It is kind of like an unexpected rom com. I am stressing the unexpected here because I really liked how the story developed into both of them realising what they feel for each other.
I always like to watch the original version first, hence gave this 2003 version a try.
There are a lot of funny and cute moments in this drama. The ending might surprise you, make you feel happy, uninterested or plain I did not expect this (In a good or bad way) depending on your expectation.
I liked the ending because I was hoping for the worst scenario and had literally postponed the ending for more than 30 days. But when I finally watched it, I loved it!
Not too many episodes, 10 episodes are just perfect or else you might feel this being a bit draggy.
I have not watched the 2017 version, and whatever I saw in this 2003 version, I liked it. If you are going to watch it after watching the 2017 version, guess your experience will be different.
Overall it is a good drama and should be on your watch list if you are into noona love kind of stuff.
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