0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 8, 2023
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

La tua realtà è il luogo dove sei felice.

Non so neppure da dove cominciare. Sedici episodi da un’ora ingurgitati in tre giorni. Sinceramente ci sono stati momenti in cui ho temuto un po’ per la mia salute. Da altri drama ho dovuto spesso staccarmi per noia o saturazione. Da questo, ho dovuto di tanto in tanto fare piccole pause perché mi rendevo conto di guardarlo sul bordo della sedia, sporgendomi verso il video, coi battiti accelerati. Dubito di riuscire a mettere in parole anche solo una parte di ciò che mi ha tanto affascinato. Il totale è sempre maggiore della somma delle parti.

Ma andiamo con ordine. Siamo a Seul, ai giorni nostri, e Han Tae Joo è capo di una squadra investigativa. E’ un tipo molto freddo, che si fida solo dei riscontri oggettivi, finché un giorno, investigando una serie di delitti opera di un serial killer, non si becca una pallottola in testa. E, come ciliegina sulla torta, lo investono con un’auto. Da un’autoradio udiamo le note di Life on Mars? di David Bowie e il nostro si ritrova improvvisamente per le strade di una cittadina nel 1988, detective assegnato ad un piccolo posto di polizia di provincia. Sta sognando, è morto, è in coma, ha viaggiato nel tempo? Come farà a tornare indietro? Nel frattempo, comincia ad indagare e a scoprire inquietanti collegamenti tra quello che ora è il suo presente e quello che era il suo futuro, incontrando una serie di persone conosciute che, nel suo tempo, sono ancora vive, o già morte.

La stragrande maggioranza del drama si svolge nel 1988, e verte sullo svolgimento di indagini che hanno collegamenti più o meno diretti col passato di Tae Joo e con i casi moderni. Lo spettatore rimane affascinato dalle varie verità che progressivamente vengono svelate. Queste indagini, svolte dal protagonista e dai suoi nuovi colleghi, sono molto movimentate, a volte addirittura chiassose, perché i poliziotti del 1988, e specialmente il capitano Kang, sono piuttosto violenti, rodomonteschi, e terribilmente maschilisti. All’unica ragazza del gruppo, che pure pare essere spesso quella col cervello più fino, viene più volte ordinato di fare il caffè, se non di lavare i vestiti dei colleghi. Soprattutto, si assiste ad un gran numero di inseguimenti a rotta di collo, per lo più a piedi, tra vicoli stretti, stradine, ripide scalinate. Queste ambientazioni contribuiscono non poco a generare nello spettatore una sensazione di affanno e urgenza, quasi di claustrofobia.

Un’altra cosa che tiene incollati allo schermo è l’ansia che si genera quando il protagonista è vittima di malesseri improvvisi, coincidenti con flash in cui lui e gli spettatori sentono voci di medici e infermieri che gli parlano o descrivono la sua situazione, voci che ovviamente i suoi colleghi non sentono. E spesso il nostro sente queste voci provenire da radio, walkie-talkie, televisioni. Addirittura, il protagonista di uno show gli parla dalla TV… Intuiamo che Tae Joo potrebbe essere in coma. Riuscirà a tornare a Seul, cioè a risvegliarsi? Diverse persone paiono disposte ad aiutarlo, gli danno consigli, aumentando la sua confusione. Saranno veri o falsi, degni di fiducia, o cercheranno di ingannarlo? Di chi può fidarsi? Lo spaesamento è totale.

Non di sola tensione si nutre questa serie: la squadra del 1988 è piuttosto ridicola, anche se a volte si ride amaro e si prova più di un moto di fastidio: i tre poliziotti principali, compreso il capitano, pur avendo in fondo buone intenzioni, sono terribilmente grezzi e ignoranti. La loro propensione alla violenza e ai metodi spicci è fonte di diversi scontri col nuovo arrivato, anche se nel tempo le esperienze li porteranno a comportarsi in maniera meno neandertaliana. Da questo punto di vista, possiamo dire di assistere ad una crescita caratteriale piuttosto importante. Però, nel frattempo, dovremo vedere il capitano Kang petare rumorosamente in una piscina, battagliare con un sospetto a suon di sputi, e altre amenità di questo genere.

Per contro, l’unica agente su cui ci si sofferma, Yoon Na Yeong, pare essere intelligente, affidabile e gentile, sempre pronta ad aiutare, nonostante sia spesso relegata a lavori di supporto e trattata con condiscendenza. E, per la legge non scritta di tutte le storie, ovviamente non potrà che provare attrazione per il protagonista, sentimento ricambiato, ma che rimane molto delicatamente in sottofondo, mai effettivamente sdoganato e fatto brillare di luce propria. Le relazioni romantiche non hanno una grande importanza in questa serie e, sinceramente, non se ne sente proprio la mancanza, perché di carne al fuoco ce n’è molta anche così.

In questo universo passato, 30 anni prima di quello che per Han Tae Joo era il presente, egli avrà l’opportunità di sviluppare pian piano i rapporti umani che, a causa della sua infanzia che ora può osservare da un privilegiato punto di vista interno/esterno, si era precluso. Imparerà il valore dell’amicizia e della fiducia, instaurando rapporti stretti proprio con quel gruppo di rozzi poliziotti con cui all’inizio aveva avuto tante incomprensioni, specialmente col capitano Kang, mentre, per contro, anche costoro diverranno un po’ meno estremi. Nel frattempo, verrà sviscerato anche il rapporto del protagonista col padre, una situazione rimasta in sospeso per troppi anni.

Tutto questo si svolge in una ambientazione che, ai miei occhi di profana, appare terribilmente accurata, con gran uso di auto dell’epoca, comparse in abbondanza, uso di canzoni anni 80 e, soprattutto, una cinematografia che, a definirla brillante, le si farebbe ancora un torto. Non mancano temi di denuncia sociale. Oltre alla rappresentazione di una polizia violenta, spesso corrotta e poco incline a seguire le regole, si fa espresso riferimento al fatto che molti senzatetto vennero prelevati dalle strade e internati in strutture lontano dagli sguardi, poco prima delle Olimpiadi. Era infatti il 1988 l’anno delle Olimpiadi di Seul e, come accade un po’ ovunque, in quelle occasioni i governi fanno delle opere di pulizia “di facciata” con scarso rispetto per la vita dei cittadini. In realtà, in Corea, questi rastrellamenti duravano già da almeno dieci anni, con lo scopo di “ripulire le strade”, e i poveri disgraziati che ne furono vittime dovettero subire violenze e soprusi, spesso costretti al lavoro forzato. Queste ingiustizie sono ancora oggi insabbiate dal governo.

Resta da parlare degli attori. E come non partire da Jung Kyung Ho, lo splendido, dolente protagonista Han Tae Joo? Attore maturo e completo, ha partecipato come interprete principale ad una nutrita serie di drama di successo, e in questo ha saputo coinvolgerci in una spirale infinita di spaesamento, paura, dolore, sfiducia, ma anche determinazione, speranza, perfino allegria. E molto, molto altro. Un’interpretazione non solo cerebrale e di cuore, ma anche molto fisica: non si contano gli scatti da centometrista con cui ha inseguito o è stato inseguito, e gli scontri che ha sostenuto.

Gli fa da spalla, nei panni del capitano Kang Dong Cheol, un ottimo Park Sung Woong, che ha saputo rendere con dovizia di particolari un personaggio che definire solo rude, grezzo e vanaglorioso sarebbe riduttivo. Come spesso accade, l’impressione iniziale negativa viene pian piano stemperata, se non addirittura rovesciata, nel corso dell’opera. E Park Sung Woong ce lo fa capire benissimo.

La protagonista femminile Go Ah Sung è Yoon Na Yeong, la poliziotta di cui si parlava prima. Un’ottima prova, che riesce a far trasparire l’anima d’acciaio che si nasconde sotto la pelle di un donnino spesso solo apparentemente remissivo ma, all’occorrenza, energico e deciso.

Non che gli attori di spalla, i protagonisti secondari, fino alle comparse, non abbiano lavorato bene: il livello di recitazione è generalmente altissimo, da parte dell’intero cast. Un vero piacere .

Questo drama è piaciuto a molti, ma ci sono, ovviamente, voci contrarie. Chi non lo apprezza particolarmente fa spesso riferimento al finale, e al messaggio controverso che, apparentemente, porta. Non dimentichiamo, in mezzo a tanti accadimenti e parole, il titolo dell’opera, e a cosa si ispira: Life on Mars? E allora, giova forse riportare una parte del testo dell’iconica canzone di David Bowie:

But her friend is nowhere to be seen Now she walks through her sunken dream
To the seat with the clearest view And she's hooked to the silver screen
But the film is a saddening bore For she's lived it ten times or more
She could spit in the eyes of fools As they ask her to focus on
Sailors fighting in the dance hall Oh man! Look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the lawman Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know He's in the best-selling show
Is there life on Mars?

Una comune ragazzina va al cinema per sfuggire alla deprimente vita quotidiana, ma si ritrova a guardare un film noioso, già visto e rivisto. Sullo schermo si affastellano scene senza senso, guarda, un avvocato sta menando il tizio sbagliato, chissà se sa di essere in un film… Cos’è finzione, cosa vita reale? C’è, nella finzione, un luogo più semplice e bello, dove essere felici? Ci sarà vita su Marte?

La conclusione dolceamara, ancora sulle note di Life on Mars? e, di conseguenza, l’intero significato di questa serie, sono parzialmente rimessi alla sensibilità dello spettatore. Durante tutto lo svolgimento, assistiamo ad una serie di circostanze e indizi che possono far propendere, a seconda dell’interpretazione che si vuol loro assegnare, per un modo o per l’altro in cui il protagonista approda alla sua situazione finale. Si tratta di un remake della serie TV britannica con lo stesso titolo del 2006 (che non ho visto), ma sarebbe forse un errore voler interpretare questa alla luce di quella. Per quanto alcune premesse e, sicuramente, gran parte dello svolgimento siano gli stessi, sicuramente i parallelismi non sono completi. E, a mio modesto parere, ogni spettacolo andrebbe interpretato e valutato per quello che è, non per quelli che l’hanno preceduto. Altrimenti, cadrebbe buona parte della motivazione a fare un remake.

A conclusione, si tratta di un’opera che spazia su diversi generi, dal crime alla fantascienza, con qualche sfumatura romantica che non disturba il fluire della storia. E’ una serie che, per quanto mi riguarda, non genera un minuto di noia e non lascia respiro, con poche illogicità, che possono comunque essere spiegate dalla peculiarità dell’ambientazione e che, anzi, potrebbero rappresentare indizi su cosa stia effettivamente accadendo. A giudizio dello spettatore.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
100 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 8, 2018
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 2
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
"The place where you are happy is your reality"

This is the first time I'm writing a review, I'm not good at wording my thoughts out but I wanted to give this a try because I just really want to praise this drama, if I could give it a 100/10 score I certainly would. It raises the bar too high for all k-dramas and TV shows in general for me. GO WATCH IT NOW! You surely won't regret it.

Plot: it's a remake of the U.K. TV show going by the same name, I haven't watched it myself so I had no prior idea of how the plot would go. I have to say it's outstanding. I personally love crime and suspense dramas so this was definitely my cup of tea and it exceeded my expectations by a lot. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of humour in the drama, despite the heavy cases they had to work on the writers managed to incorporate light-hearted moments and it made the experience even more amazing, nothing seemed out of place. I have noticed that in a lot of k-dramas the plot starts dragging out gradually and they tend to get a little boring in the middle especially but this one had impressive build-ups, there was not one dull moment and each episode keeps you on your toes. The surprises keep coming all the time and you can't seem to predict what will happen next. The cases were well-thought out and there weren't any plot holes. The ending was so emotional and a little open for interpretation, it was bittersweet, but I loved it for the way it was.

Cast/Characters: I was blown away by Jung Kyung Ho's acting, he gave life to his character and this impressive screenplay. The female lead I have to say is one of the most impressive and well-done female characters I've ever seen, this is female empowerment done right, she can kick ass, is not depicted stereotypically, is thoughtful, smart af and level-headed. The chemistry between the five main characters was out of this world, they gave off this warm feeling even if some of them didn't particularly start off on good terms, the fact that the friendship that flourished between them was gradual and not rushed off made it seem more believable. I really couldn't have picked better actors for this show.

OST: I loved the old songs they incorporated in the drama, it made me feel the 80s even more, the songs were chosen really well and put exactly where they're needed without them being too much in your face.

Cinematography: It was AMAZING, it's obvious that a lot of effort and probably budget went into the shooting of the drama and it's well worth it, the scenes and perspectives were really well thought out. This is the kind of cinematography a drama with such good plot and cast deserves.

Overall: it's a masterpiece, 100/10, it was a whole journey I'm glad I took and I can even watch it again which means a lot because I usually don't re-watch things I've already seen. If you wonder what to watch next give this drama a chance.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
36 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 8, 2018
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
This is a stunning, well balanced drama that stands alone despite being a remake. A thoughtfully crafted blend of drama, comedy, and subtle sci fi, I was hooked on Life on Mars from the very beginning, and it didn't let me down.


I love that the story gives you bits and pieces of the puzzle as it goes along, but keeps you guessing in a way that's fun rather than frustrating. The puzzle itself is such an interesting concept, managing to incorporate sci fi elements without getting too gimmicky.

But the very best thing about Life On Mars is the changing relationships between the characters. It's so enjoyable to watch Han Tae Joo unraveling the trauma and isolation of his past, and learning how to connect with these people from whom he's supposed to be literally worlds apart. And the characters themselves are so infused with heart and humor, the perfect antithesis to the coldly rational mindset that he started with. It's so easy to fall in love with this little found family.


Jung Kyung Ho is amazing. He has been amazing, and he will continue to be amazing, and I don't think I could possibly love him more. I saw someone mention in another review that Life On Mars gave him the opportunity to showcase the more subtle sides of his acting skills, and I couldn't agree more. Han Tae Joo's quiet desperation is so palpable and relatable, despite the muted nature of the character. And rooting for him to finally come out of that shell is so fulfilling!

The dynamic between Han Tae Joo and Kang Dong Cheol is definitely a highlight of the show. Park Sung Woong is such a strong actor, and seems just so genuinely FUN. He is able to traverse between the character's comic antics and the more serious moments with such effortlessness. The growing relationship between the two characters is so pure.

Special mention of course for Go Ah Sung as Yoon Na Yeong. I think I might have fallen in love with her a little bit. The character is so different from the roles she's played before, but this soft-spoken tether that anchors Han Tae Joo to his reality (and just kicks ass all around, honestly) is even alone worth the price of admission on this drama, if you ask me.


The score was appropriate and for the most part managed to support the story without drawing too much attention to itself. I loved the 80s songs that were sprinkled in, especially when the characters were rocking out or dancing along to them!


Thoughtfully done! I don't want to give anything away, but the cinematography clearly reflects what's happening in the story, sometimes in ways that are subtle. And I love that. (Watch for differences in the cinematography, and you can figure out what is signified in the plot.) It shows how much care has gone into even the smallest details that most viewers won't even consciously notice.


I typically don't rewatch dramas, but this could very likely be an exception. Now that I've seen the end, I want to go back and see which pieces of the puzzle I may have missed the first time around. Not to mention, I'm not quite ready to say goodbye to these characters...


Highly, highly recommend that anyone give this drama a shot. It's not a perfect fit in any single genre, so I would be cautious of letting any genre bias discourage you from watching this. This kind of thoughtful writing and creative storytelling feels so rare!

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
19 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 8, 2018
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 1
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
A masterpiece. I have so many things to say but at the same time I can't say anything. So many feels and tears, 'Life on Mars' is the best drama of 2018 and one of the best dramas ever.

I haven't watched the original version so I can't tell which one is better, but I still believe that the korean version is a must-watch.

The story was brilliant, it keeps you interested til the very end. It makes you curious about so many things - was it a dream? or was it real? Is it really a time-travel drama or it's just an illusion? It's hard to find an answer for this question and even in the final episode, you don't know what to believe. I had so many theories about the plot twists, but I still couldn't find the right answer.
The crime part of the show was somehow different from what I've usually seen in other kdramas. But different is a positive way. But where is this difference coming from? The unique characters is the right answer. Every character brings a different light of the show - Han Tae Joo with his serious, but still good personality, Kang Dong Cheol with his angry, but at the same time playful moods, Yoon Na Young with her calm and intelligent behavior, they were all really different and they also had a different way for catching criminals. But despite these differences between them, they were such a great team!

I don't have much to say about the cast. All the actors and actresses did a perfect job. Kudos to Jung Kyung Ho for his brilliant portaying of Han Tae Joo. I could feel what he feels when I just look at his face.

The music suited the atmosphere the show brings and the drama is definitely a rewatch material.

Overall, 'Life on Mars' is a crime drama with many hear-warming moments you can enjoy, so I definitely recommend it.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
24 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 28, 2018
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 6.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.0
I feel my review is going to be unpopular amid the drama's great popularity. Anyway, there we go!

If I had to describe this drama in a word, I would definitely choose overrated. Still, it’s a very good drama and one of the best of the year. My review will focus mainly on the negative aspects, since most reviews here only focus on the positive ones.


The beginning was very intense. Han Tae Joo is a detective who is investigating a serial murder case. While chasing the suspect, he gets shot in the head and hit by a car. He awakes in 1988, not knowing whether he is dead, in a comma or if he actually traveled back in time.

The story is great, its development not so much. First off, the writers suddenly cut a great, intense story that kept viewers at the edge of our seats in the middle of it and take us to a whole new —and less interesting— world. This comes as a shock, which was probably the desired effect, but in the wrong way. With every episode, the story gradually loses connection with what is happening in the present time to the point of it being virtually absent. There are no hints that shed light about what's actually happening to Tae Joo or where he actually is, except in very rare occasions. In my opinion, this was a huge mistake.

The main storyline (1988) is overall monotonous and feels like dragging on artificially in order to justify not to tell or develop a more interesting story, which would be what is actually happening to Tae Joo and what is the new reality he finds himself in. The main story should have been that, instead of a bunch of cases a police squad has to resolve in 1988. Basically, the writers had a jewel of a story that they sacrificed and substituted by a good but ordinary story.

Overall, I enjoyed the present time much more than 1988, while it should have been the other way round. Sometimes I even wished our protagonist never travelled back in time. Don't get me wrong, switching to 1988 was not the problem, losing connection with the present time and the overall development of the story were.

Regarding the ending, well, I am not going to sugarcoat: it was absolutely terrible. But the conclusions or moral message that the writers wanted us to draw were even worse. I am aware the ending was very popular, but I did not like it at all.

There is no romance even though there are some hints. If you are looking for romance, this drama is not for you.


The acting was great, specially that of the main lead. His character was well developed and you could really empathize with him. However, I wish he had had a bit of deep internal monologue, especially in such a situation. That would have been great.

The rest of the characters were really underdeveloped and mundane, even though their acting was usually very good. You didn't know anything about them, their lives or their feelings. They were funny in some way, though. But honestly, I am disappointed.


The OST was good. The music did its job, which is completing the scenes, but didn't stand out or make me feel anything.


Should you watch this drama? My answer is YES! It's a great drama to binge.

Would I watch it again? No. But I would definitely welcome a second season or a sequel.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
kaishally BTS army
9 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 15, 2018
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
firstly the acting skills of actors especially Han Tae-Joo (Jung Kyoung-Ho)and KangI dong choel i m watching k drmas for 8 years but his acting got me goosebumps .the way he potrayed to be anxietied and fully aware of being himself in coma and in unknown world ..debakkkk!!! he was too much in his character .
than cases taken in this are so brain mapping and connecting to each other.
Oh my lovely god! This is really one of the best mystery thriller drama the best of 2018! Not a single episode is boring .Damn I was biting my nails on each episode beocz it keeping me till on edge and on bumping !!thumping!!! what will happen next
i love the bromance and suporting characters also how they suport each other especially yoon na young as a woman in that 90s era showing her capabilities and mindblowing undrstanding of criminal pyschology and crime scenes through perception and profiling qualities.
this drama kept an essance of 90s and 2018s difference in working of police department and how much technology and science is needed to solve any further cold cases and also leadership.truthfullness,and commitment towards ur job , work and people.
signal is my no.1 ever crime,mystery,timetravel drama but this is getting on my top list forever .

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
5 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 1, 2022
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 4.0

Confusing in a good way, but too loud

This is one of those dramas where you just want to send 60% of the characters to anger management and find yourself astonished by the fact that all still have their jobs.

But if you look past the constant yelling, outbursts of rage and fighting you will find some pretty sweet volnarable and lovable human beings...

The story is interesting, confusing in a good way and keeps you (kept me) on your toes for the most part. The characters are complex and the line between dream/reality good/evil are very blurry which is something I personally really appreciate.

Officer Yoon, the one female officer is really cool she is smart, funny, bit too emotional and shows a very subtle way trying to make her mark without becoming macho herself... in a macho environment. We also get to see more or less subtle acts of sexism and harassment who cater to my personal prejedus of how it was to be a woman in the police force in the 80s. It also showed how little a man had to do to seem dreamy and make a girl feel respected (basic human curtesy). Subtle but very real portrayals of day to day seism in the work force. Her acting however seemed a bit off, but it could be her role too.

The friendships and bonds made here are definitely a good point, as well as the mystery but the best and most scary part is still the blurr... But a lot was ruined by the yelling and my constant wish to send them all (yes all) to therapy to work on handling their emotional issues.

Definitely a decent watch, just mind the yelling and emotional reactions.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
8 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 8, 2018
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
I haven't watched the BBC Original, but from what I've seen, it follows characters pretty spot on but the cases and what not are pretty specific to Korea (Memoirs of a Murderer), as well as the original showrunners having given the show a thumbs up early on, it seems to have pleased the creators so there's no need to worry about that!

Life on Mars is a cross between a serious crime show that OCN is known for, and a slapstick chummy cop show with a rambunctious captain calling the shots. It follows Han Taejoo, who ends up in the 80s outside of Seoul after a mishap in a present day 2018 case. The first few episodes are very heavily so Taejoo getting adjusted and lots of references to 2018, but as it continues on, it delves more into the story of why Taejoo came to the 80s and how it ties into his 2018 life. The plot was always interesting, and as it gets towards the middle the true nature of the story comes to the forefront and is super captivating.

As for the cast, they're all purely fantastic. Jung Kyungho does a great job as Taejoo, especially when he is caught in the rift of past and present (which isnt easy). For me, the real gem of Life on Mars is Kim Dongcheol, played by Park Sungwoong. Dongcheol is your typical rambunctious, self assured, brawn and all captain who rules his team with a brash and harsh mouth but would go to war for every single one of them. Park Sungwoong was absolutely hilarious in near every episode and made for a lot of comedic relief that didn't feel forced or cheesy. Go Ahsung also did a wonderful job as Yoon Nayoung, and I adore how her character was written in every aspect and how she is allowed to grow within the team. The character development is very noticeable and positive, and that's what I did love about the show.

The ending made it very open ended so I'm interested to see if OCN will follow through with a season 2 (i.e Voice), but regardless, you won't regret watching this. If you want a crime show but something still light hearted? This is the drama for you.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 27, 2018
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 3
Generale 8.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.5
I love Korean dramas and have seen the UK version, this review is based on my opinion after watching both versions.

Life on Mars is a really good drama but has a totally different storyline from the British one. The premise is the same but the main storyline is different. I enjoyed the Korean storyline even though I felt some episodes dragged on a bit but by the end of each episode the cliffhanger made you want to watch the next episode.
The characters in both versions are well developed and the main leads are amazing with great chemistry. The casting was spot on.

I preferred the British one but that's because I come from the UK and can form an attachment to the 70s nostalgia (I found it hard to connect with 80's Korea) Also I watched that first so I knew how the Korean version was going to end and some of the spoilers.

In the UK there was a sequel "Ashes to Ashes" it delves deeper into that world and answers some unanswered questions from Life on Mars. I wonder if they will make a Korean version. I hope so as the Korean writers will be able to do that justice and that would be amazing.

I would love to know what others who have watched both think.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Aboli Kulkarni
3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 19, 2019
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
I haven't watched the British original (of the same name) so I went in expecting nothing other than what I had read of the summary. Delighted to have found another masterpiece hidden here.
Cannot rave about it enough. Jung Kyung-Ho has once again proved his worth with this drama, this man has shown such versatility like no other. His chemistry with Park Sung-Woong and also Go Ah-Sung is so effortless. Oh, the bromance is so real and the romance between the characters stays grounded till the end, never going into a dramatic frenzy. The whole team has an amazing comfortable atmosphere. Though the ending might be confusing for some and can be interpreted in different ways, one is for sure that it was the perfect ending (though it may feel incomplete) suitable for the drama as a whole. The entertainment value only goes up when there are instances to comedic relief in the episodes.
Perfect for binge-watching because I prefer it that way.
Do do watch it for its brilliant spin on the original story as I have read that even the Producer of the British version has praised it.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 13, 2020
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0

probably a useless review

I'm not really good as writing reviews but i hope this can be of help to anyone.
I was finally able to find this drama and just finished watching it. This has to be one of THE Best k-drama shows so far. It has an amazing story with great character development, unlike some other dramas, the characters actually felt like they could be real people which i think really adds to the watchability of the series. I really enjoyed the whole 80s vibe as it felt really refreshing compared to dramas based in the 2000s and the romance was just the right amount so that it didn't take over the story. Although some may say the ending is lacking or not that good i think the exact opposite as the ending fits really well with the drama because it doesn't need to be explained in detail or that would (in my opinion) ruin the whole point of ending the series in that way. The whole time travel thing my not be everyones cup of tea but i'd definitely suggest giving it a go you never know you may end up enjoying it.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Shadman Mursalin
2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 1, 2021
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.5

A drama with an unique story

So the drama was pretty good. It had a good & unique story. But after first few episodes the drama goes into being typical crime solving mystery drama's. You will understand what I am saying after watching it for yourself. Though this is not a bad thing. Many people do like this kind of drama's. But it kind of feels lengthy in the middle part of this drama. But not so boring that you will drop it. Actually if you get into this drama you can't possibly drop it before watching the end of it.
All the main cast's did a great job. But few side characters were a bit off with acting in my opinion.
Now something about the ending (Spoiler free)
I think about 50% people who watched this drama were satisfied with the ending. And the other 50% people weren't satisfied like me. I mean the ending didn't make any sense to me. It was good but also bad.
This drama is definitely worth watching. I watched 4 episodes per day. It took me 4 days to finish this. If I wanted I could have finished it sooner. If you are into mystery, crime, thriller this kinds of drama then you won't regret watching it.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Life on Mars (2018) poster



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