)..... WHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
it was totally unfair after all what he got through his life
and after killing him the next scene was supposed to be funny and i should laugh >_<
the writer even rescued the rat although it was fair for him to die
and after being shot alternately between the 1st FL & ML, he also rescued both of them
AND when (ye jin) got shot
the right place for the bullet should be her head according to the angle of the gun
and because both windows were cracked
not her chest guys
and the blood where on her side ( i don't know how?? )

and what all that bullying about North Korea
they showed them so primitive and south korea soooooo developed
and their soldiers so naive even when they were in Special Forces they didn't know or hear about Polygraph

many many event which concerned the military issues was extremely illogical
because what every one knows about NK that they r so aggressive, severe, violent and never smile
so from where they got that stupid idea that they r primitive
it's same as when they showed that Arab still riding camels and lives in tents at the deserts

this was so ridiculous and cupidity
although it was happy ending it was also open one
they can only met each other 2 weeks per year
WOW very sad

i WISHED that they reduces the scenes about the stupid women from the country and focus more on the
2nd FL & ML more and gives them happy ending

i had the feeling that the drama was ruined for me because of those two person's end T_T

i'm frustrated, provoked,depressed, SAD and want to shout T_T

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Sweet Savage
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 18, 2023
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.5


Crash landing on you is a drama that will pin you down on your seat, Keep your eyes glued to your screen and make you never want to miss a moment of what it has to offer. Yes, it's Just that Good!

Indeed an indispensable masterpiece in Kdrama land and what I'd like to call the ideal definition of what Kdrama has to offer.

It's an amazing drama that did well it all departments that it's pretty hard to figure out a flaw here. Even if there was ( I didn't find any?) Then the good part of it surpassed it all because it's Gem.

Coming to the cast and acting. It's a flawless 10/10 because I don't think anyone who finds any flaw with the cast and acting here actually watched this drama. Everything was perfect..the casting was amazing and so was the acting. It was too good to be true. The villain, the support roles the leads... Everyone was Indeed enjoyable to view.

The plot was insanely Amazing. It was one in a million and something you won't find anywhere. It had the perfect blend of suspense, comedy romance and all within.

The ost was memorable and fitting to it all. I enjoyed the blend it gave.

One thing I wish to appreciate in this show is the contrast of the Northern and Southern Korea. (Although I don't know if they were all accurate ) but the contrast was just fun and entertaining to watch..and somewhat didactic. And I never got bored watching the moments at the south of the north. Both were fun!

And the gang we got here? FL and her North Korean boys has to be my favourite gang of all. They were just amazing to watch and Funny in their own world. I really enjoyed each moment they brought. And the Comedy they presented, what more can one ask for?

Not to forget our gang in the North Korean village? Those ladies were exceptionally amazing. Love them all. I honestly appreciate the relationship those ladies built. From helping each other when in need and supporting each other and defending each was beautiful.

Ahem, and let's come to the romance because ? THIS IS WHAT KDRAMA ROMANCE SHOULD BE LIKE! I keep saying that recent Kdrama romance are missing something... something that makes them authentic like they used to be and watching this I'm like. Ah... that's what I'm talking about ? The original feel of what original Kdrama should look like..we don't need s*X scenes or endless kiss and steamy scene to prove our romance. Only the Eyes.. hands...smiles and those little stuff could prove it all!

Because the romance the leads gave had literally ended all r18 romance Kdrama are now putting up. Their chemistry was on fire. And not to mention the leads are together! Omg that's a bonus because they're a match made in heaven! I loved Them so much for this amazing romance they showed. A romance that had me in tears , so beautiful.

Petition to bring back Such authentic romance back to Kdrama!

Overall, This drama was a masterpiece i really enjoyed and I'm glad I didn't miss out on it. Although I was skeptical to watch. Glad I ended up accepting the recommendation from a friend and watching it because now. It's one of my favourite.

Highly recommended so stop scrolling through reviews and watch it already!

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 10, 2023
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0

A Powerful Blend of Love, Sacrifice, and Borders

Interesting storytelling and emotional depth of the characters. It is captivating in its exploration of love, sacrifice, and the power of human connection.

The chemistry between the two lead actors, Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin, and their acting are incredible!

The unique storyline and the way it seamlessly blends romance, comedy, and drama while dealing with political and social issues is remarkable.

The drama's ability to create empathy and understanding between characters from different backgrounds and ideologies is also a strong point of this must-watch series.

Not many productions dare to bring a story between two countries (South-North Korea). The production values, including the beautiful cinematography and soundtrack, are also highly regarded.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 26, 2021
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10


I don't know if I'll see in my life such a beautiful story but at the same time so dramatic and full of moments of heartache, like this one. I don't know if I will see in my life a movie or series or drama that will make me cry as much as I cried watching CLOY. Just so you have an idea, I cried so much, I got dehydrated and had a urinary tract infection. Really connected events or just coincidence? I don't know but anyway.
And acting from everyone in the cast? Just everything flawless. All managed to convey the emotions of their respective characters through their performances. The lead couple with surreal chemistry. So surreal that they became a couple in real life.
Alberto and Dan were the only ones wronged in this story. I don't even need to say why.

Anyway, no matter how much time passes, nothing and no one will surpass what CLOY is and was for those who have seen it!

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 27, 2020
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0
The concept itself is almost a fantastic storyline. The way a powerfull CEO ends up trapped in North Korea makes no sense but creates a perfect and original setting. And i loved it so much.
The first 7/8 episodes are pure sweetness. We witness the way a woman who's used to the fast pace of a consumer society adapts herself to a slower life focused on essentials and community. And far from all her obligations as a buisness woman, she discovers herself again, her capacity to trust and to love.
The leads are incredibly good at mixing the sweet and sour of an impossible romance and remind us of the existing reality : a nation devided in two. The comedy glimpses are also a much needed and well introduced relief, often brought by the hilarious secondary characters.

But at some point, towards the middle of the story , it felt like each episode was put on repeat.
She has to leave, but they don't wanna be separated, the bad guy comes at them, he saves her, they cry. Next episode, repeat.
For 6 episodes or more, i felt like the main characters had only one facial expression : crying, and only said one thing : "i dont want you to be hurt because of me, live well. "
There was no real storyline or at least the one from the beginning got kinda repetitve and lost its purpose.

I got into this drama without expectations at all and was mind blown by the beginning, thinking i found the drama of the year and got so disappointed toward the end.

I think it's still worth watching, at least for the beginning and also for the side characters who remain very entertaining.

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Dark Grogu
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 15, 2021
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10


This drama is AMAZING. We watched a lot of kdramas and without a doubt this is in our top 10. We really loved two main characters, they had such a strong chemistry, but also all the side characters were very interesting to watch and we're so happy they gave them depth and this authentic and likeable side (Jung Man Bok for example). We loved the setting in North Korea, it gave us a glimpse of their daily life and im glad they showed us not only the "scary" parts but also normal, heartwarming parts of their lives. This drama with that kind of setting and amazing, unforgetable characters (we love military squad with Se-Ri)created this very special and peculiar vibe that we just adore haha. We highly recommend this drama to everyone. 100/10

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Cierra McCauley
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 27, 2022
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

An incredible Love Story

Crash Landing on You is a Love Story that just stays with you! I was putting off watching this and now I just feel so stupid. This was such an incredible drama! It’s so emotional and full of the feels. You really feel the love between Captain Ri and Seri. Their bond is so special and so Beautiful. I will warn you now “you are going to cry” Gah, I cried so hard for these characters. I truly fell in love with everyone. The friend ships and the bonds that were created through Seri’s accident and her struggle to get back were unlike any other. The family drama was so frustrating, and heartbreaking. This was a very intense drama. It has it’s insanely cute and funny moments and the sweetness will make you swoon. I now understand why everyone recommended it. It’s truly a love story that proves just how far love can reach.

Leggi di Più

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0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
24 giorni fa
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 4.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

why did i watch this so late??!!?

everyone got their happy ending which was lovely but seung joon… his death broke me. i full on sobbed when seo dan was recalling their past together. i wish he had a moment with rest of the comrades they wouldve gotten along so well together. he was effortlessly funny i loved that he got to have a hearty meal with the nk ladies too. seung joon & seo dan u are so loved.

this drama was lovely. the comrades and the 4 ladies are my absolute favourite i looked forward to their scenes tiny bit more than the main couple.

the ost esp sigriswil is so beautiful as soon as i heard it in the opening i was entranced. this drama will live with me forever.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 10, 2020
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

La meilleure série coréenne de 2020

A l’heure d’écrire ces lignes (juillet 2020), il s’agit de mon coup de cœur absolu de cette année pour cette série qui mêle habilement romance, action et suspense.

Je suis fan de Ye-Jin Son, découverte avec l’excellente série « Something in the rain », et que l’on retrouve ici dans un rôle taillé pour elle.

L’alchimie entre les acteurs est palpable et les seconds rôles sont eux aussi excellents. L’histoire est habilement menée et la BO est juste parfaite.

On vibre, on rit, on pleure aussi en suivant cette histoire qui finit malheureusement bien trop tôt mais qui aura marqué mon esprit en cette année.

Bref, je vous la recommande sans hésiter ❤️

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 16, 2020
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.0
Storia 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.5

Ensemble cast with a disappointing and sappily charmed story

Despite Crash Landing on You's excessive use of k-drama tropes, the talented ensemble cast will still have you swooning and smiling from ear to ear.

CLOY tries to give a refreshing insight of North Korean culture but fails to give a unique spin on the romance. After finishing the first episode, I was able to discern how the story is extremely generic on the surface. The gunfights and gunshots got me rolling my eyes. Most of the conflicts are too corny and mawkish for my liking. The writer could have put new narrative ideas but she solely relied on the chemistry of Hyun Bin and Ye Jin to cover the clichés and predictability.

The real pleasure of watching this k-drama comes from experiencing the characters. They are relatable, funny and precious. The cast is charismatic enough to keep my eyes glued to the screen. Most of the time, I had my eyes on the second lead couple as they have the gentle appeal and quiet chemistry than the first leads.

To sum up, CLOY is strictly the usual k-drama romcom but with less substance than I expected. It is a joy to watch but it is equally disappointing and sappily charmed.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 3, 2020
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.5
THE PLOT was definitely one of the most interesting and original ones that I've seen in a while, however it's also one of the main reasons this drama was so successful. I believe out of the millions that were tuning in while this was airing, there were many viewers just curious to see how the plot will unfold, as well as how North Korea and it's people would be portrayed. If I'm being honest the main drive for me to finish this WAS the plot. I mean, a handsome North Korean army officer who stumbles upon a South Korean heiress by chance? Surely this won't end well.

THE CHARACTERS were all very enjoyable. The officers under Ri Hyeok were quite charming. They were apprehensive about Se-ri coming into their home, but as the story developed, they became so close to the point where they put their own lives in danger to make sure she was out of harm's way. The character growth with them was cute to watch. Seo Dan and Goo Seung Jun were my favorites among the cast. Honestly I got more invested in their storyline than the leads, idk I just got kinda bored after a while with Ri Hyeok and Se-ri. They DID NOT deserve the endings they got. I feel the end to their stories deserves a rewrite. I think they got a sad ending just to follow the "someone has to die during the finale" trope. If anything I think they are more victims than antagonists. I wanted to see Se-ri's mother's character in a better light but she was just reduced to being Se-ri's father's wife, which was a waste of potential. I feel like the negative dynamics between Se-ri and her mother were just thrown into the story for unnecessary emotional conflict.

THE MUSIC was excellent. At times I think the OSTs took over some scenes but once Yerin Bark's "here I am" started playing I feel like time stood still for Se-ri and Ri Hyeok. I personally found the music memorable and even downloaded some of OSTs to my playlist. I felt the music for each scene was just right.

THE ENDING kind of had a neutral ending. Given the current situation between North and South Korea, I figured that Se-ri and Ri Hyeok would not get that happy ending that everyone wanted. But I'm fine with the way the writers decided to wrap up their story. Not entirely sad but not entirely happy. Just neutral.

Overall I give this drama a 8.5/10. It's a good drama to binge watch during the weekend. I probably won't rewatch it because the episodes are 1 hour long and midway through the story things slow down.

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Crash Landing on You (2019) poster



  • Puteggio: 9.0 (segnato da 110,665 utenti)
  • Classificato: #62
  • Popolarità: #7
  • Chi Guarda: 190,043

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