7 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
gen 14, 2021
46 di 46 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

Le drama le plus parfait que j'ai pu voir!

Il ne sera pas dit que je ferais l’impasse sur la critique de « Joy of Life ». Malgré un travail qui s’amoncelle un peu partout, des visionnages à la pelle, je me devais d’écrire sur la perfection, n’est-il pas ?

Tout commence par un zapping en bonne et due forme, à 3 heures du matin (le moment idéal pour découvrir une perle parmi les perles, quand le silence s’est déjà doucement installé au coin du feu). Dès le premier épisode, un éclat de rire toutes les 5 minutes et me voilà convaincue (j’ai bien failli courir réveiller hubby pour lui montrer ma trouvaille). Une petite recherche sur la toile et j’apprends avec bonheur que l’auteur n’est autre que Mao Ni, l’écrivain de [b]« Nightfall »[/b]. Que de bonheur passé à regarder [b]« Ever Night »[/b] pendant des jours et des nuits, avec chéri et mes enfants, j’avais peine à croire qu’une autre perle de [b]Mao Ni[/b] venait de me tomber dessus. Après une autre petite recherche (3 heures du matin, si vous m’avez suivi, j’étais donc sur les dents, presque sur le pied de guerre ! en mode zombie tout de même) et voilà que j’apprends que le scénariste est une pointure chez les chinois, [b]Wang Juan[/b], un des rares scénaristes qui écrit ses propres scénarios dans une industrie souvent basée sur des romans, des webtoons ou des manhwas (Il a fait [i]Blood Young[/i], un excellent drama). Allez hop, c’est décidé, je me fais fort à parier de pouvoir convaincre le clan de se lancer dans le visionnage de ce drama (et de laisser tomber [i]« Legend of awakening »[/i] par la même occasion ce qui m’arrangeait).

Si le lecteur me voit écrire avec ferveur "extraordinaire" ou "incroyable" toutes les 2 lignes, qu'il ne m'en tienne pas rigueur. J'ai tenté de laisser couler 3 semaines avant d'accoucher mes émotions mais j'avoue que c'est un échec. Car, cela reste intact. Gravé. Hum, si je dois être franche, la dernière fois que j'ai pu être aussi prolifique sur une œuvre, cela doit remonter à mes années "Maison Ikkoku", "Touch" et "City hunter". Il y a 30 ans de cela...C'est pour dire.

On rit. Dès le premier épisode. Et presque jusqu'à la toute fin. Ce n’est pas un simple rire. Ce sont des éclats de rire spontanés (et qui dure, on en rit encore 3 semaines après). L’humour est omniprésent et se joue sur plusieurs plans :
Les mimiques des personnages qui sont à mourir de rire.
Les situations dans lesquelles se trouve Fan Xian (et son entourage).
Mais aussi et surtout les répliques : des répliques hilarantes et tellement bourrées d’intelligences. Oui, ici l’intelligence des répliques flirte joyeusement avec le drôle. Voire le très drôle. Et nous rions à presque tous les épisodes (c’était entre nous « de qui rirait le plus fort »). Il doit y avoir 2, voire 3 épisodes (soyons fous) où on ne rit pas, sur un total de 46. Le seul défaut (ah il en faut bien un, n’est ce pas ?), il y a beaucoup de référence qui se font sur des jeux de mot et si, on n’a pas une profonde connaissance de la langue chinoise, il y a pas mal de choses qui risquent d’être incomprises. Mais cela n’altère en rien la qualité et la drôlerie des situations ou des dialogues.

On s'émerveille devant tant de suspense, d’ingéniosité et de twist. Je pense que la dernière fois où j’ai pu me dire que c’était grandiose niveau complot, c’était pour [i]« Nirvana in Fire »[/i] et ce drama est du même acabit (voire mieux, car tellement plus drôle).
La bouche grande ouverte, nous voilà à nous exclamer à qui mieux mieux lorsque l'imprévu nous prend à la gorge. Et d'imprévu ce drama en est rempli. Quel plume incroyable a pu nous pondre un scénario aussi abouti ? aussi incroyable ? aussi imprévisible ? aussi drôle ? aussi intelligent ? Aussi tout ? (Je m'emporte? oui et non).
Hé bien, ce fut la raison qui m'a fait courir après les hommes de ma maison afin qu'ils se joignent à moi : Mao Ni.
Nous avions été tellement bouleversés par [i]"Ever Night"[/i] drama et livre, qu'à la seule évocation de ce nom, nous étions presque sûr de ne pas être déçus. Cela a été au-delà. De l'inimaginable. Nous avons adoré de la première seconde à la dernière.

On pleure. Aussi. Hé bien, je l’avoue, pas à grosses larmes comme pour « Lovely Us », mais une gorge nouée par l’émotion sur quelques épisodes et de manière tellement imprévue. Je ne m’attendais pas, vraiment pas à devoir m’attacher à des personnages qu’on ne voit pas beaucoup (voire 2 fois pour un des personnages, et la grand-mère qu’on ne voit que dans les 2 premiers épisodes m’aura beaucoup touché par exemple). Certaines scènes sont tellement fortes et chargées émotionnellement que cela nous a pris de court.

Il y a une romance, mais elle est pour l’instant minime. Le drama étant prévu pour 3 saisons, on peut penser que cela suivra son court dans les 2 autres saisons (vivement la saison 2 !!).
La rencontre entre notre lead masculin et la princesse au pilon de poulet est adorable. Leur alchimie, sans être faite d’éclat et de passion est solide et sincère. On adore le coté petite fille de la princesse, son pilon de poulet, sa loyauté, son amour spontané envers [b]Fan Xian[/b]. Allez j’avoue. J’aime aussi beaucoup [b]la sainteté[/b] et [b]Si Li Li[/b] et si notre princesse au pilon de poulet n’avait pas été si mimi, j’aurais adoré voir [b]Fan Xian[/b] avec [b]la sainteté[/b] ou [b]Si Li Li[/b]. Son amitié avec elles est toutefois bien réelle et vraiment adorable. C’est au final amplement suffisant.

Les liens d’amitiés sont incroyables dans ce drama. Forts. Vrais. (et drôles). Toutes les amitiés. [b]Fan Xian[/b] et [b]Chen PingPing[/b]. [b]Fan Xian[/b] et [b]l’empereur Qing[/b]. [b]Fan Xian[/b] et [b]sa sœur Ruo Ruo[/b]. [b]Fan Xian[/b] et [b]Wang Qi Nian[/b]. [b]Fan Xian[/b] et [b]Wu Zhu[/b]. [b]Fan Xian[/b] et [b]Teng Si Jing[/b] (mon préféré…Hein? quoi? comment cela y'a [b]Fan Xian[/b] partout, mais pas du tout). Il y a aussi [b]la sainteté[/b]. Ou [b]Si Li Li[/b]. Ou [b]Li Cheng Ze[/b] le [b]2ème prince[/b]…Bref, on pourrait presque écrire un dossier rien que sur les personnages, leur importance, leur lien, leur histoire. Il y’en a tellement et c’est ce qui fait aussi sa rareté en tant que drama (ou série ou film ou animé ou manga…je m’emporte encore), où tous les personnages sont importants, où ils sont tous réussis, charismatiques, énigmatiques….Même les vilains. Ils débordent d’ingéniosité, de machiavélisme, de brio. Et ce qui fait la particularité de ce drama, c’est que nous ne pouvons même pas détester les « bad guys ». Car la balance est harmonieuse entre les vilains et les bons (bien qu’il soit dur de savoir qui est bon et qui ne l’est pas…) et il n’y a donc aucune frustration du type « nan !! il va se faire avoir en beauté, il fait quoi ?? ne va pas là !! ne fais pas ça !!!... ». Ici, ça serait plutôt « Bon, comment Fan Xian va se sortir de ce guêpier ? » ou « Hahaha Fan Xian va les humilier en beauté ». Pas de frustration ou de colère refoulée, que du bonheur.

Dois-je parler du jeu des acteurs ?? Des personnages incarnés ? Je vais essayer de résumer cette partie (sinon, j’en ai encore pour 3 pages dédiées). Le jeu des acteurs est incroyable. 100% naturelle (avec leur voix naturelle et non enregistrée au studio), 100% (je dirais même 200%) incarné à la perfection. Chaque acteur s’est imprégné de son personnage à la perfection et on y croit, on est immergé dans le drama et on a du mal à en ressortir. Il serait long de parler de tous, chacun mériterait un petit paragraphe, je me contenterais donc des personnages principaux.

[u]Fan Xian[/u] (AHHHHH) : est le héros par excellence (du moins mon idéal). Il est beau et bourré de talent. Il sait se battre (et avec classe). Il sait rétorquer magistralement, ses joutes oratoires sont un délice à nos oreilles. Son calme et son intelligence sont redoutables (et son insolence est sans pareille !!) et nous ne le verrons que peu de fois perdre son sourire et son calme. Certains l’ont qualifié « d’arrogant ». Je n’ai vu qu’un homme talentueux qui a été jeté dans la fosse aux lions et qui s’en tire comme un champion. Alors oui, il parle souvent avec assurance, parfois avec arrogance, mais toujours avec sincérité. Sa facilité à se faire des amis, à se faire aimer est une de ses plus grandes qualités.

[u]Chen PingPing :[/u] Cet homme est le mystère incarné. Il est incroyable. On ne sait pas comment le prendre. Il est blanc ou noir (pas la couleur de peau, hein)? Tout ce qu’on sait, c’est que son intelligence est incroyable. A-t-il les pions en main ? ou en fait-il partie ? on se meurt d’en savoir plus ! Il est en tout cas un des plus complexes à comprendre et un de ceux dont on en attend le plus.

[u]L’empereur Qing :[/u] L’empereur le plus classe, le plus drôle (dans ses répliques) et le plus intelligent que j’ai pu voir jusqu’à présent. Sa relation avec [b]Fan Xian[/b] est épique ( [b]Fan Xian[/b] et [b]Chen PingPing[/b] aussi). Leur première rencontre va résumer tout le drama entre eux deux. Nous avons ici un empereur qui mène la danse (ce qui est plutôt rare…) et qui aime se jouer des autres à la perfection. Qui est-il vraiment ? Est-il lui aussi du côté obscur ? Attendre la prochaine saison pour avoir la réponse (ou lire le livre pour les plus pressés…suivez mon regard : chéri, le livre est confisqué, hors de question de se faire « spoiler » accidentellement !).

La photographie est très belle. C’est fluide, c’est coloré et les paysages sont naturelles et réelles.
Les scènes de combat sont superbes aussi (bien que peu). Les combats sont dynamiques et très bien orchestrés. Pas encore du niveau « d’Ever Night », mais ce drama ne se focalise pas sur l’action, mais plutôt sur le côté politique. Quoiqu'il en soit, pas de fausse note type " oh cela parait faux" ne vient entacher le drama.
Je parlerais rapidement du scénario qui sort des chemins battus (du moins pour la néophyte en SF et fantasy que je suis). Cela serait stupide que de vous dévoiler les ficelles de ce drama, ce que je peux donc dévoiler sans trop vous gâcher le drama : C’est du time travelling (on l’apprends dès le départ), du moins dans le livre c’est du time travelling. Dans le drama, le scénariste a changé astucieusement ce time travelling (notion censurée en Chine, allez savoir pourquoi). Il faut donc garder à l’esprit que c’est un voyage dans le temps, et que les rebondissements, ingénieux et imprévisibles, tournent autour de cela….

Je vais devoir m’arrêter ici, sinon, je pourrais continuer encore à palabrer pendant longtemps.
Ce drama est ce qui à mon sens se fait de mieux dans le genre complot politique mais avec tellement d’humour et d’intelligence qu’il est difficile, voire impossible de lui trouver un rival (même le génial « Nirvana in fire »).
Le drama est donc prévu pour 3 saisons et c’est une torture que d’avoir à attendre la suite, d’espérer de tout cœur que la suite sera une réussite, qu’il n’y aura ABSOLUMENT pas de changement intempestif d’acteur/actrice (sinon, c’est la déclaration de guerre assurée !).
46 épisodes que nous avons regardés en 1 semaine (heureusement que c’était les vacances, sinon bonjour les nuits blanches). Pas une seconde d’ennui (d’ailleurs, évitez les pauses pipi ou de répondre au téléphone pendant le drama ; le complot, les retournements de situation sont légions). Je regarderais sans hésiter une deuxième fois ce drama (c’est ce qui est prévu avant la saison 2), il se classe sans peine comme notre plus grand coup de cœur des 30 dernières années (du moins pour moi et mon mari, mes fils sont loin d’avoir 30 ans derrière eux…). Et si je devais dire une chose négative…Un drama en 3 saisons ! Pourquoi ???

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
6 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 15, 2021
46 di 46 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

A Must-Watch Drama

A Magnificent Masterpiece!!!
A must-watch one of a kind Screenplay!!!

I seldom write Reviews and I can say that this is one of the Drama's that captured my attention and made me eager to impart my own Perspective.
To start with, it was quite a while before I had a chance to discover this Work-of-Art. The things that I do to get a watchlist is to go through well-spoked-of Actors and check out their Dramas, Where? Of course, here on my favorite MyDramalist website! What would usually capture my attention is the Actors who play's the main lead, but this time I made a gamble and went for the high Rating this Drama achieved. When I saw the Title "Joy of Life" at first I was hesitant because I am not a great Fan of heavy and chaotic Imperial plots, which I thought that would cover the title itself, hmmmm... then I saw the Rating and checked out Reviews and Recommendations. I told myself , let's give it a go. When I started watching, there was a hint that this will be a different experience for me. And to tell you, it was a privileged for me to have discover a MASTERPIECE! I have watched a few C-Drama's and I'll say that this is one of a kind. A Great combination of Action, Drama, Comedy, Intrigue, Sword-fight, Time Travel, and Adaptation from a Novel!!!

My Commendations:

All the Casts are all well picked. Whoever chose these Actors to fit the Characters, I'll give you a rating of 10/10. It is a great responsibility to have this task of choosing not just the best, but most fitted for the role, in order to sustain a good Drama all through out all the Episodes.
This is the first time I watched a Drama for the main-lead Zhang Rou Yan, now I can say he is one of the promising Actors in the Industry. I would also give thanks to a great performance of the little Fan Xian, young Actor Finn Han, I can assure you that this little boy have a bright future when it comes to acting. The rest of the Actors are all great!!!

It amazes me that I was given a chance to experience a very well thought Screenplay. I love how it is being witty and humorous but at the same time it gives that intriguing and well planned tactics. I would usually drop the drama's I'm on during the last 4 to 5 episodes because somehow I already have a guess outcome and my interest drops. Those first few minutes of the first episode caught my interest, and as the story goes on, it was a great experience for me. Commendations to the (Book/Manga)Writer Mao Ni and the Screenwriter Wang Juan, you guys did a great effort to have this whole Drama a Success. I love all the Characters. The Story itself is mainly a Fascination for me. For the Directors all of you did a good job as well, thank you.

Sound Track;
Great choice of Songs all through out the Story!!!
Well balanced and fitted for each Scenes.
I can say it adds up to producing a great Screenplay!!

Re-Watch Value;

This is a Great C-Drama that you must watch. And once you are done watching, I'm sure that you would feel the same EXCITEMENT that I have for the upcoming SEASON 2!!!! Thinking about that.... I know that my waiting will be paid off because behind this great C-Drama, composed of a well built foundation of Directors, Screenwriters, Producers, Writers, Casts and Staffs behind the scenes(thank you by the way for the great effort) that will equal our Expectations.

Thank you for giving sometime to take a peek on my Reviews!
I hope that this Review will be of help to those looking for a Great Drama PlayList like me!!!

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
6 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
dic 15, 2020
46 di 46 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

Witty drama

This is the perfect drama, in my opinion. Don't be deceived by the solemn looking poster. It is quite light. The dialogue and plot is witty and it never felt dumb. The ML is OP but his personality is so fun that I don't care. lol.

The pacing in this drama is amazing. The comedy, the serious parts, action and scheming were really well balanced that I never felt bored.

This is one of the best acting I've seen in a drama. The veteran actors are amazing and I felt goosebumps.

They develop the characters so well that I shed a few tears when villians have lost.

The only bad thing is, this is S1 of 3. I can't wait until S2 airs.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
In Corso 45/46
Michele 1964
6 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
gen 19, 2020
45 di 46 episodi visti
In Corso 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
It is the best historical drama ive seen this year totally in love with this drama . All the actors are so good and im so pleased that the director insisted that they all use their own voice even xiao zhan from the untamed and i actually prefer his performance in this because of this. The main lead is such a great actor and you can tell he threw himself into his part . im going to be so gutted when this series ends just hope they keep the same cast for series 2 x I think all drama should look at this drama and know that we want a more realistic view not a fluffy load of rubbish.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Faith Black
5 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
gen 13, 2020
46 di 46 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
I came here for Zhang Ruo Yun... I dont know Xiao Zhan. I haven't seen Untamed. Dont scold me...I haven't seen Nirvana in Fire either. I'm only here for the Winged emperor...that's Novoland Castle in the Sky for those who dont know. He's the the one that started them all. That being said, I'm still surprised at how dynamic he is. He has grown as an actor and I love it.

The drama overall was well done, if you had asked me to watch a time traveling wuxia. I would have said HELL no. I hate those dramas. They are never done well. Mostly due to the nonchalance of the historical versus the modern. The historical part of the story never has any weight to it. Its glossed over. This drama, I completely forgot the plot. It pulls you deep into the historical and you LOVE these people and want to stay forever. Great writing hands down. Great cast hands down. Great director hands down....

So what's NOT perfect, the most glaring. Li Qin, the supposed female lead. I have no idea about the book but they need change her character soon. As of now, she is literally just a pretty face. The male lead is supposedly the boy who inherits the kingdom and he shows all signs of capability. However, the female lead is sickly, soft and unaware of most of the political machinations around her. This disturbs me the most. I also came here for Li Qin and was apalled at her character. Sure she's not an idiot but she's not clever enough to be Empress either. I'm worried at where this is going. I am one that believes in a great man should have a great woman next to him not behind him OR vice versa. The burden of the kingdom must be shared otherwise you will go crazy.

That takes me to Duo Duo....LOL. Her name is hilarious. Translation may be off. Haitung....the ninth level master from Qi Kingdom. I hate to LOVE her because it feels like I'm cheating on Waner but she is PERFECT for him. So perfect its embarrassing to his family and friends when they're seen together. Sigh....what to do....what to do....Fan Xian is in a serious dilemma. Keep in mind he is young and his journey is long and arduous.

For those who love Xiao Zhan, NO worries. He obviously has a major role in the upcoming seasons. Definitely more face time in the works. Speaking of upcoming seasons, I can't tell you how disappointed I am they are not shooting back to back. Let's be for real. Cdramas have a bad record in sequels. Either they are not done or actors are changed. What's up with that??? If the world can wait for Avengers over 12 years. This shouldn't be that hard. So let's get this done with the same actors and proctuction team...Good luck

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
5 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 18, 2021
46 di 46 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

“Have you ever felt like you were the main lead in a drama”.

This is the first ever drama that I have watched and put myself in the main leads perspective, and thought like he did, or maybe gave much thought to his decisions And what he did and the way he did it. From the moment you were born leaving all your life predicted by someone. Thinking every decision you made in your life is by your will however it’s not, it’s someone else trying to make you think that way. instead of leaving for yourself you were someone’s chess piece in a game of life and death.

The male lead in this drama if he were a real person he was to be a man of greatness. because leaving in a world where you trust nobody and nobody trusts you in contrast maybe you think they do but in Reality they are doing it in the so called name of “ greater good”.

This is my favorite historical Chinese drama because it beats any other drama that I’ve ever seen. It makes you so involved in what is taking place that you start to suspect every person acting besides the male lead . in addition this drama is a highly recommended because at first I just give it a shot and after seeing the reviews I decided to watch it and I was not disappointed.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
5 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 5, 2020
46 di 46 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

Captivating, to say the least.

What a stunning & magnificent drama. It came with drama, comedy, suspense, and mystery in its finest form. Fans of Nirvana in Fire would appreciate this one. Allow me to elaborate:

1) VILLAINS. One thing this drama does well is having well-rounded characters. I don’t really see that in Chinese historicals very much. Usually villains are portrayed as completely evil with no redeeming qualities. And usually in drama world, when a “bad” guy dies, their existence just seems to cease to exist like a problem that went away. But in this drama their deaths lingered. Everything that they were, everything that they held dear, everyone that they knew & loved, were all affected. You felt their deaths just like Fan Xian did too. Even if they were considered the enemy, they weren’t just another “bad guy.” They were a dad. They were a son. They were a brother. They were somebody to someone even if they weren’t on the “good” side.

Surprisingly, I found myself sympathizing with the villains more often than I did with the heroes. Every character (good or bad) had their reasons for what they did. And they all had something they wanted to protect fiercely.

2) PLOT. The intricate web of plots are not there for the sake of just being there. The plot is not dumbed down for any of us. The writers will make you work for it. Every dialogue. Every movement a character makes. Every plot-line. All of this is there to develop Fan Xian’s character and to move the plot forward. Sometimes we get boring filler episodes that have nothing to do with the bigger picture in these types of dramas. But not in this one. Every. Episode. Counts. Seriously, don’t skip or you might just lose the plot.

3) UNRELIABLE NARRATOR. Not everything is what is seems. I know, I know. *eye rolls* But really. You can’t trust anyone in this drama. Usually you can tell who the bad guys are and who the good guys are. Not in Joy of Life. There’s so many layers to this story that keeps it refreshing. Always something brewing underneath the surface. And you never know what you’re gonna get.

4) THE EMPEROR. Jesus H. Christ, he is one hell of a character! Forget Fan Xian, I’d watch this for his performance alone! Extremely well-written! Wonderful acting! Not your typical, gullible, blinded-by-officials type of king. HE ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT’S GOING ON & I LOVE THAT. No one can fool him in his own court. And the best part is, you see all sides to him. You see the messy side. The hard side. The cruel side. The soft side. The ruthless side. The mysterious side. You never know his next move. THIS. This is how an emperor should be written. Take notes drama writers. He is the epitome of POWER.

5) BALANCE. What this drama also does well is knowing when to be comedic and when to be serious. You will laugh (most of the times it’s like a WTF laugh) and you will cry. Don’t let the gray color gradient on screen fool you into thinking this is a melodramatic drama. It is not. It is extremely funny when need be. And it pulls it off well.

1) COMPLICATED. It can be hard to follow. There are times when I had to rewind a few times to understand. The plot is so intricate and deals with many characters so you must follow closely. Not only that, the writers assume that their audiences are smart enough to dissect the plot themselves, which is not always the case. It can be hard to understand at times with so much going on & so many character names to remember.

2) SLOW-PACED. I must say I don’t think I was fully invested until episode 20+. I stopped watching & it took me at least 3xs to push through. And when I did, I was so glad and thankful I didn’t miss out on such a wonderful drama. One of the best written!

This is one of those dramas that’s just different in terms of how it is written & directed. It breaks the barrier of what historical dramas should strive for. It really does it all! After watching, I was left utterly speechless, bereft, & lost. I haven’t felt like this since 10 Miles of Peach Blossom. I’m mad that there’s even a season 2! I wish it was all just 1 season! I don’t wanna wait for more Fan Xian & Yan Bing Yun!

P.S. Joy of Life has one of the most beautiful opening credits I’ve ever seen from a drama. Absolutely stunning.

Anyways, happy heartbreak! I mean watching! Happy watching! Haha.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
5 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 13, 2020
46 di 46 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

I usually don't take the time to write reviews, as a matter of fact, this is my first ever review.

I finished the entire drama about a minute ago and let me just say, I've never been more hooked on a drama in my entire life. When I say that the show had no bad parts, I mean it. Almost every part has meaning and was interesting.

The plot has to be one of the best I have ever seen. If someone doesn't know the meaning of plot twist, tell them to watch this drama. I won't spoil anything but every little part is important. I swear my IQ has went up so high after watching this show. The only reason I gave it .5 off was because I can't give it a 9.9. The only thing that I couldn't really get was the romance between Lin Waner and Fan Xian. Other than that it was perfect.

I don't have a single problem with the actors or actresses. I especially loved young Fan Xian and Duo Duo. All of them portrayed their characters extremely well. Respect.

The OST for this show was pretty good. Wouldn't say it's my favorite but is definitely a good song. The background music throughout the drama helped a lot with the mood each scene was going through. Music was chosen well. Especially during suspenseful parts.

Rewatch Value:
I'm about to go watch it again to see if there were any hints in the story leading up to the ending haha, so yes I will rewatch for sure.

Do I recommend?:
If you like good plots, this is absolutely phenomenal and I 100000% recommend. If you like romance and such, there is some, but I'm not quite sure it will be fulfilling but I'm sure you will become more interested in the plot over the romance.

Final notes:
Probably my favorite drama I've ever seen. Thank you for reading, have a good day :D

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 17, 2021
46 di 46 episodi visti
Completo 3
Generale 9.0
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0

Welcome to Dystopia

I started watching Joy of Life because of it's epic reviews on MDL. It's rare that a title gets a consistent ranking of 9. Also, I was in hospital and on bedrest so I had nothing else to do. This is a drama that started very very slowly. So slowly in fact that I got a bit bored mid way and watched a few other shows before I went back to it (determined to give it a shot given its high ratings online). I think it only started to pick up after the 30th or so episode.

The cinematography of this show is incredible. Props to the Director and Cinematography team. The colour scheme and music they chose gives you an idea of what to expect. It's overall moody and foreboding and has an almost eerie air. Nothing is as it seems. Suspect everything. Trust no one. I feel that I was in perpetual late autumn / winter in this show. It has a very dark, dystopic aura about it.

Fan Xian is an extremely erudite, precocious and arrogant character. He's smart, but he's not that likeable. To be honest, not many people in this show are likeable. If I have to choose one person to like it's the Emperor. It took me a while to get used to Fan Xian's face and character as it's not normally the sort of face you will see in period dramas. But then this is not your typical period drama. This is in an altogether alternate reality.

I love dramas with smart, witty leads and Fan Xian is no exception (except he's arrogant and not that likeable). He was able to counteract most of the attacks against him. What I didn't like was the weakness of the FL (can we call her that? Maybe just Fan Xian's love interest). With the current trend gearing towards strong FLs who are equal, if not better than the MLs, I was surprised by how weak Lin Wan'Er was. Maybe they will surprise us in the second season. All she does is spend her time cooped up in her room because she's sick with TB (and recovering now thanks to Fan Xian). She sits around pining for him, hoping to see him next or else lying in bed coughing. I really wished that she could be stronger and solve crimes and face challenges with Fan Xian. That would really make me like the second season. Instead she's constantly playing the damsel in distress, waiting for Fan Xian to save her.

I was honestly surprised and disappointed by her character since the entire premise of the show was based on Fan Xian's own mother who everyone revered as ahead of her time. If it's so girl power - how come Lin Wan'Er is so weak? Maybe they will flesh out her character in the next season. I felt that the entire show was written by men, for men (pretending to be feminist but cannot really understand women) and a quick glance at the director, executive producer and writer proved me right.

Overall it's an extremely intelligent show (apart from the very obvious issues of the weak FL) with a fantastic soundtrack (I was happily surprised to hear Li Jian singing the opening song). I surprised myself by actually rating it so highly (because I really don't like Fan Xian that much) but I must say the plot twists and turns (towards the end) kept me going and hooked. This drama really stands out on its own. You'll be hard pressed to find another show like this.

If this series was a beverage it would be whiskey served neat. Not easily enjoyable, but if you like it, you really will.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 17, 2023
46 di 46 episodi visti
Completo 1
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

Joy of Life Season 1 is an amazing work of art

This first season is full of intrigue it’s very interesting and has heartfelt emotional story plots the action scenes are brilliant and outstanding it’s very well written the actors are very talented this is well worth watching its amazing brilliant has awesome fight scenes great character acting there’s something for everyone and some beautiful landscapes cinematically this is beautiful to watch it’s a work of art I loved this I cannot wait to see season 2 released on 30th of November 2023 available on WeTV and Viki Rankutan Tv apps and Tencent video app there is also talk of a season 3 in the pipeline possibly in November 2023 or 2024

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 6, 2023
46 di 46 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

Great Chinese Period Drama

This drama is beautifully done from every perspective, ecept the cliffhanger ending that seemed to promise a sequel. It feels like the writer was promoting a sequel or maybe just wanted to be mysterious. Zhang Ruo Yun (Fan Xian) and Li Qun ( Lin Wan’er) make a compelling and adorable onscreen couple. I can't leave out everyone's favorite, XIAO ZHAN (Yan Bing Yun) addint some romantic competition for Fan Xian. I would recommend any drama that contained any one of those actors. As seems to be his choice, Zhang Ruo Yun selects parts that are unpredictable and dramas that leave you wondering. This wonderful, cultural, period piece along with the great cast, acting skill, and gorgeous cinematograhy makes this a must watch.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Jan Pospisil
13 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 24, 2020
46 di 46 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.0
Storia 4.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 3.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Could've been great.

Joy of Life's premise is silly, it's the kind of scifi YA nonsense you'd write in highschool.
Which is ok, I'm not expecting a masterpiece.
The series however relies on its story way too much, to its own detriment.
Put simply - the show is all about intrigue and plots, with a side of romance and mystery.
Trouble with this - the intrigue is not very clever or engaging, character motivations are shallow or terribly overcomplicated. It's written to work only as long as the plot rushes forward, so you don't notice how flimsy it is.
It also uses the "character decides to do the last mission before retirement, oops" cliche, and it's unfortunately very important to the overall story.
On the technical side, the show looks very nice in a few places. Mostly it's "ok" to watch. There are some fights, especially in the second half, and they're pretty well done.
One aspect where the show really dropped the ball is music. It's weirdly western sounding, like from a 90s/early 2000s sitcom. Quite distracting.
(side note: There's a bunch of talk about chi, levels of mastery etc., but it hardly ever matters. It's a device to lock certain plots into evolving certain ways. This is tied to the characters, which I'll get to now.)
The main reason to watch the show, to me at least, are the characters. They chose very good actors, there are hardly any weak links.
The problem is - the characters are slaves to the story and they come and go only in its service. If you happen to not care about the story, about the secret police stuff, about court intrigue and "The Mystery" of who Fan Xian is, you'll be constantly pissed off by what happens to these characters you like.
I wanna watch Fan Xian and his brother run a book shop, or do poetry battles and flirt with pretty ladies. I don't care who his parents were, or what the two princes are secretly plotting.
Speaking of Fan Xian - he's borderline unlikable. A very special Marty Stu boy who gets away with everything, either because of his super cool fighting skills, photographic memory, or because seemingly everyone in power (with a few exceptions) keeps him protected.
It heavily reminds me of young adult fiction novels, or perhaps Harry Potter.
The romance is interesting at first, because it largely skips the wooing stage, and the whole "will they or won't they", which is refreshing. But then when they are in fact together, it very quickly separates the couple, to introduce two new romantic interests for Fan Xian to flirt with.
The first season ends, of course, with a massive twist, AND a cliffhanger twist. Both are completely pointless and are not really foreshadowed, so you can't be satisfied you called it. (unlike the revelation of who FX's parents were, which was at least decent.)

TL;DR - mediocre to slightly bad show with really good actors and fun characters.

Leggi di Più

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Joy of Life (2019) poster



  • Puteggio: 9.0 (segnato da 9,641 utenti)
  • Classificato: #48
  • Popolarità: #554
  • Chi Guarda: 26,497

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